a level geography coastal landscapes

This class was created by Brainscape user Mia Discenza. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

1 - operation of coast as a system
What is needed in a system,
What kind of a system is the coast,
What is the sediment budget
20  cards
2 - temporal variations and impacts
What is a tide,
How is a tide controlled and created,
Explain diurnal and semi diurnal ...
17  cards
3 - landforms and landscapes
Describe the difference between r...,
The differences between high and ...,
What are main processes involved ...
7  cards
4 - factors affecting coastal processes/landforms
What is fetch,
How does wave type impact formati...,
How does wave orientation influen...
16  cards
5 - processes of coastal mass movement, weathering, erosion
What is salt water crystal growth...,
What is freeze thaw as a form of ...
23  cards
6 - coastal processes and deposition with associated landforms
What are the processes of transpo...,
What is longshore drift,
How does the coast influence lsd
27  cards
7 - aeolian, fluvial, biotic processes and landforms
What is plant succession,
What is the order of dune succession,
How are sand dunes formed
20  cards
8 - variations of coastal processes over timescales
What is a storm surge,
What is the most recent disastrou...,
What strong relationship can be s...
25  cards
9 - impacts of coastal processes on humans
What are some negative impacts of...,
How are coastal defences allocated,
How does coastal erosion influenc...
26  cards
10 - impacts of humans on coastal processes
What is integrated shoreline mana...,
How do conservation schemes protect,
Factors affecting success of mana...
22  cards

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a level geography coastal landscapes

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