
This class was created by Brainscape user Luke Grant. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Biology November Mocks 2023
Why is a large percentage of ener...,
How does fungus feed on plants li...,
How does a snakes feeding method ...
101  cards
Harnessing Biology & Inheritance
What is eutrophication,
What are the roles of the mineral...,
Why would you use inorganic ferti...
12  cards
Structure and functions in living organisms
Covers these sub-topics: Level of organisation, Cell Structure, Biological molecules, Movement of substances into and out of cells, Nutrition, Respiration, Gas Exchange, Transport, Excretion and Co-ordination and response.
57  cards
Osmosis is the net movement of wa...,
What is active transport
2  cards
Food chains and webs
How come a secondary consumer doe...,
Food webs
2  cards
Variety of Living Organisms
Description of animal kingdom,
Describe characteristics of plant...,
Description of fungi kingdom
17  cards
What is dna,
What shape is dna,
What are the 4 types of nitrogeno...
29  cards
Functions in living organisms
Word equation for aerobic respira...,
What is respiration,
Word equation for anaerobic respi...
31  cards
Describe practical to investigate...,
Investigate food samples for the ...,
Food test for glucose
13  cards
The heart
What is the role of the right atrium,
What happens in the right ventrcle,
What happens in the left ventricle
14  cards
Use of biological resources
What are the features of an indus...,
What are the uses of industrial f...,
What is the role of the cooling j...
8  cards
Experiment to see how much energy...
1  cards
Characteristics of living organisms
What does mrs h gren stand for
1  cards
Entire biology course
What is the acronym that all livi...,
What does the m in mrs h gren sta...
500  cards
Leaf organisation
Layers of a lead,
Role of lower epidermis,
11  cards
Immune system
What are the 2 components to huma...,
What are the 2 types of white blo...,
What is the role of the immune sy...
20  cards
The Nitrogen Cycle
How much of the atmosphere is nit...,
What is nitrogen fixation,
What are nitrogen compounds used for
10  cards
Tropisms and Auxins
What are the 3 ways plants respon...,
Plants respond to their environme...,
What is the name of the hormone i...
13  cards
The Eye
Components of the eye,
Role of the iris,
What allows the cornea to refract...
7  cards

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