This class was created by Brainscape user Carol Dumond. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (40)

Test 1: Basic Overview of IV Sedatives & Hypnotics
Which came first inhalation or iv...,
What is an intravenous anesthetic,
What is volume of distribution
38  cards
Test 1: Barbiturates
What is barbituric acid,
Substituting a phenyl group at c5 on,
Substituting a methyl group at n1...
39  cards
Test 1: Benzodiazepines
Which benzos are associated with ...,
Why does midazolam not cause pain...,
What gaba a receptor subunits do ...
33  cards
Test 1: Etomidate
What are the uses for etomidate,
What are the effects associated w...,
What are the effects associated w...
15  cards
Test 1: Propofol
What is the moa of propofol,
What is an emulsion,
Why is it necessary to formulate ...
25  cards
Test 1: Ketamine
What is ketamine a derivative of,
What is the moa of ketamine,
What is dissociative anesthesia
22  cards
Test 1: Dexmedetomidine
How does dexmedetomidine compare ...,
Can dex be used as a sole agent f...,
What are the analgesic qualities ...
20  cards
Test 2: Basic Overview
What are the 3 reasons for paraly...,
Do neuromuscular blocking agents ...,
Describe the pathway of the somat...
56  cards
Test 2: Succinylcholine
What type of molecule is succinyl...,
What is the onset of action of su...,
What type of drug is succinylcholine
62  cards
Test 2: Non-depolarizing Muscle Relaxants
How to calculate lean body weight...,
How many subunits do ndmr need to...,
Is ndmr a competitive or noncompe...
30  cards
Test 2: Benzylisoquinolones
What is the structure of atracurium,
What is the intubating dose of at...,
What is the onset of atracurium
17  cards
Test 2: Steroids
What is the structure of pancuronium,
What is the intubating and mainte...,
What is the onset of pancuronium
24  cards
Test 2: Reversal
Reversal requires ___ nicotinic t...,
What do you have to have before y...,
Why is physostigmine not used to ...
47  cards
Test 2: Peripheral Nerve Stimulator
When should you check twitches to...,
What is peripheral nerve stimulation,
What is the preferred pns site fo...
40  cards
Test 3: General Principles of Inhaled Anesthetics
The concentration partial pressur...,
Why can you assume that the conce...,
What is mac
53  cards
Test 3: General Principles of Inhaled Anesthetics (pt 2)
What is stage 1 of anesthesia,
What is stage 2 of anesthesia,
What is stage 3 of anesthesia
61  cards
Test 3: General Anesthetics Numbers to Know
What is the vapor pressure at 1 a...,
What is the vapor pressure at 1 a...,
What is the vapor pressure at 1 a...
20  cards
Test 3: Pharmacodynamics of INH Agents
What are the factors that can inf...,
Which inh agents produce cerebral...,
Autoregulation is maintained exce...
54  cards
Test 3: Comparison of Volatile Agents
What are the side effects of enfl...,
What are the cv effects of isoflu...,
What are the cns effects
43  cards
Test 3: Pharmacokinetics & Misc Principles of INH Agents
All methyl ethyl ethers undergo _...,
Which is the only agent to underg...,
What is the principle objective o...
38  cards
Test 3: Local Anesthetics Basic Overview
All currently available local ane...,
Describe the chemical structure o...,
What are the 3 characteristic seg...
41  cards
Test 3: Local Anesthetics Basic Overview (pt 2)
Ions pass through pore channels i...,
What is resting membrane potential,
What is the normal resting membra...
54  cards
Test 3: Local Anesthetic Additives and Toxicities
Why is epinephrine added to a loc...,
What are the effects of epinephri...,
T f epi prolongs the doa the same...
50  cards
Test 3: Local Anesthetics Specific Drugs to Know
Which is the most widely used la,
Why has spinal use of lidocaine d...,
What does lidocaine due to the va...
35  cards
Test 4: Opioids Basic Overview & Pharmacokinetics
What are the 2 main groups of opi...,
What are the benzylisoquinoline a...,
What is the chemical structure of...
39  cards
Test 4: Opioids Pharmacodynamics
What pain fibers do opioids work ...,
How do opioids differ from local ...,
Are opioids anesthetics
42  cards
Test 4: Opioid Agonists specific drugs to know
What is the onset and peak time o...,
What is the distribution of morphine,
What is the metabolism of morphine
56  cards
Test 4: Opioid Antagonists & Delivery Methods
What are the onset and peak times...,
What is the distribution for nalb...,
What are the uses for nalbuphine ...
36  cards
Test 4: Multimodal Basic Overview
What is the definition of pain,
What is algesia,
What is algogenic
38  cards
Test 4: Multimodal Acute vs Chronic Pain
What is acute pain basic definition,
What is chronic pain basic defini...,
What is malignant pain
29  cards
Test 4: Multimodal Specific Drugs to Know
What are nsaids used for,
What is cox 1,
What is cox 2
53  cards
Test 4: Multimodal Pain Assessment
What are the predictors of acute ...,
How do you assess pain pre op,
What are the issues with the nume...
15  cards
Test 4: Drugs of Abuse pt 1
The economic burden of addiction ...,
What is addiction,
What is the brain pathway associa...
29  cards
Test 4: Drugs of Abuse pt 2
What kind of drug is methamphetamine,
What is the moa of methamphetamine,
How does methamphetamine cause di...
28  cards
Test 4: Drugs of Abuse pt 3
How does acute use of substances ...,
How does chronic use of substance...,
What are the effects associated w...
30  cards
Test 5: CV Drugs pt. 1
What are sympathomimetics,
What is the difference between di...,
What are the different g proteins...
46  cards
Test 5: CV Drugs pt. 2
What is ephedrine,
What is the dose of ephedrine,
What are the uses of ephedrine
58  cards
Test 5: Antibiotics (Bacteria)
What is gram staining,
What is the response to gram posi...,
What is a culture sensitivity
38  cards
Test 5: Antibiotics Specific Drugs
Which antibiotics are the beta la...,
What is the moa of beta lactam co...,
What breaks down the beta lactam ...
49  cards
Test 5: Pharmacogenomics
What is pharmacogenetics,
What is pharmacogenomics,
What is dna
40  cards

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pharm 2

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