britain essay plans- parliamentary reform

This class was created by Brainscape user Jamie Emerick. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

How much was the British political system changed by the 1832 reform act/ was fairer representation of the new industrial cities the main consequence of the great reform act 1832-52?
Factor 1 electorate size industri...,
Factor 1 limitations of increased...,
Factor 2 party politics
6  cards
To what extent does the emergence of an industrial middle class explain the increasing demand for reform in the years 1785- 1832
Factor 1 long term middle class e...,
Factor 2 short term parliaments u...,
Factor 3 short term economic prob...
5  cards
Was pressure from outside parliament the main reason for the reform of parliament in the years 1852-70??
External pressure 1 national refo...,
Legacy of the 1832 act,
Internal pressure the role of dis...
5  cards
How far do you agree that the 1867 reform act was more significant than the 1832 reform act?
How far do you agree that the 186...,
Factor 1 size of the electorate a...,
Party politics 1832 and 1867 argu...
5  cards
Why did chartism fail??
Use of petitions,
Use of violence,
Political organisations
5  cards
Was parliament’s unwillingness to modernise the electoral system the main reason for the growth in reform agitation before 1800?
Was parliament s unwillingness to...,
Parliament s unwillingness to mod...,
Radical societies
5  cards
To what extent does the strength of government resolve explain the decline in demand for reform in the years 1785-1830??
To what extent does the strength ...,
Strength of government resolve,
French revolution and war with fr...
5  cards
What was the most significant cause of the 1832 reform act??
Factor 1 unreformed political system,
Factor 2 growth and demand of mid...,
Factor 3 riots economic stress
4  cards
How much did gb national debt ris...,
When were the spa field riots who...,
When were the days of may and wha...
61  cards
Extra knowledge/ events
Examples of intimidation by the g...,
Examples of government propaganda...,
What was loyalism what examples w...
18  cards
How significant was party rivalry in keeping reform alive after 1832??
Party rivalry,
National reform league and unions,
Legacy of the 1832 act
4  cards
How accurate is it to say that the continued lack of parliamentary reform in the years 1785-1820 is best explained by government fear of revolution??
Fear of revolution,
Benefits of the pre reform system,
Failed violent challenges to powe...
4  cards

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britain essay plans- parliamentary reform

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