This class was created by Brainscape user Viana Shahbazi. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Government in Great Britain
Need to know years of Magna Carta, Petition or Right, and English Bill of Rights
13  cards
Articles of Confederation
What was the articles of condfede...,
Why was the articles of confedera...,
Articles of confederationproblems...
11  cards
Philadelphia Convention
What is equal representation,
What is proportional representation,
What was the philadelphia convent...
20  cards
Important People
Who was john locke,
Why is john locke important,
Who was james madison
8  cards
The Federalist Papers
What is a faction,
How does government prevent factions,
Who are anti federalists footnote...
6  cards
How our Government is Set Up
What is a republic,
What influenced the founders abou...,
Republican government is a type o...
20  cards
Early America
British laws that affected the co...,
Stamp act 1765,
British laws that affected the co...
18  cards
The Revolutionary War
Who are patriots,
Who are loyalists tories,
What was the shot heard round the...
5  cards
The Declaration of Independence
Why was the declaration of indepe...,
What are natural rights,
What is life liberty and property
4  cards
What is the purpose of government,
What is constitutional governmnet,
What are 5 important characterist...
9  cards
Article 1 (The Legislative Branch)
What is the general welfare clause,
What is the necessary and proper ...,
What are enumerated powers
10  cards
Executive Branch
What are limits to powes of the e...,
How are departments created,
What are the 4 original departments
8  cards
Judicial Branch
What is judical review,
What is original jurisdiction,
What are limits to the powers of ...
3  cards
The Amendments
What is the bill of rights,
What is the 22nd amendment,
What is the 1st amendment
9  cards
Role of Citizens and People
What does it mean to be self suff...,
What is a social contract,
What is private domain
6  cards
Clauses and Acts
What is the fugitive slave clause,
What is the supremacy clause,
What were the alien and sedition ...
3  cards

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history finals

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