microbiology and parasitology laboratory

This class was created by Brainscape user Jolia Keren. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Personal Safety Guidelines
Safety Rules and Regulations
12  cards
General Laboratory Etiquette
Safety Rules and Regulations
10  cards
Good Microbiological Lab Practices
Safety Rules and Regulations
11  cards
Materials and Equipment Etiquette
Safety Rules and Regulations
11  cards
Microscopy: Introduction
What are the two types of lenses ...,
What is the function of the conde...,
What is the total magnification p...
8  cards
Care and Cleaning of the Compound Binocular Microscope
How should you lift a compound bi...,
What should you do before and aft...,
Why is it important to avoid usin...
4  cards
Calibrating the Microscope
How do you properly calibrate the...,
What is the formula to calculate ...,
How should you observe different ...
10  cards
Introduction: Culture Media Preparation and Sterilization
What are the three types of media...,
What is the major difference betw...,
Give examples of liquid media
20  cards
Culture Media Preparation
How do you prepare tryptic soy br...,
How do you prepare media from a f...,
What should you do if the medium ...
6  cards
Sterilization of Media and Equipment
What is the process of rendering ...,
A method of sterilization where i...,
This method such as using an elec...
9  cards
Introduction: Basic Microbiological Techniques
This technique is employed to pre...,
Why is it crucial to prevent cont...,
How does aseptic technique reduce...
9  cards
A. Practice Aseptic Technique
What is the first step in aseptic...,
What is an important point to rem...,
What is the temperature at which ...
10  cards
B. Streak Plate Technique
This technique is used for purpos...,
A bacterial growth on solid mediu...,
What is step 1 of the streak plat...
6  cards

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microbiology and parasitology laboratory

  • Class purpose General learning

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