clinical skills h

This class was created by Brainscape user harmeet randhawa. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

principles of tonometry
Why is a positive intraocular pre...,
What balance is pressure largely ...,
What is the mean iop
97  cards
Normal fundus 1
Define the fundus,
What is the limit of the fundus i...,
Which components of the eye join ...
60  cards
History and symptoms and record keeping
Why would you carry out history s...,
Give an example on an open question,
Why would you ask open questions
45  cards
Refractive techniques in amblyopia
What is the definition of amblyopia,
What visual acuity is usually tak...,
What is amblyopia caused by
43  cards
Introduction to diagnostic drugs
What are the 3 main reasons for i...,
List the 10 medical conditions wi...,
List the 4 symptoms with which yo...
97  cards
Normal fundus 2
Are myelinated nerve fibres featu...,
When are nerve fibres usually mye...,
Where can nerve fibres sometimes ...
94  cards
optics of indirect ophthalmoscope
What are the two components of an...,
What is the purpose of the illumi...,
What is the purpose of the illumi...
65  cards
What is the definition of an auto...,
What are 2 other names for auto r...,
What is the usual type of target ...
54  cards
Refractor heads/phoropters
What is a phoropter,
List all the mechanical features ...,
What do electronic features of a ...
11  cards
visual fields lec 1: kinetic perimetry
What is the definition of a visua...,
How far does the visual field ext...,
How far does the visual field ext...
61  cards
visual fields lec 2: static perimetry
What is kinetic perimetry,
What is static visual field analy...,
What does every point on the reti...
76  cards
visual fields lec 3: vf defects, where is the pathology?
List how you will instruct your p...,
List the three ways that you can ...,
What is a visual field defect def...
80  cards
visual fields lec 4: visual field analysis
What four things must you check i...,
How must you make sure that the d...,
What 3 things classes a visual fi...
79  cards
communication skills 1
Define what communication skills is,
What does communication skills in...,
How is communication skills descr...
61  cards
slit lamp techniques
What is tear break up time relate...,
What is a normal tear break up time,
List 4 types of people that tbut ...
68  cards
measurement of heterophoria and heterotropia
What is important to assess durin...,
How is a heterotropia viewed unde...,
When do people usually develop a ...
33  cards
Colour vision tests
What is a protan described as,
What is a deutan described as,
What is a tritan described as
45  cards
Maddox rod & wing
What does the maddox rod test,
Which patients can you not use ma...,
What type of phoria does the madd...
37  cards

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clinical skills h

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