This class was created by Brainscape user Sara Bessel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

principles of physiology - week 1
In what aspects was science in al...,
Where did natural philosophy deve...,
What was the aim of natural philo...
55  cards
cell signalling - week 2 - part 1
Why do cells need to signal 7,
How do cells communicate,
What are chemical messengers also...
138  cards
cell signalling - week 2 - part 2
What do all hydrophilic signallin...,
What is a primary messenger,
What is the process of transmembr...
9  cards
cell signalling lecture - week 2
What are the key components of a ...,
What is needed for signalling mec...,
How can you generate a mosaic pat...
4  cards
reading: regulation of endocrine axes - week 3
What is a key principle of homeos...,
What does the maintenance of a re...,
What do positive feedback loops do
13  cards
exocrine system - videos - week 3
adrenal glands, blood glucose conc
84  cards
salivary glands - 4 TISSUE BIOLOGY
Name the three main types of glands,
Describe the parotid gland and ho...,
Describe the submandibular gland ...
56  cards
urinary system - week 4 TISSUE BIOLOGY
What does the urinary system cons...,
What are the major connections of...,
What are the functions of the kidney
19  cards
Week 4 - neurones
Describe the set up of the experi...,
What resting potential was record...,
What two factors determine ion be...
42  cards
Week 5 - nervous system (ANS) (somatic system)
What is the autonomic nervous system,
Overview of ns,
62  cards
Week 6 - sensory input
Do we have 5 senses,
What is bad about the definition ...,
What are the signal modalities
26  cards
Week 6 - CNS
Glial cells,
Major types of glial,
18  cards
Week 7
0  cards
Week 8
What are the reproductive systems,
What are external internal genitalia,
What are the female reproductive ...
86  cards
Week 9
0  cards
Week 10
What are the key functions of the...,
What is the axial skeleton compri...,
What is the appendicular skeleton...
36  cards
Week 11
0  cards
Week 12
1  cards

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