aqa core biology

This class was created by Brainscape user Georgia Dobson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Diet, Exercise and Health
Scientists estimate that about on...,
Exercise helps a person to lose w...,
Other than increasing fitness giv...
23  cards
What do we need to control in our...,
What is homeostasis,
Why do we keep our body temperatu...
5  cards
Infectious diseases, Immunity, Antibiotics and Painkillers
Why do pathogens make us feel ill,
Where do viruses reproduce,
What is the name of the marker wh...
30  cards
Nervous system
What detects a stimulus,
What is the name of the neurons w...,
Explain the pathway of a reflex a...
29  cards
Hormones and IVF
Hormones can also be used as fert...,
In vitro fertilisation ivf is use...,
Describe the process of ivf 4 marks
30  cards
What is a drug,
What was thalidomide given to pat...,
Why was thalidomide given to preg...
26  cards
Adaptations and Competition
Describe in detail features and a...,
The leaves of creosote bushes are...,
Suggest two ways in which the arc...
14  cards
Energy Flow and Environmental change
How is energy lost in a food chai...,
Describe an experiment you could ...,
Rat tailed maggots are poor compe...
17  cards
Reproduction and Cloning
Why is adult cell cloning dolly t...,
What is adult cell cloning dolly ...,
Why are the calves produced by em...
19  cards
Genetic Engineering and GM
How can scientists cut out genes ...,
Why may gm corn that contains fis...,
Why do humans need to increase th...
8  cards
What was lamarck s idea on evolut...,
Explain how evolution occurs thro...,
Explain why darwin s theory of ev...
9  cards

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aqa core biology

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Georgia Dobson's AQA Core Biology flashcards for their Hinchley Wood School class now!

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