medical radiation sciences 2

This class was created by Brainscape user Josie Curley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

What does io i knot stand for,
What does x stand for in relation...,
What does i stand for in relation to
41  cards
Attenuation and Attenuation Applications
What is the term that defines the...,
When is there the greatest chance...,
When is there no chance that the ...
43  cards
Attenuation, HVL and Beam Quality
For every 5cm how much of the num...,
What does the test for the 1 2 va...,
What is the purpose of a hvl test
26  cards
Unit 3 - Radiation Electronics and Detection
What are the units for rontgens,
What are rontagens measuring,
Define exposure
171  cards
Practice questions
Where is all radiation incident,
List 2 basic methods processes of...,
List 3 basic modes of operation o...
37  cards
Unit 4: Fluoroscopy
Who invented floro and when,
What is responsible in fluoroscop...,
What is a spot film
134  cards
Unit 4-Bone mineral densitometry
What is osteoperosis,
What are the 2 types of bone how ...,
What minerals are bones primarily...
92  cards
How do you find the bmd,
How do you calculate t score,
How do you calcualte z score
3  cards
Computed Tomography
Can we take tomograms in general ...,
What is the relationship between ...,
To see another area of the body i...
216  cards
How do you find pixel size,
What is the equation for remnant ...,
How do you find the voxel value
15  cards
What does z stand for,
What is atomic mass,
100  cards
Nuclear Medicine
T fnuclear medicine is based off ...,
What modality is this describing ...
114  cards
Which way is the magnetic field g...,
How can we limit the resistance t...
165  cards
What type of energy is sound,
How is sound transmitted,
What is required for propagation ...
35  cards

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medical radiation sciences 2

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