Defined & Undefined Flashcards


Open Head Center


If your Head center is undefined, you are
open to all kinds of inspiration, and feel
pressured to act on your inspiration. You
can appear to others to be indecisive,
because you are constantly trying out new
questions and ideas! You are not supposed
to hold onto one idea or inspiration; your mind is malleable. It’s important to follow your strategy when deciding which inspirations to act on

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Defined Head Center


If you have a defined Head center, you are a source of inspiration. Whether you realize it or not, your presence inspires those around you. You are constantly asking questions and seeking answers. It’s important to listen to your answers but not necessarily act on them. Enjoy the thinking process, and use your strategy to make decisions.

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Head Center


The Head, at the very top of the chart, is the center for inspiration. It’s always under pressure to answer questions…why, how, can you prove it? It’s associated with the pineal gland in the brain. As your head center is non-motorized, it is designed to ask questions and seek answers, but not necessarily do anything! You are not designed to take action based on what your head tells you. Decision-making and taking action come from following your strateg

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Anja Center


The Ajna, located just below the Head, is a center for Awareness. It works closely with the Head and its function is to research, collect and store data, and conceptualize. It is located in the anterior and posterior pituitary in the brain, and is also non- motorized.

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Open Aja Center


If you have an open Ajna, you are open-
minded and unbiased. You can see all
sides of any issue and entertain many
possibilities. When you’re with someone
who has a fixed Ajna, you may find
yourself totally agreeing with their point of
view, say their political opinions. And, as
soon as you get out of their aura, you may
realize that you don’t agree with them at
all! With an open Ajna, it’s important to
relax, enjoy all the possibilities that arise, and stay open.

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Defined Ajna Center


Those with defined Ajna Centers can reliably process and store information. However, they can get attached to their point of view. It’s important that you listen to other’s viewpoints, and don’t make decisions based on what your mind is telling you.

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Throat Center


The Throat Center, located below the Ajna, is the energy center for communication, manifestation, and taking action. It is associated with the thyroid and parathyroid.

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Open Throat Center


People with open Throat centers feel pressured to speak. Sometimes they can blurt out comments or answers, which doesn’t always fare well in social situations. There is a lot of wisdom in the open Throat – many great singers and speakers have an open Throat. The key is to follow your strategy. For instance, as an open Throat Projector if you remain silent until people sense your presence and invite you to speak, your words will have huge impact. Plus people will find you irresistible to talk to!

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Defined Throat Center


People with defined Throat centers are designed to speak, with a few caveats. What you speak about is influenced by the centers connected to your Throat. For example, my G Center is connected to my Throat, so I am designed to speak about matters of the soul.
In order to speak at the correct time and be heard, it’s essential that you follow your strategy. For instance, if you are a Generator, you must wait to respond. If you are a Projector, you wait to be invited to speak (just like an open Throat). Only Manifestors and Manifesting Generators are designed to freely speak out.

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Identity Center


The Identity Center is the diamond in the middle of the chart. It’s also called the G Center. It’s all about love and direction, and your sense of Being. It’s where your soul resides, and is associated with the Liver. Sometimes called the Magnetic Monopole, it connects us to the flow of life, and it draws to you the energy you need to follow your unique direction in life.

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Open Identity Center


People with an open Identity center can see
into others’ souls. They can have deep
insight about another and reflect back their
identity and sense of direction. Many
therapists, teachers and coaches have open
Identity centers. For this center, being in the
‘right’ environment with the ‘right’ people
grounds them and gives them a sense of
direction. I encourage my clients to follow
the inner knowing of the G center to choose their next new home, a table in a restaurant, a networking group, or a mentor. When they are surrounded by people and places that feel good to them, opportunities show up for them and they feel loved. When they are in an environment that doesn’t feel good to them, they can feel unlovable, lost, ungrounded, and depleted.

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Defined Identity Center


If you have a defined Identity center, you know yourself and have a sense of where you’re going, even if you don’t know how you’ll get there. You convey a sense of groundedness and you radiate love! As I mentioned above, if you have a channel connecting your Identity center to your Throat center you love to speak about matters of the soul. Those who have a channel connecting the Throat to the Identity center, are quite open and can be sensitive to criticism.

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The Will Center


The Will Center, also known as the Heart or Ego Center, is the small triangle located just to the right of the Identity center. As a motorized center it is all about creating and allocating resources, and making agreements to protect those resources. It contains the energy of willpower – sticking with something no matter what - and having a sense of value. It is associated with the heart, stomach, gall bladder, and thymus.

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Open Will Center


People with an Open Will center do not
have steady, consistent and reliable
willpower. Try as you may, it can be hard
for you to stick with something you’ve
committed to. This is not a flaw, it’s just
energy. It’s essential that you use your
strategy to help you determine what is
correct for you before you make a promise to yourself or another.
People with an open Will sometimes don’t recognize their value, and can undercharge for their services or have difficulty recognizing their achievements. Plus, they can devalue themselves when they don’t follow through on a commitment! They may try to prove themselves, pushing past their limits, to over compensate for their lack of self- value.
When you have an Open Will Center, you can become very wise about what is truly valuable in life, and what your true contribution is to the world.

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Defined Will Center


Defined Will Center people have consistent access to willpower and sometimes can be willful and stubborn. If you have a defined Will, it’s easy for you to commit to something, like an exercise plan, and stick to it, no matter what. You honor your word, and follow through on your promises, even when you don’t want to. Your ‘can-do” energy inspires the Open Will center people around you to believe they can follow your lead. However, don’t be disappointed with them if they lose their oomph when they step out of your aura.

With a defined Will, you are designed to work and then rest. If you don’t take periodic breaks between your times of achievement, you can wind up with heart or stomach issues. Though you may feel you omnipotent, you can burn yourself out if you don’t follow your strategy and take time to rest and rejuvenate.

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Emotional Solar Plexus Center


The Emotional Solar Plexus is the large triangle on the right side of the Chart. It is a motorized awareness center that regulates your emotional energy, which goes though up and down cycles or waves. It is associated with the kidneys and pancreas.


Open Emotional Solar Plexus


If you are Open in this center, you do not generate your own emotions. For instance, when you are in a peaceful place, away from others, you may notice that you are emotionally calm, almost emotion-less!
On the other hand, with this openness,
you are very empathic – so you can take
in, and then amplify others’ emotions.
For instance, I’m open in this center, and facilitate a group for people recovering from emotional dis-regulation. I can walk into the room feeling calm and immediately experience a strong emotion, such as anger or uneasiness. Fortunately, I have learned some great tools to recognize and let the emotional energy move through me so I don’t get caught off guard. Plus, I am able with this openness to reflect the emotion back to the ‘sender’ and help them recognize and process it through.
People with an open Solar Plexus can have difficulty being around those with emotional definition – especially when the emotions being transmitting towards them are challenging, like anger. If you’re open in this center, you may try to placate the defined Solar Plexus person’s strong feelings by being nice, avoiding conflict, or avoiding them entirely. Then, if that doesn’t work, you might amplify that person’s emotion, and blow up at them.
Your reactive behavior, even if intended to help calm them down, can make that person feel worse, and strain your relationship. In a Human Design session, if you are open in this center, you learn tools to help you allow the emotions to pass through you, so you can come back to your naturally calm and receptive state, be wise about emotions, and allow those with emotional definition to have their feelings.


Defined Solar Plexus


Emotionally Defined people run emotional energy, which travels through them in emotional waves. The intensity of the waves depends on which channels in your chart are connected to your Solar Plexus. My clients are immensely relieved when I tell them that they are designed to experience emotional ups and downs, and that allowing these waves to follow their natural course can enhance their creativity! I invite them to reframe their language about emotions. Instead of calling the down part of their emotional wave depression or negative, I encourage them to view it as a time for feeling into their melancholy, slowing down, and incubating! They learn to track the rhythm of their emotional waves, become more resilient, and make healthier decisions.


Root Center


The Root is a motorized center located at the bottom of the chart. This center is associated with the adrenal glands and stress hormones and is all about adrenalized energy. Like the Head, it is also a pressure center. While the Head is all about mental pressure, the Root brings pressure to evolve, adapt to the world, and get through challenges. As a motor it provides you with powerful energy and momentum to keep moving forward in your life.


Open Root Center


If you have an Open Root center, you
absorb stress from your environment, and amplify it. You may rush around trying to get things done to relieve the pressure, only to find that another project takes its place. For someone with an open Root center, the ‘In box’ never empties. You may push yourself, saying that if you just finish this one last thing, you can finally rest. If you have an open Root, I have this suggestion: Ask yourself, “What is the worst thing that can happen if I don’t finish this today?” That may help you put it down and give yourself a much-needed break. People with an open Root center need to follow their strategy or they will burn themselves out.


Defined Root Center


If you have a Defined Root center, you don’t experience the same kind of adrenalized stress as someone with an open Root. You are able to steadily get things done, in cycles. In other words, depending on the configuration of your channels, sometimes you can steadily push through and complete something. Other times, you can’t. Either way, if it’s important you’ll eventually get it done, and you don’t stress about it. People with this center defined tend to seem grounded and steady as they move through the challenges life presents.


Speen Center


The Spleen is the large triangle on the left side of the chart. As an awareness center, it is all about health, survival-based intuition and time. The lymph nodes and immune system are associated with the Spleen.
This center operates in the now; primal and instinctive, it lets you know how to respond in the moment. For instance, fear lives in this center. Some fears are helpful – like knowing instinctively to step onto the curb when a car comes around a corner. Other fears that aren’t beneficial - like fear of failing if you try something new - also reside in this center. In a Human Design session, you learn tools to move through Splenic fears.


Open Spleen


If you have an Open Spleen center, you may have a sensitive immune system. You are very attuned to your body, and can sense it’s starting to get out of balance even before you actually get ‘sick.’ You also may be very sensitive to medications and may need lower doses than other people, or do better with more alternative medicine. You also may have a lower tolerance to alcohol or recreational drugs. When you do get sick, you need to fully rest in order to recover.
People with open Spleen have difficulty letting go of possessions, relationships, even grudges. Have you ever found yourself holding onto a relationship even when you know it’s not good for you? Or, do you find it hard to let go of clothing you never wear?
If you have an open Spleen, you may have an interesting relationship with time. For instance, one of my clients is chronically late, not because she doesn’t want to come to the session, but because she underestimates how long it will take it to do one more thing, get out the door and drive across the city to my office. It’s important to allow yourself more time than you think you need, so you don’t have to rush.

The good news is people with an open Spleen who learn to follow their strategy can become incredibly wise about time, intuition, and healing.


Defined Spleen Center


Definition in the Spleen centers means you are designed to be in the moment. You make decisions right in the moment, and have a clear sense of timing. Your immune system is very strong, and you can power through illness. However, sometimes you may not even know you are sick until you are very very ill. So it’s important to check in with your body.
You have a reliable gut knowing that exists in the moment. If you learn to listen to your intuition, it will serve you well. Your Spleen may also communicate to you using fear. For instance, depending on which gates are activated in your chart, you may be plagued by a fear of inadequacy, fear of not being perfect, fear of life being meaningless, and so on. The best way to manage these Spleen-based fears is to feel them, and take action. The best way to differentiate a false fear from an intuitive gut-knowing and know what action to take is to follow your strategy.


Sacral Center


The Sacral is the most power energy center in the Human Design chart. Located towards the bottom just above the Root Center, it’s responsible for generating the life-force energy that creates, guides and sustains life. Its major themes center around sexuality, reproduction, relationship, work, movement, steadiness, and vitality. It is associated with the reproductive organs – ovaries and testes.


Open Sacral Center


Open Sacral beings have an unlimited
capacity to experience and become wise
about this generative life force energy. If
you are an open Sacral (a Manifestor,
Projector or Reflector) you are also very
vulnerable to the intense conditioning field
created by defined Sacral beings around
you - the Generators and Manifesting Generators who comprise over 75% of the population! When you are in their energy field, you can take in their sacral energy, amplify it, and for short bursts, work even harder than them. However, it’s important to remember that this energy is ‘borrowed’ and not sustainable. When you leave the Generator field, it’s important to discharge this excess energy and rest. Otherwise, as I can attest from personal experience, you will burn out.
The most important lesson for a non-Sacral being is to learn when ‘enough is enough’ and set healthy boundaries. This is very difficult in a culture that puts so much value on doing and achieving. People with an open Sacral are not designed to work nine to five, whether at a job or as a parent.

Here’s an example:
One of my clients is a Projector and mother of two young children. Before she met me, she was doing her best to be a full time mom, and had just been diagnosed with adrenal fatigue. She couldn’t keep up with her family’s expectations of her, and felt like a failure. When she learned in our sessions that she’s has an open Sacral, she started to ask for help. Though it took time to change her – and her family’s – mindset, she now shares parenting with her spouse and in-laws (who are delighted to help), and takes lots of personal time to replenish. She’s happier, more vibrant, and….. enjoying sex again with her husband!

Speaking of sex, if you have an open Sacral, you can have a very interesting relationship with sexuality. You may find that when you’re not in a relationship, you don’t really miss sex. Yet, when you are attracted to someone, your sexual energy lights up! You may also notice that the range of your sexual expression is unlimited and varies depending on whom you’re with.
Good sleeping habits are very important for those with an open Sacral center. As we’ve mentioned, it’s important to discharge the excess energy you take in during the day. Here are some ‘unplug’ practices I recommend: Take a hot bath (preferably with Epsom salts), meditate, or do my ‘Say Yes’ exercise before getting into bed. Then, allow yourself to lie down and do something relaxing for 30 minutes (do NOT watch the news!), before you turn out the light.
Do your best to sleep alone at least a few nights a week. If your partner is a defined Sacral, they may enjoy cuddling with you all night long. However, you may feel the need to sleep separately, so you can restore your energy field. Though this might take some negotiation, you’ll find that your connection gets even juicier.


Defined Sacral Center


If you have a Defined Sacral center you are designed to work. The key is, you need to find work that you love. When you love what you’re doing, you have access to steady, sustainable energy that lasts from the moment you wake up until you go to sleep. You’re kind of like an Energizer Bunny: You can go and go until your battery runs down at night. You recharge as you sleep, and are good to go the next morning.
If you’re not doing what you love, you can lose energy and get frustrated. You can even burn out. It’s VERY important that you don’t push to make the right work happen, instead wait for the right thing to show up and respond to it using the ‘uh-huh’ ‘’uh-uh’ sound that comes from your sacral motor.
The Sacral is the center for sexuality. With definition, you have a steady and reliable way of experiencing sexual energy. This might mean you prefer certain sexual positions over others, or there are times of day or the week when you are more available for sexual play. Your sexual energy stays consistent for you throughout your life.
Regarding sleep, it’s very important that you get enough sleep to recharge your battery. If you have trouble falling asleep, you may need to increase your level of physical activity. You’re here to build, create, and move your body!