This class was created by Brainscape user Vaishally Ithayananthakumaran. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Microbial Infection
What are the five main types of i...,
What is the definition of a virus,
How do viruses reproduce
49  cards
Lymphoid Tissues
What are primary lymphoid tissues,
How is lymph forms,
What are the two primary lymphati...
67  cards
Antimicrobial Therapies
Why are anti bacterials safe for ...,
Describe the mechanism of action ...,
What are some examples of beta la...
57  cards
Diagnostic Bacteriology
What are the five types of infection,
What colour does gram positive ba...,
What is the cell wall of a gram p...
40  cards
What is adaptive immunity,
When is an adaptive immune respon...,
What major event occurs in the pe...
68  cards
What is an antigen,
What is meant by hypersensitivity,
What is the name of type 1 hypers...
36  cards
Bacterial Immune Evasion
What is a pyogenic disease,
What are pyogenic diseases mediat...,
What are systemic diseases mediat...
47  cards
Immune Tolerance
Why is immune tolerance important,
What is autoimmunity,
What is the fundamental problem i...
59  cards
Viral Immune Evasion
What is the ultimate gal of the i...,
Describe how antibody neutralises...,
What are the five functions of an...
45  cards
What type of cell causes anaphyla...,
What binds to mast cells,
What is the main signalling molec...
22  cards
What are viruses,
Which anti viral has the highest ...,
What condition is acyclovir used ...
42  cards
What is a vaccine,
What is the aim of immunisation,
What are some characteristics of ...
39  cards
Immune Response to Infection
What are the key mediators of imm...,
What is the role of phagocytes,
What do b cells do
70  cards
Diagnostic Virology
Within the htlv 1 virus particle ...,
What type of cell does htlv 1 pre...,
How does htlv 1 replicate
44  cards

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