This class was created by Brainscape user Elspeth Crombie. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

What is the role of an autopsy,
How is an autopsy done,
What deaths are referred to a cor...
192  cards
Public Health
What did the black report show,
When was the black report,
What were the recommendations fro...
264  cards
What must the immune system do in...,
Describe innate immunity,
Give examples of physical and che...
106  cards
Define pharmacodynamics,
Define pharmacokinetics,
Name 3 reasons why pharmacology i...
379  cards
Define pathogen,
Define commensal,
Define opportunistic pathogen
537  cards
What is the difference between en...,
What are the 3 types of hormone a...,
What 7 organs comprise the major ...
569  cards
Define atherosclerosis,
What can an atherosclerotic plaqu...,
Give 4 risk factors for atheroscl...
548  cards
What is myeloma,
Describe the pathophysiology of m...,
What monoclonal paraprotein is us...
190  cards
Give 4 functions of the liver,
Name 3 things that liver function...,
Name an enzyme tat increases in t...
230  cards
Define intestinal obstruction,
Name 3 broad types of causes of i...,
Give 3 causes of intraluminal obs...
176  cards
Define rheumatology,
Give 3 causes of inflammatory joi...,
Give 2 causes of non inflammatory...
323  cards
Renal and Urogenital
What anatomical structures make u...,
Give 4 functions of the lower uri...,
Is the detrusor muscle relaxed or...
364  cards
What do oligodendrocytes myelinate,
What do schwann cells myelinate,
Define nuclei
512  cards
Name 5 functions of the skin,
What is the ph of normal skin,
Describe skin pathophysiology
109  cards
Name 5 risk factors for breast ca...,
Why do brca genes increase the li...,
What is the most common form of b...
95  cards
Define pneumonia,
How can pneumonia be anatomically...,
How can pneumonia be aetiological...
376  cards

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phase 2a

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