shorebirds of north america

This class was created by Brainscape user Thea Beckman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (9)

Lesson 1: Shorebird Essentials
From shape, size, and foraging behavior to habitat, range, and plumage: receive a grand overview of the various identification hacks and tools you need to take on all of North America's 47 shorebird species. This deck is preparation for the group-specific decks to come.
58  cards
Lesson 2: Tringa-type Shorebirds
Tringas are medium to large-sized sandpipers with long bills, necks, and legs. In this deck, we'll learn how to recognize and identify the seven Tringa-type shorebirds found in North America.
53  cards
Lesson 3: 'Peep' Sandpipers
The "peeps" are the small, stocky sandpipers of North America's mudflats, sandy shores, and rocky coastlines. The tend to be the most frustrating of all the shorebirds to identify because of their similar size, shape, and plumage across many different species, but this deck contains the cheat codes to their ID!
88  cards
Lesson 4: 'Snipe-type' Shorebirds
Meet the 'Snipe-types', North America's short, squat shorebirds with almost comically long bills and the source of a bird-watcher's biggest headache: telling Long-billed Dowitchers and Short-billed Dowitchers apart! Also included: Wilson's Snipe and American Woodcock.
33  cards
Lesson 5: Phalaropes
Learn to swiftly recognize and identify the tell-tale shape, behaviours, and plumages (both breeding and non-breeding) of North America's—and the world's—three phalarope species: the Red Phalarope, Red-necked Phalarope, and Wilson's Phalarope.
28  cards
Lesson 6: "Grasspipers" & Turnstones
From the surf-pounded rocky coastlines of the continent to the grassy prairies of its interior, meet and learn to identify the members of these two unique groups of shorebirds that have made their homes in starkly contrasting habitats. Species covered in this lesson include: Ruddy Turnstone, Black Turnstone, Surfbird, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, and Upland Sandpiper
37  cards
Lesson 7: Plovers
Get to know and confidently ID North America's five banded plovers (Killdeer, Wilson's, Semipalmated, Piping, and Snowy plovers) and three unbanded plovers (Black-bellied Plover, American Golden-plover, and Pacific Golden-plover).
57  cards
Lesson 8: Godwits & Curlews
Learn to confidently identify North America's biggest shorebirds with bizarrely large and shaped bills: Hudsonian Godwit, Marbled Godwit, Long-billed Curlew, and Whimbrel.
23  cards
Lesson 9: Oystercatchers, Avocets & Stilts
Meet North America's four large, distinctive, black-and-white shorebirds: American Oystercatcher, Black Oystercatcher, American Avocet, and Black-necked Stilt.
32  cards

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shorebirds of north america

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