PSA Dashboard Flashcards


PSA Dashboard: When you open up the Unit4 PSA solution, you’re presented with this type of a view. Before we go any further, I just want to have a brief overview of the actual landscape that you see in front of you.


On the left hand side, this is what we refer to as our navigation bar

  • These are all the various modules that are used to build projects as well as maintain and progress projects through their life cycle.
  • Various type of projects, employees, utilization sheets, time and expense, approvals

The top bar is our command bar and there’s multiple aspects that we have access to here as well.

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PSA Dashboard: Before I go into that, I just want to show you a little bit from a dashboarding point of view. So I spoke about those business intelligence components. We have dashboards that are pre-built and defined for our sub-verticals. They were built over many years of experience in the professional services game so depending on what type of business you’re actually in, you might find some of our predefined dashboards relevant. So this is one specific dashboard that we’ve got called the PSA dashboard.


It shows all my active projects. I can have more of a pipeline type of view for my active projects

The great thing about this is that you can actually drill down into this information. If this is too small, you can expand the chart, which makes it easier for you to see and wherever you see this little hand, you can actually drill down more.

You can see who the owners are that are working for this specific environment. You can decide what to look at. So let’s have a look at the pie chart and you can see that within this specific company, these are the various project managers that are working on various projects within this organization.

The great thing as well is it highlights exactly what the information is, who the individual is, and what’s also really nice about this is if I want to see a little bit more information around where this data actually comes from for this pie chart, I can just view the records

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