psychology exam 2

This class was created by Brainscape user Megan Beasley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Research Methods
What is an independent variable,
What is a dependent variable,
What is an extraneous variable
16  cards
Biopsych: The Nervous System
What does the nervous system do,
What are the 2 main divisions of ...,
What are the 2 components of the pns
8  cards
Biopsych: The Endocrine System
What is the endocrine system,
How does it control behaviour,
What is the glands
10  cards
Biopsych: Neurons
What is the structure of a neuron,
What is a synapse,
What is a myelin sheath
14  cards
Biopsych: Synpatic Transmission
What are neurotransmitters,
What are synapses,
How do chemical impulses pass fro...
8  cards
Biopsych: Localisation Of Brain
What is the localisation of funct...,
What are hemispheres in the brain,
What is the visual cortex
14  cards
Biopsych: Brain Plasticity
What is brain plasticity,
What happens to our synaptic conn...,
What did maguire find about brain...
16  cards
Biopsych: Hemispheric Lateralisation
What is lateralisation,
What was sperry and gazzanigas sp...,
What s an example of a sperry and...
8  cards
Biopsych: Ways Of Studying The Brain
What is a functional magnetic res...,
What are some strengths of fmri,
What are some weaknesses to the fmri
12  cards
Biopsych: Biological Rhythms
What are biological rhythms,
How are these rhythms controlled,
What are circadian rhythms
29  cards
Biopsych: EPs And EZs
What s the main ep,
What s the main ezs,
What does siffres study show abou...
15  cards
Approaches: Origins Of Psychology
What year did wilhelm wundt open ...,
What was wundts approach,
What was introspection
10  cards
Approaches: Psychodynamic Approach
What are the 3 assumptions of thi...,
How did sigmund freud use the met...,
What is the importance of the unc...
32  cards
Approaches: The Behaviourist Approach
What does the behaviourist approa...,
Why did early behaviourists like ...,
Who researched classical conditio...
18  cards
Approaches: The Humanistic Approach
What is free will in this approach,
What is maslows hierarchy of needs,
What is self actualisation
10  cards
Approaches: The Cognitive Approach
What are the assumptions of the c...,
What is the study of internal men...,
Whats an example of an inference
11  cards
Approaches: Social Learning Theory
What s the key assumption of soci...,
What is vicarious reinforcement,
Why is identification important
9  cards
Approaches: The Biological Approach
What are the assumptions of the b...,
What is the genetic basis for beh...,
How are twin studies used to show...
8  cards
Approaches: Cognitive Neuroscience
What is the emergence of cognitiv...,
What s an example of a cognitive ...,
What s some evaluation of the eme...
3  cards
Comparison Of Approaches
What are the issues and debates f...,
What are the issues and debates o...,
What are the issues and debates f...
8  cards
Hard Reserach Methods
0  cards

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psychology exam 2

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