This class was created by Brainscape user Tazmeen <3. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Christianity-Beliefs and Teachings
What do christians believe about god,
Important quotes about the onenes...,
What characterises do christians ...
43  cards
Why do christians worship,
What is liturgical worship,
What form does liturgical worship...
108  cards
Buddhism-Beliefs and Teachings
What is the common traditional st...,
What sort of life did siddhartha ...,
What were the four sights and wha...
84  cards
What is a temple,
What is a shrine,
What is a monastery
90  cards
Relationships and family
What are christian s general atti...,
What are buddhist s general attit...,
What are christian s views on hom...
42  cards
Religion and life
What are christian s views on the...,
What are buddhist s views on the ...,
What are the scientific views of ...
30  cards
Religion, peace and conflict
Define peace,
Define justice,
What do christians believe about ...
55  cards
Religion, crime and punishment
What is a crime,
What are christian views towards ...,
What are buddhist views on good a...
79  cards
quotes to revise just before the exam heheh
Quote for the cruxifixion,
Quote for sin and salvation,
Quote for the afterlife
27  cards
Christian beliefs and teachings quotes
The oneness of god,
The nature of god,
The trinity
37  cards
Quotes for themes
Christian quote against sex outsi...,
Christian quote against homosexua...,
Christian quote for homosexuality
16  cards
Buddhist quotes
Attachment origin of tanha,
Buddha s life of luxury,
Jakata tales jakata 75
26  cards
christian question bases
Two beliefs about the nature of g...,
Two beliefs about the trinity two...,
Two beliefs about the father two ...
26  cards
buddhist question bases
Explain two ways buddhahood in pu...,
Explain the significance of two o...,
Explain two ways in which the bud...
23  cards
Theme A+B bases
Explain two religious beliefs abo...,
Explain two religious beliefs abo...,
Explain two religious beliefs abo...
21  cards
Theme D+E bases
Explain two religious beliefs abo...,
Explain two religious beliefs abo...,
Explain two religious beliefs abo...
27  cards
Christian quotes for themes
Sexual relationships,
Sex before marriage and adultery
35  cards

More about
religious studies

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