Practicals Section 2: Upper Body Exercises Flashcards


Multiple Joint Exercise

Targeted specified muscle group
Appropriate mode
Safe for beginner
Adjusted equipment to client specs
Positioned client correctly
Adequate weight for overload
Demonstration and verbal instruction
Gave verbal and non-verbal cues
Made motivating remarks
Explained speed and Goals
Monitored execution of exercise
Bonus -Demo appropriate stretch
Stretched targeted muscle group
Stated - stretch for 30 seconds


This exercise will work our Pectoralis major as the main muscle, but also our deltoids and triceps as secondary muscles. It’s important for the foundational movement of PUSHING.

Vertical Chest Press
1. First, lets adjust the seat so that the handles are positioned at chest height
2. Place your hands on the bars and place your feet flat on the ground in front of you as your starting position. Your back is against the back support. Chest up, shoulders back
3. Press out in a controlled and steady motion by extending your arms. EXHALE ON THE WAY OUT. Soft lock out when fully extended. Avoid a hard lock out. INHALE as you let the handles return slowly to the starting position. The count is 2 seconds while extending, pause for 1 second, and 4 seconds to return to start position. Slow and controlled
Now Let’s try this out for 8-12 reps.

Body Weight
Incline Wall Press
1. Stand in front of a wall, 3-4 away depending on height. Place your palms a little wider than shoulder width apart on the way with fingertips pointing up. Feet are hip width apart. Slight bend at the knee.
2. Hold your back straight, spine in neutral position, core engaged and shoulders back.
3. Bend at the arms until your head almost touches the way. Your upper body will tilt forward and your heels will lift off the ground. Then push yourself away from the wall. with a soft lock out at the elbows.
To make this more difficult, we step further away from the wall

Dumbbell Bench Press

Anchor resistance tubing. Lunge forward with tubing handles by chest area.
Extend hands forward in a straight line, just short of locking elbows. Exhale while extending
Slowly return to the starting position and repeat several times

Behind the back Arm Retraction
Lace fingers behind the back and squeeze the shoulder blades together
Slowly raise and straighten arms until you feel a stretch. This should not cause any pain. Hold for 30 seconds

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Multiple Joint Exercise

Targeted specified muscle group
Appropriate mode
Safe for beginner
Adjusted equipment to client specs
Positioned client correctly
Adequate weight for overload
Demonstration and verbal instruction
Gave verbal and non-verbal cues
Made motivating remarks
Explained speed and Goals
Monitored execution of exercise
Bonus -Demo appropriate stretch
Stretched targeted muscle group
Stated - stretch for 30 seconds


This exercise will work our Latissimus Dorsi, the largest muscle of our back, as the main muscle, but also our biceps and and deltoids secondary muscles. It’s important for the foundational movement of PULLING.

Lat Pulldown Machine (cable or circuit)
1. Start by setting the seating to a cable machine. Adjust the thigh pad so that it is resting on the tops of your thighs, securing them.
2. Keep your core engaged, back straight, shoulders back, and PULL down on the bar in a slow and controlled manner until it reaches your upper chest. Try using your back muscles to pull it down versus your arms.
3. Pull down and exhale for a count of 2, and return to the start position for a count of four while exhaling.

Barbell Inverted Row
1. Set up a bar on a power rack or smith machine and place your body straight underneath and legs extended out in front of you.
2. Grab the bar with a shoulder width grip and slowly pull yourself up to the bar, bringing yourself to up around chest level
3. Exhale while pulling yourself up for two seconds, hold for a second, inhale while you return to staring position for 4 seconds

Bent Over Row

Resistance Band Row (looped with feet)
1) Begin in a seated position on the floor with legs straight out in front of you.
2) Holding handles, place the center of the band around feet, then wrap each end inside and around each foot one more time to make a loop on each foot.
3) Sit tall with abs tight and hold handles in front of you with elbows bent next to your side.
4) Pull the handles back until they are next to your side and elbows are behind you. Slowly release.
Exhale as you pull in, count for 2,, pause, inhale as you return for 4.

Behind the Head Tricep Stretch
Stand with your back straight and your feet shoulder-width apart.
Bring your left elbow straight up while bending your arm.
Grab your left elbow with your right hand, and pull your left elbow toward your head with light pressure.
You will feel the stretch along the back of your arm and in your lats.
Hold for 30 seconds, then switch elbows.

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Single Joint Exercise

Isolated specified muscles
Appropriate mode
Safe for beginner
Adjusted equipment to client specs
Positioned client correctly
Adequate weight for overload
Demonstration and verbal instruction
Gave verbal and non-verbal cues
Made motivating remarks
Clarified speed and Goals
Monitored execution of exercise
Bonus - Demo appropriate stretch
Stretched targeted muscle group
Shared stretch for 30 seconds


This exercise will work our Triceps that are important for upper body strength and movement in your shoulders and elbows. It’s important for the foundational movement of pushing, pulling, and holding

Cable Rope or Straight Bar Tricep Pushdown
1. Attach a short bar to a high pulley
2. Grasp the handle with an pronated grip, overhand and palms down.
3. Keeping your elbows at your side, push the handle down towards your thighs
4. Pause for a moment and then return to starting position
4. Exhale has you push the bar down, inhale as you bring it back up.
5. Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired

BW Bench Dip
1. Sit down on a bench, hands next to your thighs.
2. Lift off the bottom of the bench and walk your feet out to either a 90 degree angle with your knees or legs fully extended, keeping arms extended.
3. Hinging at the elbow, lower your body down as far as you can go, or until your arms form a 90-degree angle.
4. Exhale has you push yourself up, inhale as you go down.
5. Push up through your palms back to start and repeat. Shoot for 8–12 reps.

Skull Crushers

1. Step on the band with both feet
2. Grab the band with both hands so you feel some resistance while holding in standing position
3. Lean forward until your upper body is almost parallel with the floor, being careful to keep a neutral spine. Keep elbows in line with your upper body
4. Move your hands backwards until you reach a soft lock with your elbows and you feel the squeeze in the triceps.. Exhale as your extend your arms, inhale as you return to starting position. Be sure to maintain your elbows at your side.

Behind the Head Tricep Stretch
Stand with your back straight and your feet shoulder-width apart.
Bring your left elbow straight up while bending your arm.
Grab your left elbow with your right hand, and pull your left elbow toward your head with light pressure.
You will feel the stretch along the back of your arm and in your lats.
Hold for 30 seconds, then switch elbows

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Single Joint Exercise

Isolated specified muscles
Appropriate mode
Safe for beginner
Adjusted equipment to client specs
Positioned client correctly
Adequate weight for overload
Demonstration and verbal instruction
Gave verbal and non-verbal cues
Made motivating remarks
Clarified speed and Goals
Monitored execution of exercise
Bonus - Demo appropriate stretch
Stretched targeted muscle group
Shared stretch for 30 seconds


This exercise will work our BICEPS that are important for upper body strength and movement in your shoulders and elbows and forearms. It’s important for the foundational movement of pushing, pulling, and holding

1. Adjust the seat so the elbows are aligned with the rotation axis
2. Place your arms on the pads with palms facing up, holding on to the handles
3. Draw in your forearms until your arms are fully flexed and squeeze your bicep.
4. Exhale while curling up, pause, inhale while returning to start.
Rep for 8-12 times

Bicep Curl with DB
1. In a standing position, hold the weights by your side with your palms facing forward
2. Keep your elbows in as you draw in your forearms until your arms are fully flex and squeeze your bicep at the top.
3. Exhale while curling up, pause, inhale while returning to start.
4. Maintain a neutral spine, chest up, shoulders back
Rep for 8-12 times

Resistance Band Bicep Curls
1. Step on the band with both feet
2. Grab the band with both hands so you feel some resistance while holding in standing position
3. Keep your elbows in as you draw in your forearms until your arms are fully flex and squeeze your bicep at the top.
4. Exhale while curling up, pause, inhale while returning to start.
5.. Maintain a neutral spine, chest up, shoulders back
Rep for 8-12 times

Standing Bicep Stretch
1. Lift up your arm so that it is parallel to the ground, palms facing up.
2. With your other hand, push down on the finger tips of your extended arm. You should feel a stretch starting at the forearm all the way up to your shoulder.
3. HOLD for 30 seconds, and complete on the other side as well.

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Single Joint Exercise

Isolated specified muscles
Appropriate mode
Safe for beginner
Adjusted equipment to client specs
Positioned client correctly
Adequate weight for overload
Demonstration and verbal instruction
Gave verbal and non-verbal cues
Made motivating remarks
Clarified speed and Goals
Monitored execution of exercise
Bonus - Demo appropriate stretch
Stretched targeted muscle group
Shared stretch for 30 seconds


This exercise will work our DELTOIDS that are the big muscles of your shoulder.

Cable Standing deltoid Raise
1. Start off by standing next to a low pulley row and with your right hand grab your handle to the pulley
2. Keep your back and chest straight and your feet shoulder width apart
3. Take your right hand with the pully and elevated it up so that it is at shoulder level
4. Exhale as you elevate, pause, inhale as you return to starting position.
5. Repeat for 8-12 reps

1. Start off standing up straight with your feet shoulder width apart and your arms extended out to your side so you create a T shape with arms parallel to the floor
2. Slowly make circles with your arms. The bigger the circles, the harder
3. Continue this motion for 10 to 20 seconds
4. Steady breath throughout, inhale and exhale
5. Reverse this motion for 10-20 seconds

1. Stand upright with feet shoulder-width apart, keeping your abs tight and holding a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing inward toward your body
2. Slight bend at your knees and elbows, then slowly raise your arms at your sides until your palms face the floor
3. Once you reach the top position (T-shape), pause for a count and then return back to starting position.
4. Exhale as you lift your arms, pause, inhale as you return to starting position

Resistance Band Lateral Raise
1. Stand upright with resistance band under your feet, feet hip-width apart, keeping your core engaged.
2. Slight bend at your knees and elbows, and slowly raise your arms at your sides until your palms face the floor to a T position
3. Once you reach the top position, pause for a count and then return back to starting position.
4. Exhale as you lift your arms, pause, inhale as you return to starting position

Cross Body Shoulder Stretch
1. Stand tall with your feet hip-distance apart and your core engaged.
2. Bring your left arm across your body at shoulder height, reaching past your right shoulder. Use your right hand to grab your left forearm.
3. Gently pull your left arm closer to your body until you feel a stretch toward the middle of your left shoulder.
4. Hold the position, breathing deeply, for 30 seconds.
5. Rest, then repeat two more times before switching sides.

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