molecular + cellular neuro

This class was created by Brainscape user Supriya Mishra. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Excitability and Ion channels I
What is electrical excitability 2,
What is electrical excitability c...,
What are the 2 main factors regar...
62  cards
Excitability and Ion channels II
Explain the activity occurring at...,
How do we measure the activity 2,
What does a large wide spike suggest
40  cards
Intracellular Signalling
Name some of calcium s roles in s...,
Ef hand proteins info,
Name explain an ef hand protein
53  cards
Beyond the Neuron
Brain cell classification flow di...,
Central neuroglia functions 3 6,
Astrocytes info 7
39  cards
Synaptic Transmission
What s the differnece b w the typ...,
What does the hippocampus have in...,
How do we characterise these cells
58  cards
Synaptic Transmission + Cellular Signalling
Acetylcholine in cns pns 3,
Allergic toxicity and ach 2,
Nature drug egs 2
45  cards
Energy Metabolism in the Brain
Why does the brain need energy 4,
Different energy requirements of ...,
Describe the change in substrate ...
28  cards
Energy Metabolism in the Brain II
What is the main function of astr...,
Aqp4 info 4,
Astrocyte identity protein shuttl...
28  cards
Intro to Neural circuits of Cognition
Cognition def 1,
Learning def 1,
Memory def 1
29  cards
Neural Circuits of Language And Communication
Cognitive neuroscience def 1,
Language def 2,
Communication facts 3
35  cards
Components of a circuit
0  cards
Sensory and locomotor circuits
0  cards
Brain Development
0  cards
Brain Defects and Regeneration
0  cards
Neuroanatomical Concepts
0  cards
Sensory and Motor Systems
0  cards
Autonomic Nervous System and Behaviour
0  cards
Gut brain Axis
0  cards
0  cards
Alzheimer's Disease and Stress related Disorders
0  cards

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molecular + cellular neuro

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