sacramental living

This class was created by Brainscape user Robert Campbell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Unit 1
Complete the quote god made me to,
Define sacramental principle,
Define a synonym for sacred
23  cards
Unit 2: Types of Baptisim
What is considered baptism of desire,
What is considered baptism of blood,
Who is infant baptism for
13  cards
Unit 2: Components of Baptism
What are the 2 key components we ...,
What is the remote matter of baptism,
What is the proximate matter of b...
35  cards
Unit 2: The Church and Theologians
What church is referred to as the...,
What does church militant describe,
What does church suffering describe
10  cards
Unit 2: Bible Baptism
What was the missionary command o...,
Two events that forshadow baptism,
What does extra ecclesiam nulla s...
4  cards
Unit 3: Aspects of CST
What is one reason to study cst,
What is the second reason to stud...,
What is the third reason to study...
12  cards
Unit 3: Rerum Novarum
Who is considered the father of cst,
Who made rerum novarum,
Which document considered the fou...
26  cards
Unit 3: Communism/Marxism
Does the church reject communism ...,
Who is marxism named after,
What is marx s theory on historic...
18  cards
Unit 3: CST Documents
What does pope pius xi in quadrag...,
Who wrote quadragesimo anno,
True or false
14  cards
What is the first principle of cst,
What belief is the foundation of ...
7  cards
Unit 4: Letters and Books
What is familiaris consortio an e...,
What is familiaris consortio cons...,
What was one thing addressed in t...
13  cards
Unit 4: Rights of Family
What was one right of the family 1,
What was one right of the family 1,
What was one right of the family 1
6  cards
Unit 4: Terms and WOrds
Boethius gave a classical definit...,
What is a better metaphysical def...
2  cards
Unit 5: Holy Spirit
What is the proper name of the tr...,
True or false the holy spirit is ...,
What is the joint mission of the ...
9  cards
Who gives confirmation usally,
Who can sometimes give confirmation,
Who consecrates the chrism
4  cards
Elements of confirmation
Where must confirmation be taken ...,
Which sacrament has been through ...,
What is the form of confirmation
15  cards
Unit 6
Who is the divine victim,
What is divined as the body of ch...,
What are the exact words of conse...
36  cards
unit 6 list
What is the penalty for someone w...,
Give a reason a lay person can ac...,
Give a reason a lay person can ac...
13  cards
midterm review questions
Who is permitted to gain eucharis...,
Which sacraments imprint a specia...,
Who is the ordinary minister of t...
15  cards
Introductory rites
List the elements of the introduc...,
What opens up the celebration
18  cards
Liturgy of the WOrd
List the elements of the litugry ...,
How many readings are said during...,
19  cards
liturgy of the eucharist
What are the elements of the litu...,
What is brought over in the prepe...,
What occomponies the preperation ...
16  cards
the mesueway of the mesue hey follow the mesueway for a good grade
unit 15
16  cards

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sacramental living

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