
This class was created by Brainscape user Kate Humphrey. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Stage clips
10  cards
Cell membrane
9  cards
Other info
How would you calculate the actua...,
What do you use to stain plant cells,
How would you calculate the image...
12  cards
How to make an onion epidermis
Step 1,
Step 2,
Step 3
7  cards
What is a catalyst,
What is an enzyme,
What is degradation reaction
26  cards
Biotechnology 2
What temperature do human enzymes...,
What happens if it is hotter than...,
What happens if it is hotter than...
4  cards
19  cards
Cell biology
What does turgid mean,
What does plasmolysed mean,
What organelles are present in a ...
19  cards
What organelle s are is present i...,
What organelle s are is present i...,
What organelle s are is present i...
7  cards
Transport Across Cell Membranes
What is a cell membrane made up of,
What allows only small soluble mo...
2  cards
Algal Bloom
How does an algal bloom start,
What is the effect of fertilisers...,
What is the first effect of an al...
7  cards
Control and communication
Central nervous system,
Nervous system,
21  cards
What is the definition of respira...,
What is the energy released durin...,
What is glucose always converted ...
10  cards
Heart, Blood, and Small Intesine
Where does blood from the body en...,
Where does oxygenated blood from ...,
Where does de oxygenated blood tr...
9  cards
Leaf Structure
What is the order from top to bot...,
Features of xylem,
Why are xylems lignified
16  cards
Variation And Inheritance
16  cards
18  cards
Producing New Cells
What is the purpose of cell division,
Stem cells are said to be,
How are more stem cells made
7  cards
How are proteins made,
Genetic engineering process
2  cards

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