bm213: introduction to pharmacology

This class was created by Brainscape user Ryan Murray. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Block A Lecture 1: Introduction to Pharmacology
What is pharmacology,
What is a drug,
What is physiology
46  cards
Block A Lecture 2: Where do Drugs Act?
What are the top 5 types of targe...,
What do agonists and antagonists ...,
How can new drugs often be made
37  cards
Block A Lecture 3: Where do Drugs Act? Part 2 - Electric Boogaloo
What is a transporter,
What does serotonin in the brain do,
What is serotonin
33  cards
Block B Lecture 1: Receptors and the ANS
What 2 systems make up the nervou...,
What 3 branches make up the perip...,
What are afferent neurons and wha...
49  cards
Block B Lecture 2: The Heart, Receptors and Drugs
What are the 5 main functions of ...,
How does the cardiovascular syste...,
How does the cardiovascular syste...
52  cards
Block B Lecture 3: Exercise - Physiology and Pharmacology
How do you calculate flow,
What is po2,
Where does gas exchange occur and...
85  cards
Block C Lecture 1: The Renal System
What are 3 functions that the kid...,
Roughly how many functional units...,
What are the 2 functional compone...
51  cards
Block C Lecture 2: The Hepatic System
What is the hepatic system also k...,
How many main lobes does the live...,
What divides the liver s 2 main l...
58  cards
Block C Lecture 3: The Hepatic System Part 2 - Electric Boogaloo
What percentage of cholesterol is...,
Where in the body is cholesterol ...,
Where in the cell does cholestero...
22  cards
Block D Lecture 1: CNS Functional Anatomy
What are the 4 main functions of ...,
What is the central nervous syste...,
What are the 3 cellular component...
59  cards
Block D Lecture 2: CNS Chemical Messengers
What are the 2 types of neurotran...,
What are the 3 first steps of a n...,
What are the last 3 steps of a ne...
35  cards
Block D Lecture 3: CNS Sensory Reception and Pain
What are the 6 sensory systems,
What 3 things does sensory recept...,
What are 3 types of sensory recep...
55  cards
Block E Lecture 1: Pharmacokinetics
What is pharmacokenetics,
What are the 4 steps of pharmacok...,
What is the absorption stage of p...
19  cards
Block E Lecture 2: Volume of Distribution
What is the permeability of a dru...,
What dictates blood flow,
What do mediated transporters at ...
74  cards
Block E Lecture 3: Drug Absorption and the Industrial Impact of Pharmacokenetics
What are 3 examples of routes of ...,
Is bioavailability the same for e...,
What is the barriers to absorptio...
15  cards

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bm213: introduction to pharmacology

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