This class was created by Brainscape user William Madu. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Qs to ask for pc hpc onsetcoursei...
11  cards
4 domains of exam,
Inspectionwhat is there are multi...,
Describe mnemonic scam
7  cards
General Terms
Define pruritus lesion rash naevu...,
Distribution the pattern of sprea...,
Configuration the pattern or shap...
8  cards
Presentations urticaria pathophys...
7  cards
Erysipelas and Cellulitis
What is it generally define cellu...,
Causes risk factors think about c...,
Presentation where local signs of...
4  cards
Superficial fungal infections
Where does it affect who is it mo...,
3 main groups dermatophytes yeast...,
General presentation
12  cards
Basal Cell Carcinoma
What is it whys this type of canc...,
Risk factors,
9  cards
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
What is it,
Risk factors,
Pre malignant lesions actinic ker...
7  cards
Malignant Melanoma
What is it,
Risk factors,
Abcde symptoms rule
9  cards
Atopic Eczema
What becomes in inflamed in eczem...,
Different types,
Basic features scam how are the b...
21  cards
Acne vulgaris
Pathophysiology who tends to have...,
Presentation greasy skin with var...,
10  cards
What is it,
Types what is the most common type,
What triggers flare ups
22  cards
Other common skin conditions
Urticaria causes,
Urticariapresentationwhen do they...,
Urticariamanagement 1 type of med...
15  cards
Other skin and soft tissue infections
Superficial thrombophlebitis what...,
Superficial thrombophlebitis s s ...,
Skin abscess define presentationw...
8  cards
Pathogen vzv what does it stand f...,
Type of rash where how long does ...,
What is herpes zoster ophthalmicu...
8  cards
Leg Ulcers
Define ulcererosion,
Causes types,
Investigation of causes arterial ...
10  cards
1  cards
Life-threatening Burns ****
What would you use if someone is ...,
What can lead to airway swelling ...,
What may constrict the chest in b...
7  cards
Other types of burns ****
Chemical burns management approac...,
Chemical burns rx for alkali burn...,
Electrical burns causes complicat...
8  cards
Brown things: Benign Pigmented Skin Lesions
Freckles what are they cause,
Melanocytic naevi aka _____ patho...,
Melanocytic naevi appearance scam
6  cards
Red things: Benign Vascular Skin Lesions
Campbell de morgan spots what is ...,
Telangiectasiawhat is it appearan...,
Spider naeviwhat is it what is di...
4  cards
Benign skin lumps
Dermatofibroma what is it who is ...,
Dermoid cystwhat is it at what ag...,
Epidermoid cystwhat is it also kn...
5  cards
Skin manifestations of systemic disease
Endocrine cushings get it in preg...,
Endocrine addisons found on hands,
Endocrine hyperthyroidism legs ha...
7  cards
Topical and Oral formulations
Different formulations that can b...,
Ointment what is it mostly made o...,
Cream contents prosconsused in
12  cards

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