This class was created by Brainscape user maria posvolsky. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

class 1
How did human imprint envolved ov...,
Early humans,
Agriculture human
16  cards
class 2
The end goal of conservation,
Cbd convetion biological diversity,
Cbd s 3 main goal
6  cards
class 3
Human dimension of conservation,
Ethical perspective,
16  cards
class 4
Threshold tipping point,
20  cards
Humans have changed the planet mo...,
Animal population have more than ...,
70 of the mass of birds on the pl...
7  cards
unit 2
Philosophies and worldviews,
Two main worldviews,
19  cards
unit 2 part 3
Chico mendes,
3  cards
unit 2 part 4
How is wilderness defined in the ...,
Historical euro american meaning ...,
From worthless wasteland to exalt...
14  cards
unit 2 part 5
Ecological assumption and goal,
Modern environmental movment,
Seminal works incontemporary envi...
28  cards
unit 2 part 6
1  cards
unit 3 part 1
Ecosystem service aproch,
Provisioning service,
Regulating services
6  cards
unit 3 part 2
The ecosystem services approach i...,
The services approches,
Ecosystem services valuation
9  cards
unit 3 part 3
Capturing value of ecosystem serv...,
What are payments for ecosystem s...,
Main types of pes projecyion
6  cards
unit 3 part 4
What are the commons,
Characteristic of the commons
20  cards
community forestry in Nepal
Community forestry and its variants,
Elements of community forestry,
Bad things that happens in commun...
4  cards
Protected areas
Protected areas,
Central america and south america
17  cards
Galapagos Islands
Galapagos island,
Galapagoes island equador ecuador,
Galapagos national park 1959
17  cards
unit 3 part 6: living with elephants
What is conflict,
When settletment are expending th...
6  cards
indegenous resistence and conservation
1  cards
community based conservation
What is it,
3  cards
IUCN red list
Red list,
Red list category
2  cards
global agreements for endergered species
Why is cites important,
How does it work
4  cards
Canadian species at risk act sara,
How does it work
6  cards
unit 4
Pro environmental behaviours peb,
Private sphere behaviour,
A lot of behaviour that is recome...
17  cards
unit 4 part 1
Behavioural intention is not the ...,
Low impact behaviours,
High impact behaviours
18  cards
unit 4 part 2
Individual action,
Political action,
Critisizim individual action mani...
11  cards
0  cards
Absolue Decopling
0  cards

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