This class was created by Brainscape user Mahmoud Ossama. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Endocrine 1: Growth hormone
Cells secreting hgh,
Hgh is made up of ____ amino acids,
Normal levels of hgh in adults
19  cards
Endocrine 2: Disturbances of GH
Gh hypofunction diseases,
Causes of pituitary dwarfism,
Cause of laron dwarf
19  cards
Endocrine 3: Prolactin Hormone (PRL) + Panhypopituitarism
Cells secreting prl,
Nature of prl hormone,
Normal levels of prl
23  cards
Endocrine 4: Neurohypophysis + vasopressin (ADH) + Oxytocin
Precursors of neurohypophysis hor...
1  cards
Endocrine 5: Thyroid Hormone
Enumerate hormones secreted by th...,
Describe formation of thyroid hor...,
Other sites of iodide trapping in...
27  cards
Endocrine 6: Disturbances in TH
Disturbaces in thyroid horomones ...,
Describe thyroidal causes of hypo...,
General effect of hypothyroidsm
18  cards
Endocrine 7: calcium hemostasis int.
Functions of ionic calcium in the...,
Functions of calcium salt,
Distribution of calcium in bones
14  cards
Endocrine 8: parathormone
Other names for parathyroid hormone,
Nature of parathromone,
Mechanism of action of parathormone
20  cards
Endocrine 9: Vitamin D
Formation of vitamin d,
Nature of vitamin d,
All vitamin d moves in the blood by
10  cards
Endocrine 10: Calcitonin + tetany
Cells secreting calcitonin,
Nature of calcitonin,
General function of calcitonin
22  cards
Endocrine 11: Glucocorticoids
Cells secreting glucocorticoids,
Hormones that make up glucocortic...,
Describe the chemistry of glucoco...
40  cards
Endocrine 12: Mineralocorticoids (aldosterone) + Adrenal Androgens & Estrogens
Origin of mineralocorticoids,
Nature chemistry of mineralocorti...,
Which hormone has stronger bind t...
16  cards
Disturbances of Adrenal hormones secretion
Hypersecretion of aldosterone is ...,
Explain why liver cirrhosis cause...,
Explain why nephrosis causes seco...
24  cards
Pancreas Intro + insulin
Cells secreting pancreatic polype...,
Cells secreting glucagon,
Cells secreting somatostatin
30  cards
Glucagon & Somatostatin
Origin of glucagon,
Chemistry of glucagon,
Site of preproglucagon
19  cards
Female 1: Puberty
Enumerate events that occur in gi...,
Premature adrenarche is associate...,
The onset of puberty in females d...
12  cards
Female 2: Ovarian cycle
Define ovularian cycle,
Describe follicular phase,
Effects of fsh in ovulation
4  cards
Male 1: Testicular compartment, Spermatogenesis
Describe spermatogenesis,
Complete cycle of spermatogenesis...,
Single primary spermatogonia give...
25  cards
Male 2: Secondary sex organs
Shared functions of epididymis va...,
Seminal vesicle secretes ____ of ...,
Seminal vesicle secretes ____ of ...
11  cards
Male 3: Testosterone
1  cards

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end 207: physiology

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