This class was created by Brainscape user Simran Sandhu. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

The heart (8)
What muscle is the heart made of,
What separates the right from the...,
What produces the pumping movemen...
55  cards
Transport of o2 and co2 in the blood (8)
Whata re haemoglobin and myoglobin,
What is haemoglobin and where is ...,
Fully saturated
46  cards
Blood pressure, blood, tissue fluid, and lymph (8)
What is the def of blood pressure,
What is chronically long term low...,
What is chronically high blood pr...
63  cards
transport in plants (9)
What are dicotyledonous plants,
What are the 3 reasons for a tran...,
What are cotyledons
69  cards
circulation + blood vessels (8)
What are the 3 factors that affec...,
Active animals require more,
Why do jellyfish not require tran...
16  cards
bio mols intro
What is a covalent bond,
What is an ionic bond,
What is a hydrogen bond
13  cards
water (biomols)
What does polar mean,
Why is water polar,
What does a polar nature mean for...
23  cards
carbohydrates (biomols)
What 3 elements are carbs made from,
What are carbs also known as,
What monomer units make up carbs
50  cards
lipids (biomols)
What state of matter is fat in at...,
What state of matter is oils in a...,
What elements are lipids made of
30  cards
proteins (biomols)
What elements make up proteins,
What monomers make up proteins,
Describe structure of an amino acid
42  cards
the tests (biomols)
Test for carbohydrates reducing s...,
What is the non reducing sugar test
2  cards
protein production + cytoskeleton (cell structure)
Where are proteins made,
What happens once the proteins ar...,
Describe making extracellular pro...
15  cards
eukaryotic cells (cell structure)
What is a eukaryotic cell whats c...,
What do rbcs phloem and xylem cel...,
Why do rbcs phloem xylem cells ha...
34  cards
microscopes (cell structure)
Total magnification calculation,
What are the 11 features of a lig...,
What are the steps of how to use ...
8  cards
prokaryotic cells (cell structure)
What cells are prokaryotic,
What 6 organelles are absent in p...,
Which is smaller eukaryotic cells...
17  cards
biological membranes, diffusion, active transport (plasma membranes)
How wide is the phospholipid bilayer,
How are substances able to pass d...,
What substances pass through the ...
88  cards
protein synthesis
0  cards
DNA replication
0  cards
nucleotides + nucleic acids
0  cards

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