This class was created by Brainscape user Wei Shynn Tan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

What is the order of electrical f...,
How frequently does the sa node u...,
True or false every part of the h...
166  cards
Adaptations to exercise
What are the post training adapta...,
How are rbc and plasma volume cha...,
What type of left ventricular hyp...
14  cards
Atherosclerosis and Lipid-lowering pharm
Atherosclerosis is a degenerative...,
In which part of vessels does ath...,
What are 4 constitutional risk fa...
67  cards
Arrhythmia and anti-arrhythmics
How do you tell if an ecg has a s...,
How do you tell is an ecg,
Bradycardia is _______bpm
60  cards
Hypertension and Anti-hypertensives
What is the definition of hyperte...,
What are 5 causes of secondary hy...,
Primary essential hypertension is...
53  cards
Ischaemic Heart Disease pharm
What is the main etiology of isch...,
What are some causes of ihd,
What are 4 complications of ihd
35  cards
Heart Failure pharm
What are 8 classes of drugs used ...,
Which 4 ss blockers are approved ...,
What is the moa of sacubitril val...
31  cards
Which parts of the heart and its ...,
How is cardiomegaly determined wi...,
What are 6 radiographic features ...
7  cards
Valvular and congenital patho
What is valvular stenosis,
What is valvular insufficiency re...,
True or false valvular stenosis a...
48  cards
How are the superior and inferior...,
The inferior mediastinum is furth...,
What are the borders of the super...
77  cards
What are 3 characteristics of pur...,
How does the heart ensure electri...,
Why is conduction through the av ...
16  cards
In ther first,
In vasculogenesis blood islands a...,
After formation of the cardiogeni...
11  cards

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cardiovascular system

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