This class was created by Brainscape user Dylan Nitz. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Initial assessment
What is the most common cause of ...,
What might snoring signify,
What might gurgling signify
5  cards
Why might you need to tighten you...,
How long does it take for irrever...,
What is rip p as
76  cards
Cardiorespiratory assessment and management
What are the main signs and sympt...,
What does an inspiratory and expi...,
What is the difference in breathi...
24  cards
Abdominal assessment
How can you increase the accuracy...,
What can palmar errythema be a si...,
What can asterixis be a sign of
11  cards
Cannulation and EZIO
What s the gauge and flow rate of...,
What s the gauge and flow rate of...,
What s the gauge and flow rate of...
18  cards
What is sepsis,
What is sepsis a result of,
What local infections are most li...
27  cards
When must you check jrcalc during...,
Which drugs do you have to cross ...,
What are the 4 hs and 4 ts of rev...
24  cards
What are the life threatening pro...,
How much fluid is indicated for a...,
What is the adult dose for adm fo...
10  cards
Permissable hypotension
What map is needed for end organ ...,
At what systolic blood pressure a...,
At what systolic blood pressure a...
6  cards
Endocrine and glycaemic emergencies
Explain fluid therapy in dka,
What is the fluid indication for ...,
What symptoms distinguish mild to...
6  cards
Cardiovascular emergencies
Why must over oxygenation be avoi...,
Which mis can benefit from fluid ...,
Should you wait for an ecg to giv...
25  cards
Obstetrics emergencies
Why is there a risk of hypoxia du...,
What causes breathlessness in pre...,
What are the red flags of breathl...
25  cards
ECGs 2
Which ecg leads look at the infer...,
Which ecg leads look at the later...,
Which ecg leads look at the anter...
42  cards
What are a neonates first breaths...,
What happens to the baby s lungs ...,
What purpose do a newborns initia...
7  cards

More about

  • Class purpose General learning

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