erth 1060: natural disasters

This class was created by Brainscape user Nick McCaughey. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Natural Hazards
List the three energy sources for...,
Define a natural hazard and how i...,
True false the hazard is the proc...
28  cards
Plate Tectonics
What is the energy source of plat...,
Tectonic plates carry the contine...,
What is the mantle and its two co...
5  cards
What is a fault,
What are the three primary types ...,
What are two more minor types of ...
42  cards
What is a volcano,
Define magma and lava,
List three brief reasons why magm...
38  cards
Volcanic Hazards
What is volcanic magnitude,
The vei treats what four things a...,
Describe hawaiian eruptions descr...
11  cards
What is a tsunami,
What four things can cause a tsunami,
Define each wave length wave heig...
21  cards
Mass Movement
Define mass wasting when does it ...,
List the two driving forces for m...,
Slopes fail when what occurs what...
30  cards
Climate Change
What is the difference between we...,
Preserved physical characteristic...,
Proxy data consists of two elemen...
23  cards
Regarding season what is declination,
_____ energy drives the earth atm...,
How does air circulate in hadley ...
34  cards
Rain that falls is collected in what,
The point where rainwater flows i...,
Stream gradient refers to what ho...
34  cards
Extreme Weather
What are the layers of the atmosp...,
In what layers do weather and tem...,
Pressure refers to atmospheric ma...
36  cards
Extraterrestrial Threats
_____ objects have orbits that br...,
Small icy body with eccentric ell...,
How fast do asteroids and comets ...
30  cards

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erth 1060: natural disasters

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Nick McCaughey's ERTH 1060: Natural Disasters flashcards for their Dalhousie University class now!

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