This class was created by Brainscape user Amy Hollis. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (61)

Unplanned Pregnancy
What is the abortion act used in ...,
What are is the gestational limit...,
Continuing the pregnancy would in...
25  cards
clinical anatomy of the female reproductive system
What parts of the female reproduc...,
What parts of the female reproduc...,
What is dark green light green re...
72  cards
histology of female reproductive system- lecture
Functions of ovaries,
What is the ovary structure made ...
41  cards
What adenomyosis,
Cause adenomyosis,
Presentation adenomyosis
11  cards
Fibroids (leiomyomas)
What fibroids,
Symptoms fibroids,
What imaging used for fibroids
16  cards
Molar pregnancy
What is a molar pregnancy,
What is a complete mole,
Do complete moles have maternal o...
15  cards
Threatened miscarriage what sympt...,
Inevitable miscarriage what sympt...,
Incomplete miscarriage what sympt...
29  cards
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Heavy menstrual bleeding what,
Heavy menstrual bleeding causes,
Most common caus eof heavy menstr...
11  cards
formative week 1
25  cards
What is urethritis,
What causes urethritis,
How does non gonococcal urethriti...
7  cards
Bacterial Vaginosis
What is bacterial vaginosis,
What causes bacterial vaginosis,
Examples of anaerobic bacteria in...
6  cards
What candidiasis,
What are most candidiasis caused by,
What increases your risk of getti...
8  cards
Most common sti in uk,
What bacteria causes chlamydia,
Is chlamydia trachomatic gram neg...
14  cards
What is pid,
Sti causes of pid,
Non sti causes of pid
9  cards
What causes gonorrhoea,
What epithelium is infected in go...,
How is gonorrhoea transmitted
13  cards
mycoplasma genitelium
What does mycoplasma genitelium t...,
Presentation of someone with myco...,
What sti is often associated with...
6  cards
What is trichomoniasis,
How many flagella does trichomoni...,
What does trichomoniasis increase...
6  cards
genital herpes
What are genital herpes,
What are the types of hsv,
Which type of hsv causes cold sores
9  cards
anatomy of the pelvis
Functions of the pelvic girdle,
Name the different parts,
Why is the triradiate cartilage i...
5  cards
What is endometriosis,
What is adenomyosis,
Describe cysts found in ovarian e...
25  cards
High risk strains of hpv,
Low risk strains of hpv,
Hpv incubation period
23  cards
Benign Ovarian Cysts
Another name for follicular cysts,
What is most common benign ovaria...,
Pathophysiology of follicular fun...
18  cards
Epithelial Ovarian Tumours
Examples of epithelial ovarian tu...,
Describe a benign epithelial ovar...,
Describe a borderline
13  cards
Germ Cell Ovarian Tumours
Examples of germ cell tumours,
What is a dermoid cyst mature cys...,
Who is most likely to get a dermo...
15  cards
Sex Cord Ovarian Tumours
Examples of sex cord stromal tumours,
Are sex cord stromal tumours common,
Are epithelial or sex cord stroma...
13  cards
Lichen Sclerosus
Lichen sclerosus what,
Lichen sclerosus risks,
Lichen sclerosus symptoms
7  cards
Endometrial carcinoma
What types of endometrial tumours...,
What are examples of type 1 endom...,
What is the precursor for type 1 ...
37  cards
week 3 menti
20  cards
Physiology of pregnancy
What occurs to the fertilised ovu...,
What occurs on days 3 5 of implan...,
What occurs on days 5 8 of implan...
27  cards
Genetics menti
Question 1 a 32 year old woman ha...,
How is trisomy 21 screened in fir...,
What nuchal translucancy is normal
12  cards
Pubic lice
Another name pubic lice,
What causes the itching pubic lice,
Life span of average male female ...
7  cards
prescribing in pregnancy
What anti emetic was prescribes t...,
What drugs dont pass the placenta,
What drugs cross the placenta mor...
49  cards
Pregnancy timeline
First trimester,
Second trimster,
Third trimester
26  cards
hyperemesis gravidarum
Diagnostic criteria hyperemesis g...,
9  cards
Cervical cancer
How often are routine cervical sm...,
When is cervical screening in pre...
2  cards
clinical anatomy of anaesthesia for labour
What are reproductive system moto...,
What are the reproductive system ...,
What muscle splits the pelvis and...
40  cards
large for dates
What is large for date,
Causes of large for date,
Fetal macrosomia what
50  cards
small for dates
What is classed as small for gest...,
What is classed as low birth weight,
What is fetal growth restriction
5  cards
28  cards
Normal Labour
When does labour typically occur,
What is labour,
Where does labour occur and which...
39  cards
Malpresentations what,
Vertex what,
Malpresentations predisposing fac...
14  cards
Failure to progress
Failure to progress what,
Failure to progress cause,
Signs of obstruction in failure t...
6  cards
DISEASE- gestational diabetes
What is the 2nd most common disea...,
What is gestational diabetes,
What causes gestational diabetes
14  cards
Urinary incontinece
What is urinary incontinence,
What is stress urinary incontinence,
What is urgency urinary incontinence
34  cards
What primary amenorrheoa,
What age do girls tend to experie...,
What age do boys tend to experien...
24  cards
What is pms,
In what phase of the menstrual cy...,
What causes pms
12  cards
What is the average cycle length,
How long is the follicular phase,
How long is the luteal phase
20  cards
hypertension + pre eclampsia
What occurs to bp during pregnancy,
How can you tell the difference b...,
Hypertension treatment if pregnant
21  cards
placental abruption, placenta praevia + placenta accreata
What placental abruption,
Risk factors placental abruption,
Presentation placental abruption
24  cards
What is chorioamnitis,
Cause chorioamnitis,
Risk factors chorioamnitis
7  cards
premature labour
What is defined as prematurity,
When are babies considered non vi...
2  cards
Bartholin's cyst and abscess
What are bartholins glands,
What is a bartholins cyst,
How do bartholins cysts form
10  cards
Describe the bacteria that causes...,
How is syphillis transmitted
22  cards
Breastfeeding- drugs to avoid
What drug can give suckling diffi...,
What drug causes neonatal hypothy...,
What drug causes neonatal drowsiness
7  cards
breast- benign
What is used to assess patient su...,
What are the classifications of b...,
What type of biopsy is normally d...
34  cards
breast- malignant
Where do metastatic tumours go to...,
Most common place to metastasise ...,
What are examples of in situ brea...
33  cards
infections in pregnancy
What causes congenital rubella sy...,
What should women who are plannin...,
What should non rubella immune pr...
43  cards
Pre eclampsia
What is pre eclampsia,
What is chronic hypertension,
What is gestational hypertension
4  cards
fertilisation + implantation
What do sperm infiltrate in ferit...,
What is the ovary called once spe...,
Is zygote haploid or diploid
54  cards
Perinatal adaptation
What fontanelles can be felt on a...,
Is it normal to have dry cracked ...,
What is an atonic neck reflex
10  cards
What is infertility,
How long regular menstrual cycle ...,
What is oligomenorrhoea and ameno...
23  cards

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obs and gynae

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