This class was created by Brainscape user Chris Gothberg. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

What 5 things does imaging help a...,
What are 6 indications for the us...,
What 2 things does collaboration ...
38  cards
Search Pattern
What are the 2 errors of observation,
What is an error of interpretation,
What are the abcs of search patterns
61  cards
Fractures/ Fracture Healing
What are 2 types of excessive loa...,
What are 8 sets of descriptive te...,
What are the terms for skin broke...
123  cards
Generating the Radiograph
What determines the degree to whi...,
Will tissues that are ticker in c...,
Is the x ray a positive or negati...
34  cards
What are the routine views of the...,
What can should be noted when com...,
What 4 things is the axillary vie...
17  cards
What are the 4 routine views of t...,
How is the patient oriented in re...,
How is the patient oriented in re...
17  cards
What is mri based on,
Describe the 6 step process of at...,
What does realignment and decay r...
65  cards
CT Scan
What are the 3 major elements of ...,
How many detectors are arranged a...,
What is the data acquisition syst...
30  cards
What is a stable pelvic fracture,
What are 3 types of stable pelvic...,
What is an unstable pelvic fracture
22  cards
Ankle and Foot
What are the ottawa ankle rules,
What are the ottawa foot rules,
What is the 1 2 intermetatarsal a...
37  cards
What 4 things should be assessed ...,
Why is the medial femoral condyle...,
How long should the patellar tend...
33  cards
How should the entire lumbar spin...,
How should the pedicles present i...,
How should the sp present in an a...
45  cards
What is found in the anterior col...,
What is found in the middle colum...,
What is found in the posterior co...
39  cards
What is the 1st question of the c...,
If a patient answers yes to any o...,
What is the 2nd cervical spine ru...
69  cards

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diagnostic imaging

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Chris Gothberg's Diagnostic Imaging flashcards for their University of Rhode Island class now!

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