a level biology core practicals

This class was created by Brainscape user Jonny Billinton. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

1: Enzyme concentration affecting the initial rate of reaction
Independent variable,
Dependent variable,
What are the factors that affect ...
14  cards
2: Using light microscope to measure mitotic index using plant cells
How do you calibrate the eye piec...,
What stain is added to the transv...,
How do you explain low powered dr...
9  cards
2: More on mitotic index
The actively dividing cells in th...,
In order to see chromosomes in ce...,
You can separate cells by breakin...
14  cards
3. Production of a dilution series of a solute to produce a calibration curve with which to identify the water potential of plant tissue
What is the purpose of calibratio...,
How is a calibration curve used t...,
What occurs when plant tissue is ...
12  cards
4: Effect of temperature on membrane permeability (beetroot)
Independent variable,
Dependent variable,
Variables to control
17  cards
5. Dissection of animal or plant gas exchange or mass transport system or of organ within such a system
How should label lines in a diagr...,
How should a diagram be drawn
2  cards
6. Aseptic Techniques
State 6 aseptic techniques,
Why is bacteria incubated at 25 c,
How can you compare the effective...
7  cards
7. Chromatography of Photosynthetic Pigments
Use of chromatography to investigate the pigments isolated from leaves of different plants, eg leaves from shade-tolerant and shade-intolerant plants or leaves of different colours
8  cards
8. Dehydrogenase Activity in Chloroplasts (rate of photosynthesis)
Investigation into the effect of a named factor on the rate of dehydrogenase activity in extracts of chloroplasts
12  cards
Effect of sucrose concentration on pollen tube growth
Independent variable,
Dependent variable,
Variables to control
7  cards
9. Effect of a named variable on the rate of respiration of cultures of single-celled organisms
What is the function of methylene...,
Outline the procedure to investig...,
How are the results used to calcu...
5  cards
10. Investigating Simple Animal Responses
How can a choice chamber be used ...,
What factors must be controlled w...,
Which statistical test is used to...
6  cards
11. Measuring Concentration of Glucose using a Calibration Curve
How can benedict s solution be us...,
What is a serial dilution,
Outline the procedure of this pra...
7  cards
12. Effect of different environmental variables (factors) on the distribution of a given species.
List 3 abiotic factors,
List 3 biotic factors,
How is percentage cover calculated
8  cards

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a level biology core practicals

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