This class was created by Brainscape user Wayne Bentham. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (60)

MOC Exam#2
question bank knowledge
19  cards
MOC Exam#1
Effects of tranylcypromine,
Effects of phenelzine,
Characteristics of paranoid perso...
17  cards
MOC Exam#3
Which medications decrease valpro...,
What does it mean that medication...,
Which medication can increase val...
50  cards
MOC Exam#4
Most effective behavioral therapy...,
Bmi less than ____ is considered ...,
Which antidepressants are approve...
28  cards
MOC Exam#5
What is the dissociative experien...,
Peak ages of onset of schizophrenia,
Most frequent cerebrovascular eve...
16  cards
MOC 18 Exam#1
What is the difference in mechani...,
What are the 2 main advantages of...,
Tests of executive function on th...
11  cards
MOC Exam#6
When should buprenorphine be started,
What is the association between a...,
What is the prognosis for the ass...
36  cards
MOC Exam#7
Characteristics of neurocognitive...,
Fluctuating cognitive performance...,
Bipolar disorder hirsutism ______...
30  cards
MOC Exam#8
Ect is safe in the presence of wh...,
Ect is a strong contraindication ...,
Which psychiatric disorder has th...
26  cards
MOC Exam#9
Caveats regarding liver transplan...,
Treatment of lithium induced hypo...,
Which treatment for opioid use di...
19  cards
MOC Exam#10
Characteristics of pcp intoxication,
Characteristics suggestive for fa...,
Failure rate of ect for treatment...
18  cards
NCD Dx & Class- 15A
Rule of thumb regarding prevalenc...,
Criteria for major neurocognitive...,
Criteria for mild neurocognitive ...
14  cards
NCD Dx Assess- 15B
What are the two steps in the dem...,
Name a scale that can be used to ...,
What is a problem with the mmse
13  cards
NCD Gen Mgt- 15C
Name 2 disease modifying treatmen...,
List general clinical issues for ...,
Identify areas beyond ncd core sy...
4  cards
NCD Alz Dz- 15D
In major ncd due to alz dz what i...,
Risk factors for alz disease,
Protective factors for alz disease
25  cards
What is the spectrum of the lewy ...,
What is the pathophysiology of fl...,
The core diagnostic features of lbd
21  cards
What are the two symptom categori...,
Important criterion for diagnosin...,
List the early signs of autism
8  cards
Name 4 components of social commu...,
Three symptoms components of adhd...,
Four important components of adhd...
11  cards
Tourettes/ID- 5C
Diagnosis of tourettes disorder,
Comorbidity in tourettes,
Pathophysiology of tourettes
10  cards
Neuro- 28A
The four functions of the thalamus,
The job of the hypothalamus,
Types of responses by the hypotha...
25  cards
Neuro- 28B
The clinical findings of bells palsy,
Diagnostic work up of bells palsy...,
Characteristics of central facial...
14  cards
ETOH1- 17A
What are the exceptions to the su...,
How to make diagnosis of sud,
Categories of the sud criteria
13  cards
ETOH2- 17B
Define the standard drink,
What are the ama alcohol consumpt...,
Define binge drinking
22  cards
ETOH3- 17C
What are the fda approved treatme...,
Compared to number of people with...,
What is the recommendation by nia...
17  cards
DrugTest/Opoid- 17D
Urine drug testing is done via,
What is the gold standard for dru...,
Urine drug test detection windows...
18  cards
List the symptoms of benzodiazepi...,
What happens to pupils in benzodi...,
What is the drug used for reversa...
13  cards
Abrupt withdrawal of amphetamine ...,
Effects of cocaine,
What is the major inactive metabo...
8  cards
What is an important diagnostic c...,
Special notes about management of...,
Name the hallucinogens
14  cards
Name the stages of change,
What is the mechanism of action o...,
What is the mechanism of action o...
6  cards
BSci- 19A
Define culture,
Define ethnicity,
Define race
12  cards
Neuropsychology- 19B
Name the 5 categories of testing,
Define the following concepts sta...,
Name a non verbal iq test
19  cards
Phmkntx- 20A
Define number needed to treat,
What is absolute risk reduction,
Formula for nnt
22  cards
PhrmDyn- 20C
Definition of pharmacodynamics,
Define inhibitor,
Define antagonist
33  cards
PresIllPreg- 20C
Under what conditions should one ...,
Medications to avoid in severe li...,
Medications to avoid in severe re...
24  cards
Neuroimag- 21
2 types of neuroimaging,
Benefits of ct imaging,
Best imaging for early hemorrhagi...
13  cards
OCD1- 3A
Which of the anxiety disorders ha...,
Which anxiety disorder is most ev...,
Define obsessions
20  cards
OCD2- 3B
Diagnosis of hoarding disorder,
Additional features of hoarding d...,
Treatment of hoarding disorder
11  cards
Trauma1- 4A
Name the 5 clusters of ptsd symptoms,
How long must symptoms of be pres...,
Epidemiology of ptsd
8  cards
Trauma2- 4B
Diagnosis of adjustment disorder,
Prevalence of adjustment disorder,
What is risk of adjustment disorder
6  cards
Bipolar D/O- 14A
Diagnostic criteria for bipolar i...,
Diagnostic criteria for bipolar i...,
Diagnostic criteria for cyclothymia
16  cards
Bipolar D/O- 14B
Which medications are fda approve...,
Which medication is indicated for...,
Which medications are indicated a...
17  cards
Delirium I/II- 16A/B
Delirium diagnosis,
Common etiologies of delirium,
Mortality rate of delirium
13  cards
Depression- 18A
Definition if significant weight ...,
Define depression with melancholi...,
Define depression with atypical f...
15  cards
Depression- 18B
Medical etiologies of secondary d...,
Medications associated with depre...,
Depression and sleep
11  cards
Depression- 18C
How long should person stay on me...,
Indications for ect in depression,
Define adequate trial of antidepr...
11  cards
Depression- 18D
Define features of mirtazapine,
Name the secondary tcas,
Name the irreversible non selecti...
10  cards
Depression- 18E
Features of bright light therapy,
How does vns work,
Cdc recommendations for women of ...
8  cards
Depression- 18F
Epidemiology of suicide,
Suicide deaths,
Describe features of suicide atte...
9  cards
Depression- 18G
Types of aggression,
Risk factors for violence,
Mental illness in incarceration
5  cards
Psychosis1- 12A
List the time criteria forbrief p...,
Name the good prognostic features...,
The criteria for brief psychotic ...
15  cards
Psychosis 2- 12B
What is the black box warning for...,
Low potency fgas have,
Thioridizine has high risk of
20  cards
Psychosis 3- 12C
Cbt for psychosis addresses which...,
List the effective interventions ...,
Impacts of act
7  cards
Psychosis 4- 12D
What percentage of pts first diag...,
Good prognostic factors for brief...,
Essential component of schizoaffe...
6  cards
Personality Disorders- 13A
Description of personality disorders,
Areas of disturbance in personali...,
Name the cluster a personality di...
19  cards
Personality Disorders- 13B
Therapy based upon integration of...,
Main treatment dialectic of dbt,
Developmental characteristics of ...
5  cards
Eating Disorders- 7
Diagnostic characteristics of ano...,
An restricting type,
Bulimia diagnosis
12  cards
Sleep Wake Disorders- 11A/B
What is the epworth sleepiness scale,
Of the z meds for sleep which has...,
Associations with narcolepsy
3  cards
Somatic Sx D/Os
Process of assessing somatization,
Treatment of somatic disorders,
Name the differences in control a...
12  cards
Gender Dysphoria
Gender dysphoria,
Differential diagnosis of gd,
Treatments in gd
3  cards
Paraphilic Disorders
Describe paraphilic disorders,
Poor prognostic features of pedop...,
Age definitions for pedophilic di...
5  cards

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psychiatry moc review

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