This class was created by Brainscape user Sundre Nerbas. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (33)

Lab Terms
Axillary lateral bud
78  cards
lab 3 terms
Embryo axis,
Epicotyl plumule,
Foliage leaves
30  cards
lab 4 terms
Alternate phyllotaxy,
Alternate distichous phyllotaxy
43  cards
lab 5 terms
Fibrous root system,
Adventitious root
21  cards
lab 6 terms
Water potential,
Capillary forces,
21  cards
lab 7 terms
82  cards
lab 8 terms
49  cards
Lab 1
0  cards
Labs 2 & 3
What functions do stems provide f...,
What is the purpose of many stem ...,
What is a rhizome what are its fu...
48  cards
Lab 4
What is phyllotaxy what does it show,
What are the three types of phyll...,
What are the two types of alterna...
31  cards
Lab 5
What are the primary functions of...,
What does the root system of a pl...,
What is the tap root system
20  cards
Lab 6
What causes the main force which ...,
2  cards
Lab 7
0  cards
Lab 8
0  cards
key terms
9  cards
lecture two
What distinguishes plant cells fr...,
What is the cytoplasm,
What is the cytosol
13  cards
lecture three
What does cell growth require,
How are cellulose microfibrils made,
Primary cell walls vs secondary c...
7  cards
lecture four
What is the shoot apical meristem,
What is the root apical meristem,
What is plant growth dependent on
11  cards
lecture 5
What are the three primary meristems,
What is the epidermis what are it...,
What is the epidermis usually cov...
13  cards
lecture 6
What tissue is the primary plant ...,
What does the ground tissue syste...,
Where is the ground tissue found ...
23  cards
lecture 7
What is a vascular bundle,
What are the functions of xylem,
What are the functions of phloem
14  cards
lecture 9
Primary tissue,
Secondary tissues,
What is cork
8  cards
lecture 10
What are vascular rays,
What is the function of vascular ...,
What are dilated rays
3  cards
lecture 11
Axial vs radial system,
What are the three planes for obs...,
What makes up the anatomy of a tr...
12  cards
lecture 12
What are the two major functions ...,
What are some other functions of ...,
Where are leaf primordia generated
16  cards
lecture 13
0  cards
lecture 14
0  cards
lecture 15
0  cards
lecture 16
0  cards
lecture 17
0  cards
lecture 18
0  cards
lecture 19
0  cards
lecture 20
0  cards

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bio 222

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