This class was created by Brainscape user Brandon Craipley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Lecture 1 - CVA Epidemiology
What are the 2 arteries that asce...,
Describe the anterior blood suppl...,
Describe the posterior blood supp...
46  cards
Lab 1 - CSMA
What are the 7 stages of shoulder...,
What are the 7 stages of motor re...,
What stage does postural control ...
9  cards
Lecture 2 - Theoretical Frameworks
Motor control,
What are the 3 theories of motor ...,
What are some limitations to the ...
35  cards
Lecture 3 - Impairments, facilitation, and inhibition techniques
What is the general organization ...,
What parts of the brain play a ro...,
Primary motor cortex
58  cards
Review lecture notes because flas...
1  cards
Lecture 4 - Stroke Aphasia (common problems with stroke)
What domains of cognitive functio...,
Where can i find information abou...,
Describe a vascular cognitive imp...
43  cards
Lecture 5 - UE
2 potential predictors of ue reco...,
Describe the chedoke arm hand act...,
42  cards
Lecture 6 - Prosthetic phase
What are causes of amputation,
What are the different levels of ...,
What are important characteristic...
29  cards
Lecture 7 - Treatment AMPS
What are the 6 steps of prostheti...,
What are 3 components of the pros...,
What should we check for before d...
34  cards
Lecture 8 - Discharge planning and UE amputation
What is the re integration phase,
What is the maintenance phase,
What does discharge planning look...
31  cards
Lecture 9 - Prosthetic Components
Describe post surgical dressings,
Name 4 types of dressings their a...,
How to apply shrinker correctly
26  cards
Lecture 10 - Lived Experience (Amputations)
Describe the lived experience and...,
Describe the recovery after amput...,
Describe what normal means after ...
7  cards
Lecture 11/12 - SCI
Where is the conus medullaris,
Describe the corticospinal tract,
Describe the dorsal column medial...
106  cards
Tensor Wrapping Quiz
5  cards
Braces, Splints, and Assistive Devices
Sterno occipital mandibular immob...
14  cards
Wheelchair Seating & Selection
Who is apart of the seating team,
What is the process of getting a ...,
Who should we consider for a whee...
30  cards

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pt9122 - rehab

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