This class was created by Brainscape user Saqib Rahman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

How should anticoagulants be mana...,
What medical treatments are requi...,
What is the most common complicat...
158  cards
What is paget schroetter syndrome,
What are the symptoms of thoracic...,
What is adson s sign
178  cards
What is the lymph node metastasis...,
What is the investigation of choi...,
What late complications are typic...
205  cards
Which respiratory measurements ar...,
Where in relation to the uterine ...,
30d mortality of haemorrhagic pep...
345  cards
How is the nottingham prognostic ...,
What are the nottingham prognosti...,
What are the classical characteri...
143  cards
Endocrine + Neuroendocrine + Urol
How should patients with suspecte...,
When is a mibg scintigraphy indic...,
What germline mutation should be ...
194  cards
What are the criteria for brainst...,
What is the most common complicat...,
What is the most common side effe...
115  cards
What blood film changes are most ...,
What are the types of necrotisng ...,
What are the metabolic manifestat...
9  cards
What is the operation of choice f...,
What is the most common type of d...,
How does hirshprungs disease typi...
26  cards
What proportion of colorectal can...,
What is the genetic defect in lyn...,
What screening should patients wi...
295  cards
What proportion of pnets are func...,
How quickly does the liver regene...,
Which patients should have survei...
162  cards
What is the medial border of the ...,
What is the lateral border of fem...,
What forms the floor of the femor...
9  cards
Problem Areas
What is a directional hypothesis,
What fluid resuscitation should b...,
How are 24 hour maintenance fluid...
20  cards

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