basic pathology science exam

This class was created by Brainscape user Jarrod Hulme-Jones. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Genome And The Cell
Which is the short arm and which ...,
What are the 5 non coding dna groups,
What is euchromatin
164  cards
Which innate cells are cytotoxic,
Which innate cells are,
What is the structure of an antibody
162  cards
Random MCQs - high yield
Vasodilation mediators,
Vascular permeability mediators,
Pain mediators
19  cards
Cellular growth and differentiation
Does cell injury lead to necrosis...,
What is the first stage in cell i...,
Accumulation of what ion most com...
17  cards
Blood vessels
Monkeberg medial sclerosis is what,
Fibromuscular intimal hyperplasia...,
How is low blood pressure sensed ...
13  cards
Statistics and errors
What is the definition of an expe...,
What is difficult to determine fr...,
What is per protocol design
10  cards
Genetic diseases
What does low penetrance of a gen...,
How large in base pairs does an i...,
What is a nonsense variant
165  cards
What is hyperaemia,
What is the lifespan of a platelet,
What does endothelium produce to ...
104  cards
Infectious diseases
What infections are patients with...,
What are the most important encap...,
Gram positive bacteria are what c...
19  cards
In tubulovillous adneoma what is ...,
What does carcinoma refer to,
What does sarcoma refer to
142  cards
Foetal malformations
What are the most common forms of...,
What is an example of disruption,
What is the potter sequence
18  cards
Cell injury, death and adaptations
What is pyknosis,
What tissue cellular changes are ...,
What is karyorrhexis
148  cards
Inflammation and repair
Should neutrophils be sitting in ...,
What is the prodominant cell type...,
What are the cell types that are ...
153  cards
Nutritional and environmental diseases
What are the heavy metals normall...,
What is the main source of lead c...,
What does lead cause in children
13  cards

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basic pathology science exam

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