british empire section 1 1857- 90

This class was created by Brainscape user matty horne. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

The expansion of the British Empire in Africa ?
How did competition lead to briti...,
Why were the british able to expa...,
How did trade lead to british exp...
8  cards
Scramble for Africa
What was the desire like for an e...,
What areas in africa did britain ...,
What did gladstone order in 1882
14  cards
'Scramble for Africa ' - Conferences
Who hosted the brussels conferenc...,
What was the brussels conference ...,
What did the brussels conference ...
11  cards
British in India
How did the chance to rise to dom...,
Why were the british able to expa...,
Who were the mughal emperors
12  cards
Causes of Indian mutiny
What was the short term cause of ...,
Long term causes of the mutiny ec...,
Why were landowners and peasants ...
8  cards
Events of the Indian mutiny / rebellion ?
Where did the indian mutiny rebel...,
Where did the sepoys progress,
Who thus joined the sepoys
11  cards
Results of the mutiny / rebellion
How was the mutiny a fundamental ...,
What happened to the east india c...,
How did the mutiny lead to total ...
4  cards
( Role of Individuals) role of traders
What role did traders have,
How did the role of traders grow ...,
Case study cecil rhodes
9  cards
( Role of Individuals ) role of administrators
What was the role of colonial adm...,
Case study bartle frere administr...,
Impact of bartle frere
5  cards
Informal Empire
What was the informal empire,
How did british influence come about,
How did commercial agreements ext...
6  cards
Trade and Commerce
In the eighteenth century what wa...,
What was a system of mercantilism,
What happened in the first half o...
7  cards
Attitudes in Britain
1  cards

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british empire section 1 1857- 90

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