haroon phase 2a

This class was created by Brainscape user Heidi Cameron. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

What is polypharmacy,
What is concordance,
Why might a patient struggle to s...
141  cards
Steps of acute inflammation,
5 cardinal signs of acute inflamm...,
Causes of acute inflammation
293  cards
Define pathogen,
Define commensal,
Define opportunist pathogen
359  cards
Public Health
Hospital autopsy,
Medico legal autopsy,
What percentage of deaths are ref...
67  cards
Break down the word atherosclerosis,
What is atherosclerosis caused by,
What three things do fibrous athe...
500  cards
Cardiology 2
Drug class and mechanism of digoxin,
Side effects of digoxin,
Main clinical indication of digoxin
46  cards
What are the properties of peptid...,
What are the properties of steroi...,
Tell me about catecholamine hormo...
306  cards
What is the function of the proxi...,
What is the function of the dista...,
What is the structure of the coll...
220  cards
What does inflammatory bowel dise...,
Pathophysiology of ibd,
Cause of chron s disease
235  cards
Treatment for glandular fever,
What does full blood count check for,
Abnormal fbc for neutrophils
271  cards
Liver & Friends
Describe the drug metabolism of a...,
What is the metabolism reaction o...,
Treatment for paracetamol overdose
243  cards
MSK & Rheumatology
What is bone structure made up of,
Structure of osteons,
Component of bone inorganic and o...
286  cards
Where is broca s area what is its...,
Where is wernicke s area what is ...,
What are the layers of brain cove...
303  cards
What is copd,
Types of respiratory failure and ...,
Conditions that cause type 2 resp...
246  cards

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haroon phase 2a

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