This class was created by Brainscape user Anthony de Freitas. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Ch.2 - International Law and Human Rights
What is iphr,
International human rights law fa...,
How did the concept of human righ...
117  cards
Ch 2 International Law & Human Rights
Public international law is the l...,
The relationship between the sour...,
What is customary international law
8  cards
Ch 3 The Nature of Human Rights
On what foundation is internation...,
What do international human right...,
Why is the philosophical rational...
7  cards
Ch 4 Human rights and the international legal order
Are first generation rights posit...,
2  cards
Ch 5 The UN system for the protection and enforcement of human rights
Does a un human rights treaty bod...,
What two functions does a un huma...,
Is state reporting optional or co...
5  cards
Ch 6 The European system for the protection of human rights
0  cards
Ch 7 The Inter-American system for the protection of human rights
What are the three important feat...,
Does the american convention prot...,
Is the oas system applicable to a...
5  cards
Ch 8 The African Union system for the protection of human rights
State three features of the afric...,
2  cards
Ch 9 Non-discrimination, equality and the rights of women
State three features of non discr...,
Is indirect discrimination ever j...,
State an important feature of the...
4  cards
Ch 10 The prohibition of racial discrimination
0  cards
Ch 11 The prohibition of torture and ill treatment under international law
What is ill treatment,
What is inhuman treatment,
Is the prohibition of inhuman tre...
6  cards
Ch 12 The rights of the child
Are rights as protected by the ch...,
Do other human rights treaties pr...,
State some characteristics of the...
7  cards
Ch 13 The right to religious freedom
How is religion treated in human ...,
What is the difference in treatme...,
What has been the approach of the...
4  cards
Ch.14 - The Rights of Refugees
Who is an asylum seeker,
To gain asylum a seeker must show...,
What must a person show to be pro...
7  cards
Ch.15 - Dealing with gross atrocities
What are crimes against humanity,
Define genocide in the 1949 conve...,
State three aspects of the four g...
4  cards

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