respiratory system & cvs physiology year 1

This class was created by Brainscape user Aisha Lawanson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (58)

Introduction to the Respiratory System
What are the four main functions ...,
What is the value of the ph of th...,
What other system does the respir...
59  cards
What are lung abscesses,
What happens in bronchopneumonia,
How are the defences of the lung ...
280  cards
Cardiothoracic Surgery In Non Malignant Situation
What is a teretoma,
What is a hamartoma,
What are the neural tumours linke...
24  cards
Chronic Ventilatory Failure
What defines chronic ventilators ...,
What is the difference with acute...,
What is chronic ventilators failu...
21  cards
Sleep Apnoea And Narcoplesy
What is obstructive sleep apnoea ...,
What are the characteristics of o...,
What factors contribute to a repe...
18  cards
Restrictive Lung Diseases
What is the physiological definit...,
What happens to all the volumes a...,
What is the marker of restriction
36  cards
Pulmonary Gas Exchange
What is fio2,
What four abnormal states are ass...,
What is the commonest cause of hy...
23  cards
Cystic Fibrosis
What is the most common autosomal...,
What is the main cause of morbidi...,
What causes 90 of deaths in cf
40  cards
Developmental Aspects Of Disease
What is the gestational age for e...,
What is the gestational age for p...,
What is the gestational age for c...
36  cards
Pulmonary Hypertension
What is a pulmonary hypertension,
What are the causes of pulmonary ...,
What are the symptoms of pulmonar...
29  cards
Overview of the Anatomy of the Respiratory System (Part 1)
What are the most superficial par...,
Why is it much more comfortable t...,
How does surface area to volume r...
50  cards
Overview of the Anatomy of the Respiratory System (Part 2)
How can we change resistance in t...,
What type of muscle do the bronch...,
How does the sympathetic nervous ...
22  cards
Anatomy of the Pleural Cavity
What is the total volume of the l...,
About what capacity of the lungs ...,
How much air is in the lungs at t...
51  cards
Mechanics of Breathing
State boyle s law,
What is the composition of the ai...,
How do gases move
48  cards
Surfactant and Compliance
What is surfactant,
What is the function of the surfa...,
What is surface tension it occurs...
27  cards
Alveolar Ventilation vs Pulmonary Ventilation
What is anatomical dead space and...,
Is the anatomical dead space fixe...,
What is ventilation
48  cards
Diffusion of Gases Between Alveoli and Blood
What does the pulmonary artery do,
What does the pulmonary vein do,
What is the function of the pulmo...
25  cards
Common Lung Pathologies Affecting Diffusion
1 name four common respiratory pa...,
What happens in emphysema and wha...,
What happens in fibrotic lung dis...
13  cards
Lung Function Tests and Common Lung Conditions
What is an obstructive lung disease,
What is a restrictive lung disease,
What two diseases come under chro...
27  cards
Some Additional Material on Oxygen Carriage in the Blood
1 is the arterial partial pressur...,
2 what does the partial pressure ...,
3 what determines partial pressur...
26  cards
Control of Ventilation - Chemoreceptors
What does ventilation require,
Where does ventilation control re...,
Is breathing subconscious
40  cards
Control of Ventilation - Acid Base Balance
Do the peripheral receptors respo...,
What is the difference in the per...,
What happens when plasma ph falls
11  cards
Medicine in a Multi-Cultural Society 1
What are the nine characteristics
1  cards
Pathology Of Obstructive Lung Disease
What percentage of the fvc if fev...,
What is the normal volume of fev1,
What is the normal volume of fvc
52  cards
Asthma Clinical Features
What is asthma,
What causes asthma,
What is the epidemiology of asthma
26  cards
Asthma Management in Children
Is there a cure for asthma,
What are the goals of treatments ...,
How do you figure out what questi...
57  cards
Clinical Features of Asthma in Adults
What is a definition of asthma,
What are the main symptoms of asthma,
Why is asthma important
62  cards
Management of Asthma in Adults
What is the aim of the treatment ...,
What are non pharmacological ways...,
What are inhalers
50  cards
COPD Clinical Features
What is the definition of copd,
What is incidence,
What is the prevalence
55  cards
COPD - Management
What are the non pharmacological ...,
What are the benefits of non phar...,
What do short acting inhalers do
26  cards
Ventilation: Perfusion Relationship
What are ventilation and perfusio...,
What is perfusion,
What would be the most efficient ...
19  cards
Gas Transport in the Blood
What are the two forms that oxyge...,
How much ml of oxygen dissolves i...,
What is meant by whole blood
78  cards
Pathology of Respiratory Infections
What are the opposing factors for...,
What is microorganism pathogenicity,
What are primary pathogens
46  cards
LTRI in Adults
What does itis mean,
What is an abscess,
What is acute bronchitis
50  cards
Respiratory - a GP Perspective
What are the common respiratory s...,
What are common respiratory condi...,
Are upper respiratory tract infec...
21  cards
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Children
1 what is the fine line between b...,
What are the side effects of anti...,
What fraction of all admission to...
42  cards
Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Children
What are common bacterial agents ...,
What are comon viral agents that ...,
What are the principles of manage...
45  cards
COVID-19 The pandemic So Far
What does endemic mean,
What does epidemic mean,
What is an outbreak
17  cards
How is tb distributed in the uk,
What is happening to the tb incid...,
2 3 of tb cases are found in how ...
54  cards
Pathology of Pulmonary Neoplasia
What is the aetiology of lung cancer,
What percentage of smokers get lu...,
What molecules are found in tobba...
31  cards
Lung Cancer: Clinical Features and Staging
What are the risk factors for lun...,
What are the signs of lung cancer,
What are the metastatic symptoms ...
17  cards
Radiology of Lung Cancer and Staging
What is the systematic review of ...,
What is a pulmonary mass,
What is a pulmonary nodule
40  cards
Surgical management of lung cancer
What does a higher t status mean,
What lymph nodes are dealt with i...,
What percent of patients who come...
43  cards
Non operative management of cancer
What tests are used for tissue di...,
What percentage of diagnosises ar...,
What percentage of diagnoses are ...
54  cards
Pleural disease
What are the characteristics of t...,
What types of cells are found in ...,
How much protein is found in the ...
70  cards
Smoking cessation
Why do urban birds line their nes...,
What is in a cigarette,
How many chemicals and carcinogen...
21  cards
Pathology of Restrictive Lung Disease
Where does the inflammtory proces...,
What is the interstitium of the lung,
What makes up the normal alveolar...
40  cards
Simple med questions
Which symptom is most commonly th...,
What type of respiratory failure ...,
What would an arterial blood gas ...
21  cards
Week 6 Formative Quiz questions
Regarding control of the peripher...,
Concerning the cardiac cycle at r...,
Concerning the electrical activit...
60  cards
Week 7 formative quiz questions
Percutaneous coronary stenting im...,
Rheumatic fever is strongly assoc...,
Patients with a recent stroke can...
60  cards
Week 8 formative quiz questions
Intermittent claudications is ass...,
A stroke can be caused by trauma,
The pain classically associated w...
100  cards
Week 9 formative quiz questions
Warfarin may be useful in the man...,
A 60 year old patient presents to...,
In normal micro circulation movem...
40  cards
Week 10 formative quiz
The classic triad of the presenta...,
Mitral regurgitation radiates to ...,
The classic pulse of aortic regur...
60  cards
Week 1 Formative Quiz Questions
Nitrous oxide is a safe sedative ...,
A pneumothorax air in the pleural...,
The functional unit of the lung i...
40  cards
Week 2 formative quiz questions
Initial treatment of asthma in ad...,
Fluticasone can have more severe ...,
In spirometry an fev1 fvc of 05 w...
60  cards
Week 3 formative quiz questions
Wheeze is uncommon in bacterial l...,
Miliary tb is a rare complication...,
Pulmonary tb most commonly affect...
40  cards
Week 4 formative quiz questions
Ultrasound is the only imaging mo...,
Regarding light s criteria if the...,
Pet ct shows metabolic activity o...
40  cards
Week 5 formative quiz questions
Myaesthenia gravis is associated ...,
Narcolepsy is associated with del...,
Patients with pulmonary embolism ...
40  cards

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respiratory system & cvs physiology year 1

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