Transplant Rejection Flashcards


explain organ rejection


Yes, your statement is correct. Organ rejection is a complex immune response in which the recipient’s immune system recognizes the transplanted organ as foreign and mounts an attack against it. This process can lead to damage and dysfunction of the transplanted organ, potentially causing serious complications or even death if not addressed promptly.

There are two main types of organ rejection:

Hyperacute Rejection: This is a rapid and severe form of rejection that occurs almost immediately after transplantation. It is typically caused by pre-existing antibodies in the recipient’s blood that react against the donor organ. Hyperacute rejection is rare due to careful pre-transplant screening to match donors and recipients.

Acute Rejection: This is a more common form of rejection that can occur days to months after transplantation. It involves the recipient’s immune system recognizing the transplanted organ as foreign and initiating an immune response. Acute rejection is usually treatable with immunosuppressive medications.

To prevent rejection, transplant recipients are often prescribed immunosuppressive drugs that suppress the immune system’s activity. These medications help to reduce the risk of rejection by dampening the immune response, but they also increase the susceptibility to infections. Monitoring for signs of rejection and adjusting immunosuppressive therapy accordingly are crucial aspects of post-transplant care.

The goal of transplantation is to find a balance between preventing rejection and minimizing the side effects of immunosuppression, as too much immunosuppression can lead to infections and other complications. Regular follow-up and communication between the transplant recipient and healthcare team are essential for long-term success after transplantation.

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explain the 4 types of graft


Your explanation is generally correct, but there’s a small clarification needed regarding isografts. Let me provide a more accurate description:

Autografts (Autologous Grafts): In this type of graft, the donor and recipient are the same individual. Examples include skin grafts, bone grafts, and grafts involving tissues or organs taken from one part of the body and transplanted to another in the same person.

Isografts (Syngeneic Grafts): Isografts involve transplantation between genetically identical individuals, usually individuals who are identical twins. Since they have the same genetic makeup, there is minimal risk of rejection, and isografts are considered the most compatible type of graft.

Allografts (Homografts): Allografts involve transplantation between individuals who are not genetically identical but belong to the same species. This is the most common type of graft and includes organ transplants between non-identical twins, siblings, or unrelated individuals of the same species. Kidney, heart, lung, and liver transplants are examples of allografts.

Xenografts (Heterografts): Xenografts involve transplantation between different species. An example is the use of pig heart valves in humans. Xenografts often face significant immunological challenges due to differences between species, leading to a higher risk of rejection.

So, to summarize:

Autografts: Same person (autologous).
Isografts: Same genotype, often identical twins (syngeneic).
Allografts: Different genotypes but same species (homologous).
Xenografts: Different species (heterologous).

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explain the key aspects of the immune response and organ transplantation


Your statements accurately highlight key aspects of the immune response and organ transplantation:

Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Matching: The importance of matching major histocompatibility complex antigens (HLA antigens) between the donor and recipient cannot be overstated. MHC molecules play a crucial role in the immune system’s ability to distinguish between self and non-self. The greater the mismatch between donor and recipient MHC antigens, the higher the risk of rejection.

Rejection Reaction: The strength and speed of the rejection reaction are indeed influenced by the degree of mismatch in MHC antigens. A close match between donor and recipient MHC antigens minimizes the risk of rejection, while a significant mismatch can trigger a more robust immune response against the transplanted organ.

Corneal Transplants: Corneal transplants are less prone to rejection compared to other types of organ transplants. One reason for this is the avascular nature of the cornea, meaning it lacks blood vessels. Since the blood supply is a route for immune cells to reach the transplanted organ, the absence of blood vessels in the cornea reduces the risk of a strong immune response and rejection.

Identical Twin Transplants: Transplants between identical twins (isografts or syngeneic grafts) are almost never rejected because identical twins share the same genetic makeup, including MHC antigens. As a result, the immune system of one twin recognizes the transplanted organ as “self,” minimizing the risk of rejection.

Understanding these principles is crucial in the field of transplantation to optimize donor-recipient matching, reduce the risk of rejection, and improve the overall success of organ transplants.

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explain hyperacute rejection in organ transplantation


Your description is accurate, and you’ve provided a detailed explanation of hyperacute rejection in organ transplantation. Here’s a summary and some additional context:

Timing: Hyperacute rejection is an immediate and severe form of rejection that occurs within minutes to hours after transplantation.

Mechanism: This type of rejection is mediated by preformed antibodies in the recipient’s bloodstream, leading to a type II hypersensitivity reaction. These antibodies recognize and attack the transplanted tissue, triggering the complement system.

Outcome: The complement system activation results in a strong inflammatory response. Antibodies bind to endothelial cells of blood vessels in the graft, inducing platelet aggregation. This process leads to the formation of thrombi, causing widespread blocking (occlusion) of the grafted vessels.

Consequences: The occlusion of blood vessels causes ischemic necrosis of the transplanted tissue. This rapid and extensive damage makes recovery nearly impossible, and if not addressed promptly, it can lead to the failure of the transplanted organ.

Trigger: Hyperacute rejection often occurs when there is a major mismatch in blood type between the donor and recipient. Using the wrong blood type can lead to the activation of preformed antibodies against the foreign blood type antigens.

Clinical Intervention: Because hyperacute rejection occurs so quickly, it often becomes evident while the patient is still in the operating theatre. In such cases, the transplanted tissue is usually removed immediately to prevent further damage and complications.

Efforts to prevent hyperacute rejection include careful blood typing and cross-matching between donors and recipients before transplantation. Additionally, advances in immunosuppressive therapies aim to reduce the risk of hyperacute rejection in cases where preformed antibodies are present.

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explain acute graft rejection


Your description of acute graft rejection is accurate and provides a comprehensive overview of the underlying mechanisms. Here’s a summary:

Timing: Acute graft rejection typically occurs within weeks to months after transplantation.

Mechanisms: Acute rejection involves both cellular and humoral immune responses. The patient’s CD4+ helper T-cells play a central role in recognizing the transplanted organ’s major histocompatibility complex (MHC) as foreign.

Cellular Response: CD4+ helper T-cells recruit CD8+ cytotoxic T-cells, which then directly attack and destroy the cells of the transplanted organ. This cellular immune response is a type IV hypersensitivity reaction.

Inflammatory Response: In addition to cellular mechanisms, there is inflammation and leukocyte infiltration of the blood vessels within the graft. This inflammatory response contributes to the rejection process.

Humoral Response: CD4+ cells also stimulate B cells to produce antibodies. These antibodies can bind to the transplanted organ, leading to a humoral immune response. This aspect of the rejection involves a type II hypersensitivity reaction.

Common Type: Acute rejection is the most common type of rejection observed in organ transplantation.

Management of acute graft rejection involves immunosuppressive therapies, including medications that suppress T-cell activation and function, such as calcineurin inhibitors, corticosteroids, and antiproliferative agents. The goal is to dampen the immune response sufficiently to prevent rejection while minimizing the risk of infections and other complications associated with immunosuppression.

Regular monitoring of transplant recipients is crucial to detect signs of rejection early, allowing for prompt intervention and adjustments to the immunosuppressive regimen.

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explain chronic graft rejection


Your description of chronic graft rejection is accurate and provides a good overview of the underlying mechanisms. Here’s a summary:

Timing: Chronic graft rejection develops gradually over an extended period, typically spanning months to years (3 to 30 months).

Mechanisms: Chronic rejection involves a combination of type IV and type II hypersensitivity reactions.

Role of Antigen-Presenting Cells (APCs): Unlike acute rejection, chronic rejection involves the activation of antigen-presenting cells (APCs). These cells recognize antigens, including MHCs, on the graft cells. The APCs then present these antigens to CD4+ helper T-cells.

Immune Response Activation: CD4+ helper T-cells, once activated by APCs, stimulate both CD8+ cytotoxic T-cells and B cells. This activation leads to a gradual immune response against the foreign cells of the transplanted organ.

Destructive Immune Response: The immune response, involving both cellular and humoral components, causes progressive damage to the transplanted organ over time.

Clinical Manifestations: Patients experiencing chronic graft rejection typically show progressive deterioration in organ function. For example, in the case of kidney transplantation, rising levels of serum creatinine and urea may indicate declining kidney function.

Managing chronic rejection poses significant challenges, as it is often less responsive to immunosuppressive therapies than acute rejection. The ongoing damage to the graft may eventually lead to organ failure. Therefore, careful monitoring of transplant recipients for signs of chronic rejection is essential, and adjustments to the immunosuppressive regimen may be made to slow the progression of rejection. Additionally, efforts to better understand and prevent chronic rejection are ongoing in the field of organ transplantation research.

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explain graft-versus-host disease (GVHD)


The scenario you are describing aligns with a condition known as graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Here’s a breakdown of the key points you’ve mentioned:

Timing: GVHD can occur at various times after transplantation, and it is often associated with transplants rich in lymphocytes, such as bone marrow or stem cell transplants.

Type IV Hypersensitivity Reaction: GVHD is primarily a type IV hypersensitivity reaction, involving a cell-mediated immune response.

Donor T-Cell Proliferation: In GVHD, T-cells from the transplanted graft (typically bone marrow or stem cells) proliferate and recognize the recipient’s tissues as foreign.

Attack on Recipient’s Tissues: The activated donor T-cells then attack the recipient’s tissues, causing damage to various organs. This phenomenon is especially problematic when the recipient is immunocompromised, as is often the case after bone marrow or stem cell transplantation.

Commonly Seen in Lymphocyte-Rich Transplants: GVHD is most commonly associated with transplants that are rich in lymphocytes, such as bone marrow or stem cell transplants, where a significant number of immune cells are transplanted along with the intended cells.

Clinical Manifestations: Patients experiencing GVHD may exhibit symptoms such as diarrhea, rash, and jaundice, reflecting the involvement of the gastrointestinal tract, skin, and liver, respectively.

Prevention: One preventive measure involves irradiation of blood products to eliminate lymphocytes before transplantation or transfusion. This helps reduce the likelihood of introducing potentially reactive donor T-cells into the recipient.

GVHD remains a significant challenge in the field of transplantation, and managing its occurrence involves strategies to modulate the immune response, including immunosuppressive medications. The severity of GVHD can vary, and in severe cases, it can lead to life-threatening complications. Ongoing research aims to improve our understanding of GVHD and develop more effective preventive and therapeutic approaches.

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explain tissue typing


Your description of tissue typing is accurate. Tissue typing, also known as histocompatibility testing, is a crucial procedure in organ and tissue transplantation. Here’s an expanded explanation:

Definition: Tissue typing is a process where the tissues of a prospective donor and recipient are tested for compatibility before transplantation.

Purpose: The goal of tissue typing is to identify how closely the tissues of the donor and recipient match, particularly in terms of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens. MHC antigens, also known as human leukocyte antigens (HLAs), play a crucial role in the immune system’s ability to distinguish between self and non-self.

Compatibility: A close match between donor and recipient tissues reduces the risk of rejection, as the recipient’s immune system is less likely to recognize the transplanted organ as foreign.

Rejection Risk: If non-compatible cells are introduced into the recipient’s body, the immune cells may perceive the donor’s tissue as foreign. This can trigger an immune response against the transplanted organ, leading to rejection.

Immune Response: The immune system’s recognition of foreign tissues is particularly associated with the presence of mismatched MHC antigens. The immune cells, including T lymphocytes, may mount an attack against the transplanted cells, leading to inflammation and rejection reactions.

Prevention: Tissue typing is essential for identifying suitable donors and ensuring that the donor-recipient match is as close as possible. The closer the match, the lower the risk of rejection. In cases where a perfect match is not possible, immunosuppressive medications are often used to mitigate the risk of rejection.

Tissue typing is a critical step in the pre-transplant evaluation process, and it helps to optimize the success of organ and tissue transplantation by minimizing the risk of rejection and improving long-term outcomes for transplant recipients.

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explain the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) system and its role in the immune response


Your description of the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) system and its role in the immune response is accurate. Let’s break down the key points:

HLA as a Gene Complex: The Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) is a gene complex located on the short arm of chromosome 6. It encodes proteins known as major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules.

MHC Proteins: MHC proteins are cell surface glycoproteins expressed in almost all nucleated cells in the body. There are two main classes of MHC molecules: MHC class I and MHC class II.

MHC Class I: Expressed on the surface of nearly all nucleated cells. They present peptides derived from intracellular pathogens (e.g., viruses) to cytotoxic T cells (CD8+ T cells).

MHC Class II: Mainly expressed on the surface of antigen-presenting cells (APCs), including macrophages, B cells, and dendritic cells. They present peptides derived from extracellular pathogens to helper T cells (CD4+ T cells).

Function of MHC Molecules: The primary function of MHC molecules is to bind peptide fragments derived from pathogens, such as viruses or bacteria, and present them on the cell surface for recognition by T cells.

T-Cell Recognition: T cells have receptors on their surfaces that can recognize specific antigen fragments presented by MHC molecules. This interaction is often likened to a key fitting into a lock. If a T cell has a matching receptor for the antigen-MHC complex, it can bind to the complex.

Activation of T Cells: When a T cell binds to an antigen-MHC complex for which it has a specific receptor, it becomes activated. This activation triggers a series of events that lead to the T cell’s differentiation into effector cells, such as cytotoxic T cells (CD8+ T cells) or helper T cells (CD4+ T cells). These effector cells then carry out immune responses to eliminate the pathogen.

The HLA system is crucial for immune recognition and response, and its diversity among individuals contributes to the body’s ability to recognize and respond to a wide range of pathogens. The matching of HLA between donor and recipient is a critical consideration in organ and tissue transplantation to minimize the risk of rejection.

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explain the key characteristics of the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) complexes


Your summary is accurate, and it succinctly captures key characteristics of the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) complexes:

Two Classes of MHC:

Class I MHC: Presents antigens to CD8+ T cells. These antigens are typically derived from intracellular pathogens, such as viruses. Class I MHC molecules are expressed on the surface of almost all nucleated cells.

Class II MHC: Presents antigens to CD4+ T cells. These antigens are often derived from extracellular pathogens. Class II MHC molecules are primarily expressed on the surface of antigen-presenting cells (APCs) such as macrophages, B cells, and dendritic cells.

HLA Complex Characteristics:

Polygenic: The HLA complex is composed of many genes, each encoding different MHC molecules. For example, there are multiple HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-C genes in the Class I region, and multiple HLA-DR, HLA-DP, and HLA-DQ genes in the Class II region.

Polymorphic: The HLA genes are highly polymorphic, meaning that there are multiple variations (alleles) for each gene. This diversity contributes to the wide range of antigenic peptides that can be presented by MHC molecules, allowing for a broad immune response to various pathogens.

Pleiotropic: The HLA molecules have many functions. Their primary role is presenting antigens to T cells, but they are also involved in other immune processes, including interactions with natural killer (NK) cells and modulation of immune responses.

Understanding the polygenic, polymorphic, and pleiotropic nature of the HLA system is crucial in the context of immune recognition, transplant compatibility, and overall immune function. The diversity within the HLA system allows the immune system to recognize a vast array of pathogens, but it also presents challenges in organ transplantation due to the need for compatibility between donor and recipient HLA molecules.

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explain the characteristics of dendritic cells


The cell type you are describing sounds like dendritic cells, which play a crucial role as antigen-presenting cells (APCs) in the immune system. Here’s how the characteristics you mentioned align with dendritic cells:

Link Between Innate and Adaptive Immunity:

Dendritic cells are considered a major link between innate and adaptive immunity. They bridge these two arms of the immune system by recognizing pathogens through pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) in the innate immune system and presenting antigens to T cells in the adaptive immune system.
Endocytic Receptors:

Dendritic cells have a variety of endocytic receptors, allowing them to efficiently capture and process antigens for presentation to T cells. This ability is crucial for their role as potent antigen-presenting cells.
Antigen Presentation and Co-Stimulatory Molecules:

Dendritic cells are excellent at antigen presentation. They not only present antigens to T cells but also provide co-stimulatory signals necessary for the activation of T cells. This dual function is essential for initiating effective immune responses.
Migration to T-Cell Areas:

One of the unique features of dendritic cells is their ability to migrate to secondary lymphoid organs, such as lymph nodes, where they can encounter and activate T cells. This migration is crucial for presenting antigens to T cells in the appropriate microenvironments.
B Cells:

As mentioned, B cells, which are also APCs, do not have the same migratory ability as dendritic cells. While B cells can present antigens to T cells, dendritic cells are particularly effective in transporting antigens to T-cell areas within lymphoid organs.
In summary, dendritic cells are pivotal in initiating adaptive immune responses by capturing, processing, and presenting antigens to T cells. Their unique ability to migrate to T-cell areas makes them central players in the coordination of immune responses.

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