This class was created by Brainscape user Alvaro Carretero. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Section 2 - Limitations 2
Speed Limitations
13  cards
Section 2 - Limitations 4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Power Plant Limitations & Altitude and OAT Limitations
23  cards
Section 2 - Limitations 2 13
Warning/Caution Alerts and Safe Operating Annunciations
21  cards
Section 2 - Limitations 14
3  cards
Section 2 - Limitations 15
Center of Gravity Range
4  cards
Section 7 - Airframe and Systems description - 2 - Airframe & Flight Controls
Torque box
31  cards
Section 7 - Airframe and Systems description - 3 - Powerplant
What s the power plant of the p2006t,
How are they cooled,
What do they feature
31  cards
Section 7 - Airframe and Systems description - 4. Pedestal Controls
How can you adjust the throttle p...,
Where are carburettor control kno...,
What does the controle also house
3  cards
Section 7 - Airframe and Systems description - 6 - Internal Lights
What s the internal light system ...,
What s the map lights,
What are the swtiches lights
8  cards
Section 7 - Airframe and Systems description - 7 - External Lights
What do the external light system...,
What s the nav lights,
What s the strobe light
6  cards
Section 7 - Airframe And Systems Description - 8 - Fuel System
What does the fuel system consist of,
What s the capacity of each tank ...,
What feeds the engine in case of ...
9  cards
Section 7 - Airframe And Systems Description - 9 Landing Gear System
What is the landing gear type,
How is it powered,
How is the pump contorlled
22  cards
Section 7 - Airframe And Systems Description - 10 - Brakes
What brake system does the acft use_,
How do the pilot actuate it,
How does hydraulic pressure enter...
6  cards
Section 7 - Airfram And Systems Description - 11 Ventilation
How can you ventilate the aircraft
1  cards
Section 7 - Airframe And Systems Description - 12 - Cabin Heat
What air does the cabin heating s...,
Where are the heat control knobs,
What do left and right knob control
5  cards
Section 7 - Airframe and Systems description - 13 - Seats And Safety Belts
What can you say about the seats,
How are seats built,
What adjustments can we make to t...
3  cards
Section 7 - Airframe and System s descrip - 14 - Doors
How many doors are there what s t...,
How s the operation of the main door,
What mechanism is there to preven...
11  cards
Section 7 - Airframe And Systems Description - 15 - Baggage Compartment
Where is the baggage compartment ...,
How must the baggage be distributed,
What s the maximum weight of baggage
4  cards
Section 7 - Airframe and Systems description - 16 - MD302 Alternative Stand-by-Instrument
What has been done to improve the...,
Warning 1,
Warning 2
3  cards
Section 7 - Airframe and Systems description - 17 - Placards
Elt equipment location,
First aid kit location,
Fire extinguisher location
19  cards
Section 7 - Airframe and Systems description - 19 - Electrical System
1  cards

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poh p2006t

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