This class was created by Brainscape user Sydney Bray. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Exam 1: Special senses
What are the different types of s...,
What are the different parts of t...,
Describe the fibrous layer
39  cards
Exam 1: endocrine
Difference between endocrine and ...,
Difference between hormones autoc...,
How can hormones stimulate responses
19  cards
Exam 2: Blood Vessels
What are the different types of b...,
Describe the oxygen of arteries a...,
What are the different layers of ...
32  cards
Exam 2: Heart
Describe cardiovascular circulation,
What are the basic layers of the ...,
What is the purpose of having a f...
20  cards
Exam 3: lymphatic system
What are the main functions of th...,
Where are lymphatic capillaries f...,
Describe the function of lymphati...
19  cards
Exam 3: Innate And Adaptive Immune Response
What are the external defenses of...,
What do macrophages and neutrophi...,
What are the stages of phagocytosis
11  cards
Exam 4: Urine Formation
Three steps to your information a...,
Describe filtration membrane,
What is gomer ruler filtration ra...
11  cards
Exam 4: Fluid Ph Electrolyte Balance
What are the different compartmen...,
What are the differences in ionic...,
How much water is taken from beve...
14  cards
Exam 4: General Reproductive
What are primary sex organs,
What are accessory sex forms,
What do gnrh fsh and lh mean
5  cards
Exam 4: Male
Why does the scrotum hold the tes...,
What is the purpose of seminifero...,
Where is sperm stored in for how ...
13  cards
Exam 4: Female
How are ovaries anchored,
What are follicles,
What is the corpus luteum
21  cards
Exam 4: Pregnancy And Human Developemnt
Describe the stages of fertilization,
What happens as the newly fertili...,
How does the blastocyst implant i...
10  cards

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bi 206 :)

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