This class was created by Brainscape user Emily hemsley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (60)

Key Words
What is the ugt,
What is the basque,
What is el dinero es muy catholica
21  cards
Issues in Spain 1930-31 LEADERSHIP
Who ruled before sept 1923,
Who took over from the king and when,
How did pdr take over
9  cards
Issues in Spain 1930-31 ECONOMY
When was the great depression,
What did the gd mean for spain s ...,
What did the gd mean for spain s ...
5  cards
Issues in Spain 1930-31 MILITARY
Did the military want to take pow...,
What was the country s situation ...
2  cards
Issues in Spain 1930-31 POLITICAL
What did the people want,
Who were republicans influenced by,
Why was there friction in the lef...
5  cards
Issues in Spain 1930-31 UNIONS
What was the ugt
1  cards
The Creation of the Second Republic - TIMELINE
April 1931,
12 april 1931,
14 april 1931
3  cards
The Creation of the Second Republic - SUPPORT
How many deputies elected in supp...,
What was the new regime known as,
What did military say about the n...
4  cards
The Creation of the Second Republic - THE POLITICAL SET UP
How many parties in parliament,
But a bit of unity,
Who was the republic s first prim...
5  cards
The 4 Main Political Parties - PARTIES, AIMS, KEY FIGURES
What were the 4 main parties lw rw,
Spanish socialist party,
Spanish socialist party
14  cards
The 4 Main Political Parties - THE REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION
Political situation by the end of...,
What did moderate republicans do ...,
When was the republican constitut...
4  cards
What were ali did they have,
What didnt ali like,
Why didnt ali like the repub const
4  cards
Key Forces of Conservatism - ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH
Who was the church aligned with,
Who was the church alarmed by,
What power did the church have
6  cards
Key Forces of Conservatism - SENIOR MILITARY OFFICERS
How did military officers view th...,
How many officers were there,
Background of the officers
4  cards
More Issues for the Second Republic - POLITICAL UNREST
Who did the new system of governm...,
Who did the new system of governm...,
How did radical groups show their...
6  cards
More Issues for the Second Republic - ECONOMIC + SOCIAL ISSUES
What was happening globally when ...,
Unemployment levels 1931 vs 1933,
What else in spain was affected b...
7  cards
1931-33 Years of Reform? - ARMY
Who was the new prime minister when,
What did he and the repub gov see...,
Who was forced to retire
7  cards
1931-33 Years of Reform? - CATHOLIC CHURCH
Why did azana oppose the influenc...,
Example of church holding back so...,
Literacy rate in spain 1931
9  cards
1931-33 Years of Reform? - TACKLING AGRI PROBLEMS
Were farmers affected by the gd,
What happened to agri exports,
What happened to demannd for wine...
9  cards
What was industry traditionally like,
Production exports of ___ fell bc...,
What social reforms were introduced
4  cards
More Reforms under Azana - EDUCATIONAL REFORMS
How many new schools built in aza...,
How many more schools built 1932 33,
What educational reforms were int...
5  cards
More Reforms under Azana - REGIONAL REFORMS + DEVOLUTION
Where is the catalonia basque region,
What was happening in catalonia i...,
What did catalonians blame the go...
6  cards
Response to Reforms - LEFT
Left response in 1931,
But left response over time
2  cards
Response to Reforms - RIGHT
Did the gov gain the support of t...,
What worsened tension w the rw,
Military opps on a s gov
6  cards
Response to Reforms - OVERALL
Result of the response from lw rw
2  cards
Repression and Unrest - TELEPHONE WORKERS
How many killed
3  cards
Repression and Unrest - CASTILBLANCO
How many were killed
3  cards
Repression and Unrest - ARNEDO
How many killed
4  cards
Repression and Unrest - SANJURJO
What was the catalyst of the coup
4  cards
Repression and Unrest - CASAS VIEJAS
How many killed by who
4  cards
Years of Reaction - CREATION OF CEDA
When was ceda founded,
What does ceda stand for,
Who was ceda led by
8  cards
Years of Reaction - NOV 1933 ELECTIONS
Deputies supporting republican so...,
Deputies supporting republican so...,
What did azana do in september 1933
11  cards
Years of Reaction - UNDOING REFORMS
What happened to agrarian reforms,
Result of agrarian reforms being ...,
What happened to industrial reforms
6  cards
Reaction of the landowning class,
Reaction of the left,
Result of anger from the left
4  cards
What was the programme of opposit...,
What were the key policy goals of...,
How did other parties react to th...
3  cards
Asturias Rising - TENSIONS PRIOR
What is a general strike,
Why did another nationwide strike...,
Where did subsequent general stri...
9  cards
Asturias Rising - WHAT WAS IT?
Where was the asturias,
What political influences were st...,
What motivated their actions
8  cards
Asturias Rising - CONSEQUENCES
What was the short term consequen...,
What was the long term consequenc...,
What happened to the trade unioni...
4  cards
Asturias Rising - CONSEQUENCES pt.2 (white textbook)
Polarisation left,
Polarisation right,
Radicalisation on the right
6  cards
Asturias Revisited - ASTURIAS REVISITED (white textbook))
What trade dominated the area wha...,
What did angered miners do,
What did the workers establish le...
4  cards
Asturias Revisited - SUPRESSION (white textbook)
How many troops sent by gov,
Support of the other armed forces,
Who oversaw the supression what w...
7  cards
What were some of the issues the ...,
What were the split views of the ...,
What was the organisation of the ...
3  cards
Formation of PF, POUM, FE - POUM
When did poum form,
What was poum
2  cards
Who spoke in 1935 that encouraged...,
When did the popular front form,
What was the popular front
3  cards
Who created the falange espanola,
When did the fe form,
What was the fe
7  cards
Formation of PF, POUM, FE - AZANA'S SPEECH
When where was azana s speech,
What did azana warn the people of...,
What was azana s core message
4  cards
Election of Feb 1936 - THE ELECTION
When was the election,
Why was the election early,
10  cards
What was the reaction of poor spa...
1  cards
Election of Feb 1936 - REACTIONS OF THE RIGHT
What was the reaction of the righ...
1  cards
Election of Feb 1936 - REACTIONS OF THE MILITARY
What did franco say about the ele...,
What was the opinions of army off...,
What did the army officers do in ...
4  cards
Azana's Changes + the Reactions - CREATING CALM + POLITICAL CONTROL?
What was introduced to control th...,
What did the gov announce,
Why were the conservatives critical
5  cards
Azana's Changes + the Reactions - BANNING OF FE + CHANGE IN LEADERSHIP
When was the falange banned leade...,
Why was the falange banned,
What was the reaction to the fala...
5  cards
Azana's Changes + the Reactions - AGRARIAN REFORMS
What actions did the peasants tak...,
What was the gov s reaction to th...,
What amount of peasants owned lan...
5  cards
Azana's Changes + the Reactions - OPENING PRISONS
What did the gov do to the prisons,
Which prisons were opened but wha...,
What happened as a result of open...
5  cards
Significance of Sotelo's Assassination
When was sotelo assassinated wher...,
Who was sotelo,
What was it claimed to be a respo...
5  cards
Attempted Military Coup of 1936 - MILITARY PREPARATION
What had the military been doing ...,
What was the feeling of the generals,
Who orchestrated the generals rising
4  cards
Attempted Military Coup of 1936 - WHY DID THE COUP HAPPEN?
What was the rising caused by,
Why was there a long term build u...,
Was spread of communism likely in...
3  cards
Attempted Military Coup of 1936 - WHEN DID THE COUP HAPPEN + FRANCO'S ENTRANCE?
When did the coup begin,
What was the start of the coup,
What happened on the 18th july 1936
4  cards
Attempted Military Coup of 1936 - THE COUP
0  cards
Attempted Military Coup of 1936 - OVERVIEW
0  cards

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s1 - 1930-1936

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