Respiratory pathology Flashcards


What is the function of the lungs
The midline trachea develops jnto what?
The right lung divides into what?
The left lung divided into what?
These teo divisions give rise to what?
Main bronchi gives rise to what? And how are they distinguished from bronchi?
Additional branching of what the main bronchi gives rise to leads to what?
What is acinus ?
Pulmonary acini are composed of what and where do they branch into?
Where is the site of gaseous exchange?
The microscopic structure of the alveolar walls consist of what four things?
Alveolar epithelium contains a continuous layer of how many principal cell types and name them? What are their functions?
What perforates alveolar walls and this permits passage of what?
Primary lung diseases van be broadly divided into those affecting which three places?

In reality, disease in one compartment often causes secondary alterations of morphology and function in other areas.
True or false


The major function of the lung is to replenish oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide from blood.
The midline trachea develops two lateral outpocketings, the lung buds. The right lung bud eventu- ally divides into three main bronchi, and the left into two main bronchi, thus giving rise to three lobes on the right and two on the left. The main bronchi branch dichoto- mously, giving rise to progressively smaller airways, termed bronchioles, which are distinguished from bronchi by the lack of cartilage and submucosal glands within their walls. Additional branching of bronchioles leads to terminal bronchioles; the part of the lung distal to the terminal bron- chiole is called an acinus. Pulmonary acini are composed of respiratory bronchioles (emanating from the terminal bronchiole) that proceed into alveolar ducts, which immedi- ately branch into alveolar sacs, the blind ends of the respira- tory passages, whose walls are formed entirely of alveoli, the ultimate site of gas exchange. The microscopic structure of the alveolar walls (or alveolar septa) consists of the following components, proceeding from blood to air (Fig. 12–1):
• The capillary endothelium and basement membrane.
• The pulmonary interstitium is composed of fine elastic fibers, small bundles of collagen, a few fibroblast-like cells, smooth muscle cells, mast cells, and rare mono- nuclear cells. It is most prominent in thicker portions of
the alveolar septum.
• Alveolar epithelium contains a continuous layer of
two principal cell types: flattened, platelike type I pneumocytes covering 95% of the alveolar surface and rounded type II pneumocytes. The latter synthesize pul- monary surfactant and are the main cell type involved in repair of alveolar epithelium after damage to type I pneumocytes. The alveolar walls are not solid but are perforated by numerous pores of Kohn, which permit passage of air, bacteria, and exudates between adjacent alveoli.
• A few alveolar macrophages usually lie free within the alveolar space. In the adult, these macrophages often contain phagocytosed carbon particles.
There are multiple primary lung diseases that can broadly be divided into those primarily affecting (1) the airways, shown.
(2) the interstitium, and (3) the pulmonary vascular system. This division into discrete compartments is, of course, deceptively neat.

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What is another name for atelectasis and what is atelectasis
What does it result in?
What is the basis of the classification of atelectasis?
What are the forms of atelectasis classified into?
When do these forms occur or what are they usually associated eith?
Obstruction of a bronchus by a mucous or mucopurulent plug is a commin cause of which type of atelectasis?
This obstruction may complicate which diseases particularly in children?
Which form of atelectasis is a frequent occurence eith pleural effusion caused mostly by CHF?
Basal atelectasis due to elevated position of the diaphragm commonly occurs in which three patients?
Is atelectasis reversible?
When will it be irreversible
The condition should be treated promptly to prevent what two things?


Atelectasis, also known as collapse, is loss of lung volume caused by inadequate expansion of air spaces. It results in shunting of inadequately oxygenated blood from pulmo- nary arteries into veins, thus giving rise to a ventilation- perfusion imbalance and hypoxia. On the basis of the underlying mechanism or the distribution of alveolar col- lapse, atelectasis is classified into three forms (Fig. 12–2).
• Resorption atelectasis. Resorption atelectasis occurs when an obstruction prevents air from reaching distal airways. The air already present gradually becomes absorbed, and alveolar collapse follows. Depending on the level of airway obstruction, an entire lung, a complete lobe, or one or more segments may be involved. The most common cause of resorption collapse is obstruction of a bronchus by a mucous or mucopurulent plug. This fre- quently occurs postoperatively but also may complicate bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis, tumor, or foreign body aspiration, particularly in children.
• Compression atelectasis. Compression atelectasis (some- times called passive or relaxation atelectasis) is usually associated with accumulation of fluid, blood, or air within the pleural cavity, which mechanically collapses the adjacent lung. This is a frequent occurrence with pleural effusion, caused most commonly by congestive heart failure (CHF). Leakage of air into the pleural cavity (pneumothorax) also leads to compression atelectasis. Basal atelectasis resulting from the elevated position of the diaphragm commonly occurs in bedridden patients, in patients with ascites, and during and after surgery.
• Contraction atelectasis. Contraction (or cicatrization) ate- lectasis occurs when either local or generalized fibrotic changes in the lung or pleura hamper expansion and increase elastic recoil during expiration.
Atelectasis (except when caused by contraction) is poten- tially reversible and should be treated promptly to prevent hypoxemia and superimposed infection of the collapsed lung.

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In this form of atelectasis,fluid or air prevents full expansion of the area of the lung jts in leading to collapse. What form of atelectasis is this?
In this form of atelectasis the affected lung is fibrosed and has lost its elasticity so its not aboe to expand well leading to collapse but there’s increased recoil when uou breathe out
What form of atelectasis is this?
Which bronchi is steeper and wider and its easy for aspirated materials to get in there?
Which fissures divide the right lung into three? Which fissure divides the left lung into two
What us the functional unit for gaseous exchange
What does the acinus comprise of
What is the function of surfactant
Type 2 cells can turn themselves into type 1 true or false
Atelectasis can be congenital or acquired true or false?
Name three common and less common congenital lung diseases
Whats the difference between hypoxia and hypoxemia


Compression atelectasis
Contraction atelectasis

Right lung

Oblique and horizontal fissures

Oblique fissure


Respiratory bronchioles,alveolar sacs,alveolar duct

It provides surface tension that keeps the integrity of the alveolar sacs


Pulmonary hypoplasia
Foregut cysts
Pulmonary sequestration

Less vommon:
Vascular anomalies
Congenital lobar overinflation
Bronchial and tracheal anomalies

Hypoxia:low oxygen in blood
Hypoxemia:low oxygen saturation in the blood
Check well cuz im not sure of this definition

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What is acute lung injury
Clinically acute lung injury manifests as what three symptoms
Pulmonary inflitrates in acute lung injury are usually caused by what?
Acute lung injury can progress ti what?
Left sided heart failure can present with loss of the costeophrenic angle so if theres this loss but theres not heart failure think of acute lung injury
True or false

With the clinical disorders associated with acute lung injury or acute respiratory distress syndrome
What are common and unvommon causes of direct lung injury or indirect lung injury


The term acute lung injury encompasses a spectrum of bilat- eral pulmonary damage (endothelial and epithelial), which can be initiated by numerous conditions.
Clinically, acute lung injury manifests as (1) acute onset of dyspnea, (2) decreased arterial oxygen pressure (hypoxemia), and (3) development of bilateral pulmonary infiltrates on the chest radiograph, all in the absence of clinical evidence of primary left-sided heart failure. Since the pulmonary infiltrates in acute lung injury are usually caused by damage to the alveolar capillary membrane, rather than by left-sided heart failure (Chapter 10), such accumulations constitute an example of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema. Acute lung injury can progress to the more severe acute respiratory distress syndrome,

Direct lung injury:
Common Causes
Aspiration of gastric contents

Uncommon causes:
Pulmonary contusion
Fat embolism 
Inhalational injury
 Reperfusion injury after lung  transplantation

Indirect lung injury:
Common causes:
Severe trauma with shock

 Uncommon Causes
 Cardiopulmonary bypass
 Acute pancreatitis
Drug overdose
Transfusion of blood products
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What is ARDS
Usual course of this disease is characterized by what signs?
Whats the histologic manifestation of this disease?

ARDS can occur in a multitude of clinical settings and is associated with either direct injury to the lung or indirect injury in the setting of a systemic process
True or false
What is respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn caused by?
What is the gross morphology in the acute phase of ARDS and what’s the histologic appearance of the lungs in ARDS
What’s yhe most characteristic finding in the histologic appearance of the lungs
Hyaline membranes contain what?
In the organizing stage,what is seen?
With the appearance,resolution is unusual; more commonly, there is organization of the fibrin exudates, with resultant intra-alveolar fibrosis.
True or false
Marked thickening of yhe alveolar septa ensues and is caused by??
Healing stage is marked by ehat features?


Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a clinical syndrome caused by diffuse alveolar capillary and epithe- lial damage.
The usual course is characterized by rapid onset of life-threatening respiratory insufficiency, cyanosis, and severe arterial hypoxemia that is refractory to oxygen therapy and may progress to multisystem organ failure. The histologic manifestation of ARDS in the lungs is known as diffuse alveolar damage (DAD).
It should be recalled that respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn is pathoge- netically distinct; it is caused by a primary deficiency of surfactant.

In the acute phase of ARDS, the lungs are dark red, firm, airless, and heavy. Microscopic examination reveals capillary congestion, necrosis of alveolar epithelial cells, interstitial and intra-alveolar edema and hemorrhage, and (particularly with sepsis) collections of neutrophils in capillaries. The most characteristic finding is the presence of hyaline mem- branes, particularly lining the distended alveolar ducts (Fig. 12–4). Such membranes consist of fibrin-rich edema fluid admixed with remnants of necrotic epithelial cells. Overall, the picture is remarkably similar to that seen in respiratory distress syndrome in the newborn (Chapter 6). In the orga- nizing stage, vigorous proliferation of type II pneumocytes occurs in an attempt to regenerate the alveolar lining.
Marked thickening of the alveolar septa ensues, caused by prolifera- tion of interstitial cells and deposition of collagen.

The healing stage is marked by resorption of hyaline membranes with thickening of alveolar septa containing inflammatory cells, fibroblasts, and collagen. Numerous reactive type II pneumocytes also are seen at this stage (arrows), associated with regeneration and repair.

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With the pathogenesis of ARDS ,the alveolar capillary membrane is formed by which two separate barriers?
What happens to these barriers in ARDS ?
What are the four acute consequences of damage to the alveolar capillary membrane
What is the cause of lung injury in ARDS
What happens after thirty minutes of acute insult?
Which chemokines come to play in acute ARDS and what are their functions?
What is the function of neutrophils in ARDS?
Histological exam of lungs in ARDS shows what?
Activated neutrophils release which products
What causes the alveolar unit to not expand?
Destructive forces unleashed by neutrophils can be counteracted by what?
What determines the degree of tissue injury and clinical severity of ARDS?
What happens to neutrophils under the influence of proinflammatory cytokines?
What happens to activated neutrophils and where are they activated?
Factord that neutrophils release contribute to whatv
Release of macrophage derived fibrogenic cytokines stimulate what?


A.In Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome,the integrity of the microvascular endothelium barrier and the alveolar epithelium barrier are com- promised by either endothelial or epithelial injury, or, most commonly, both. The damage to the alveolar capillary membrane ,which comprises of the microvascular endothelium barrier and the alveolar epithelium barrier ,causes acute consequences such as increased vascular permeability and alveolar flooding, loss of diffusion capacity, and widespread surfactant abnormalities which are caused by damage to type II pneumocytes . In Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome , injury to the lung is caused by an imbalance of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory media- tors. After an acute injury to the lung, there is increased synthesis of interleukin 8 (IL-8), by pulmonary macrophages . Release of this and mediators, such as Interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), results to endothelial activation as well as sequestration and activation of neutrophils in pulmonary capillaries. Activation of the neutrophils causes a release of oxidants,platelet activating factor,leukotrienes and proteases and these released products cause damage to the alveolar capillary membrane. Damage to this membrane causes vascular leafiness and loss of surfactant which then prevents the alveolar unit from expanding properly. On Histologic examination of the lungs early in the disease process there are increased numbers of neutrophils within the vascular space, the interstitium, and the alveoli. Of note, the destructive forces unleashed by neutrophils can be counteracted by an array of endoge- nous antiproteases, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory cyto- kines (e.g., IL-10) that are upregulated by pro-inflammatory cytokines. In the end, it is the balance between the destruc- tive and protective factors that determines the degree of tissue injury and clinical severity of the disease

The normal alveolus (left), compared with the injured alveolus in the early phase of acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome. Under the influence of proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukins IL-8 and IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) (released by macro- phages), neutrophils initially undergo sequestration in the pulmonary microvasculature, followed by margination and egress into the alveolar space, where they undergo activation. Activated neutrophils release a variety of factors such as leukotrienes, oxidants, proteases, and platelet-activating factor (PAF), which contribute to local tissue damage, accumulation of edema fluid in the air spaces, surfactant inactivation, and hyaline membrane formation. Subsequently, the release of macrophage-derived fibrogenic cytokines such as transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) and platelet-derived growth factor (PGDF) stimulate fibroblast growth and collagen deposition associated with the healing phase of injury

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With the clinical features of ARDS, most patients develop ARDS within how many hours of the initiating insult?
What are the predictors of poor prognosis in ARDS
What two things can happen to patients who survive the acute stage ?


Approximately 85% of patients develop the clinical syn- drome of acute lung injury or ARDS within 72 hours of the initiating insult. Predictors of poor prognosis include advanced age, underlying bacteremia (sepsis), and the development of multisystem (especially cardiac, renal, or hepatic) failure. Should the patient survive the acute stage, diffuse inter- stitial fibrosis may occur, with continued compromise of respiratory function. However, in most patients who survive the acute insult and are spared the chronic sequelae, normal respiratory function returns within 6 to 12 months.

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Summarize what youve learnt about ARDS
(What is ARDS ,state the major player in the pathogenesis of ARDS and what does it cause? Whats the characteristic histologic picture of the lung in ARDs?


Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
• ARDS is a clinical syndrome of progressive respiratory insufficiency caused by diffuse alveolar damage in the setting of sepsis, severe trauma, or diffuse pulmonary infection.
• Neutrophils and their products have a crucial role in the pathogenesis of ARDS by causing endothelial and epithelial injury.
• The characteristic histologic picture is that of alveolar edema, epithelial necrosis, accumulation of neutrophils, and presence of hyaline membranes lining the alveolar ducts.

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Diffuse pulmonary diseases can be classified into two categories ,name them and what they are characterized byz
What are the four major diffuse obstructive disorders?
In patients with obstructive disorders,forced vital capacity is what?
Expiratory flow rate is measured as what? And is significantly increased or decreased?
Ratio of forced expiratory volune to forced vital capacity is what in obstructive disorders?
Expiratory obstruction may result from which two things?
FVC is reduced and FEV is normal or reduced proportionately meaning ratio if FEV to FVC is near normal in which diseases?
The restrictive defect occurs in which two general conditions?
Name three chronic restrictive diseases ?
With restrictive disorders the ratio means you can take in much or less and you can bring out much or less while is obstructive the ratio means you breathe in much but you cant bring out much
True ir false
What us inspiratiry capacity


Diffuse pulmonary diseases can be classified into two cat- egories: (1) obstructive (airway) disease, characterized by limitation of airflow, usually resulting from an increase in
resistance caused by partial or complete obstruction at any level, and (2) restrictive disease, characterized by reduced expansion of lung parenchyma accompanied by decreased total lung capacity.
The major diffuse obstructive disorders are emphysema, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and asthma. In patients with these diseases, forced vital capacity (FVC) is either normal or slightly decreased, while the expiratory flow rate, usually measured as the forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV1), is significantly decreased. Thus, the ratio of FEV to FVC is characteristically decreased. Expiratory obstruc- tion may result either from anatomic airway narrowing, classically observed in asthma, or from loss of elastic recoil, characteristic of emphysema.
By contrast, in diffuse restrictive diseases, FVC is reduced and the expiratory flow rate is normal or reduced propor- tionately. Hence, the ratio of FEV to FVC is near normal. The restrictive defect occurs in two general conditions: (1) chest wall disorders in the presence of normal lungs (e.g., with severe obesity, diseases of the pleura, and neuromuscular disor- ders, such as the Guillain-Barré syndrome that affect the respiratory muscles) and (2) acute or chronic interstitial lung diseases. The classic acute restrictive disease is ARDS, discussed earlier. Chronic restrictive diseases include the pneumoconioses, interstitial fibrosis of unknown etiology, and most of the infiltrative conditions (e.g., sarcoidosis).


Limit to ehich a baloon can go before it bursts

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What are the four disorders in obstructive lung diseases
What are the differences between emphysema and chronic bronchitis
What us the major cause of these two disorders?
What’s the difference between asthma and COPD
These two disorders are clinically grouped together under ehich disease

In their prototypical forms, the four disorders in this group—emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma, and bronchiectasis—have distinct clinical and anatomic charac- teristics but overlaps between emphysema, bronchitis, and asthma are common.
At the outset, it should be recognized that the definition of emphysema is morphologic, whereas chronic bronchitis is defined on the basis of clinical features such as the presence of chronic and recurrent cough with excessive mucus secre- tion. Second, the anatomic distribution is partially differ- ent; chronic bronchitis initially involves the large airways, whereas emphysema affects the acinus. In severe or advanced cases of both, small airway disease (chronic bronchiolitis) is characteristic. Although chronic bronchitis may exist without demonstrable emphysema, and almost pure emphysema may occur (particularly in patients with inherited α1-antitrypsin deficiency) (discussed later), the two diseases usually coexist. This is almost certainly because the major cause—cigarette smoking, especially long-term, heavy tobacco exposure—is common to both disorders. In view of their propensity to coexist, emphy- sema and chronic bronchitis often are clinically grouped together under the rubric of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). 

The primarily irreversible airflow obstruc- tion of COPD distinguishes it from asthma, which, as described later, is characterized largely by reversible airflow obstruction; however, patients with COPD commonly have some degree of reversible obstruction as well

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What are the differences between chronic bronchitis,bronchiectasis,asthma,emphysema and bronchiolitis mentioning the clinical entity,the anatomic site,major patjologic changes,causes and signs and symptoms of each entity


Clinical Entity
Anatomic Site
Major Pathologic Changes
Clinical entity: Chronic bronchitis anatomic site:Bronchus
Major pathologic changes:Mucous gland hypertrophy and hyperplasia,
Causes:Tobacco smoke, air pollutants signs and symptoms:Cough, sputum production

Site: Bronchus
Major pathological changes:Airway dilation and scarring
Causes:Persistent or severe infections signs and symptoms:Cough, purulent sputum, fever
Major pathologic changes:Smooth muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia, excessive mucus, inflammation
Causes:Immunologic or undefined causes
Signs and symptoms:Episodic wheezing, cough,dyspnea

Changes:Air space enlargement, wall destruction
Causes: Tobacco smoke 
Signs and symptoms:Dyspnea 
 Small airway disease(bronchiolitis*)
Changes:Inflammatory scarring, partial
obliteration of bronchioles
Causee: Tobacco smoke, air pollutants signs and symptoms :Cough, dyspnea
*Can be present in all forms of obstructive lung disease or by itself.
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Emphysema is characterized by what?
Emphysema is classified according to what?
What is a lobule?
What are the four major types of emphysema
Which of the two types cause clinical significant airway obstruction?
Which of the two types is more common


Emphysema is characterized by abnormal permanent enlarge- ment of the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles(the acini are are distal to the terminal bronvhioles so structured there are what are affected) accompanied by destruction of their walls without significant fibrosis

Types of Emphysema
Emphysema is classified according to its anatomic distribu- tion within the lobule; as described earlier, the acinus is the structure distal to terminal bronchioles, and a cluster of three to five acini is called a lobule (Fig. 12–6, A). There are four major types of emphysema: (1) centriacinar, (2) pan- acinar, (3) distal acinar, and (4) irregular. Only the first two types cause clinically significant airway obstruction, with centriacinar emphysema being about 20 times more common than panacinar disease.

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What is the distinctive feature of centriacinar emphysema
Which parts of acini are involved in this type of emphysema
Lesions are more common and severe in which part of the lobes?
In severe centriacinar emphysema what is involved? What does this cause?
This type of emphysema is most commonly seen ad a consequence in ehich group of people?

Ehat is the characteristic of acini in panacinar emphysema ?
Where does this type of emphysema tend to occur?
This type occurs in which disease?
What happens to the acinus in distal acinar emphysema?
Where is this kind of emphysema more striking ?
Where does it occur?
In which area is it more severe?
What is the characteristic finding in this kind of emphysema
What is the range of diameter in air spaces in this kind of emphysema
What are bullae?
Distal acinar emphysema is seen most often in which cases?
What is the characteristic of the acinus in irregular emphysema
What is the most common form of emphysema


The distinctive feature of centriacinar (centrilobular) emphysema is the pattern of involvement of the lobules: The central or proximal parts of the acini, formed by respiratory bronchioles, are affected, while distal alveoli are spared. Thus, both emphysematous and normal air spaces exist within the same acinus and lobule (Fig. 12–6, B). The lesions are more common and severe in the upper lobes, particularly in the apical segments. In severe centriacinar emphysema the distal acinus also becomes involved, and thus, the dif- ferentiation from panacinar emphysema becomes difficult. This type of emphysema is most commonly seen as a con- sequence of cigarette smoking in people who do not have congenital deficiency of α1-antitrypsin.

Panacinar (Panlobular) Emphysema
In panacinar (panlobular) emphysema, the acini are uniformly enlarged, from the level of the respiratory bronchiole to the terminal blind alveoli (Fig. 12–6, C). In contrast with centriacinar emphysema, panacinar emphysema tends to occur more commonly in the lower lung zones and is the type of emphysema that occurs in α1-antitrypsin deficiency.
Distal Acinar (Paraseptal) Emphysema
In distal acinar (paraseptal) emphysema, the proximal portion of the acinus is normal but the distal part is primarily involved. The emphysema is more striking adjacent to the pleura, along the lobular connective tissue septa, and at the margins of the lobules. It occurs adjacent to areas of fibrosis, scar- ring, or atelectasis and is usually more severe in the upper half of the lungs. The characteristic finding is the presence of multiple, contiguous, enlarged air spaces ranging in diameter from less than 0.5 mm to more than 2.0 cm, some- times forming cystic structures that, with progressive enlargement, are referred to as bullae. The cause of this type of emphysema is unknown; it is seen most often in cases of spontaneous pneumothorax in young adults.

Irregular Emphysema
Irregular emphysema, so named because the acinus is irregularly involved, is almost invariably associated with scarring, such as that resulting from healed inflammatory diseases. Although clinically asymptomatic, this may be the most common form of emphysema.

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What is the pathogenesis of emphysema (what induced inflammation? What causes epithelial injury and proteolysis if thr ECM?
Give an example of an antielestase
Which people mostly develop symptomatic panacinar emphysema? And when does it occur? After smoking,ehich other factor controls response to injury and how does it cause Emphysema? Which matrix metalloproteinases have a pathogenic role in emphysema and how do they work?
What results result in different diseases? Name the diseases they resilt in?
Why can emphysema be thought of as resulting from insufficient wound repair?
What causes unchecked scarring un patients with fibrosing lung diseases?


Exposure to toxic substances such as tobacco smoke and inhaled pollutants induces ongoing inflammation with accu- mulation of neutrophils, macrophages and lymphocytes in the lung. Elastases, cytokines (including IL-8) and oxidants are released causing epithelial injury and proteolysis of the extra- cellular matrix (ECM). Elastin degradation products further increase the inflammation. Unless checked by antielastases
(e.g., α1-antitrypsin) and antioxidants, the cycle of inflamma- tion and ECM proteolysis continues.

Indeed, more than 80% of patients with congenital α1-antitrypsin deficiency develop symptomatic panacinar emphysema, which occurs at an earlier age and with greater severity if the affected person smokes.

Multiple genetic factors control the response to injury after smoking. For example, the TGFB gene exhibits polymorphisms that influence suscep- tibility to the development of COPD by regulating the response of mesenchymal cells to injury. For example, with certain polymorphisms, mesenchymal cell response to TGF-β signaling is reduced, which in turn results in inadequate repair of elastin injury caused by inhaled toxins.
Matrix metallopro- teinases (MMPs), especially MMP-9 and MMP-12, have also been shown to have a pathogenic role in emphysema. MMP-9 gene polymorphisms and higher levels of both MMP-9 and MMP-12 have been found in some emphysema patients. Moreover, MMP-12–deficient mice are protected from ciga- rette smoke–induced emphysema.

Complex interactions between inflammatory mediators, cell signaling and inappropriate activation of repair mecha- nisms may result in very different diseases: tissue destruction without fibrosis (emphysema) or interstitial fibrosis

Recent data indicate that mesenchymal cell response may be a key factor in determining which of these two processes ensues. In emphysema there is loss of not only epithelial and endothelial cells but also mesenchymal cells, leading to lack of extracellular matrix, the scaffolding upon which epithelial cells would have grown. Thus, emphysema can be thought of as resulting from insufficient wound repair. By contrast, patients with fibrosing lung dis- eases have excessive myofibroblastic or fibroblastic response to injury, leading to unchecked scarring.

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Diagnosis and classification of emphysema depend largely on what?
What is the gross morphology of panacinar emphysema when its well developed?
What are the macroscopic features of centriacinar emphysema
Which part of the lungs are severely affected in centriacinar emphysema
Histologic exam in this kind of emphysema reveals what?
Why will terminal and respiratory bronchioles be deformed ?
What will cause small airway collapse during expiration
What two things are consistently present in advanced disease?
What are the features of pulmonary emphysema


The diagnosis and classification of emphysema depend largely on the macroscopic appearance of the lung. Panacinar emphysema, when the pathologic process is well devel- oped, produces pale, voluminous lungs that often obscure the heart when the anterior chest wall is removed at autopsy. The macroscopic features of centriacinar emphysema are less impressive. The lungs are a deeper pink than in pan- acinar emphysema and less voluminous, unless the disease is well advanced. Generally, in centriacinar emphysema the upper two thirds of the lungs are more severely affected than the lower lungs. Histologic examination reveals destruction of alveolar walls without fibrosis, leading to enlarged air spaces In addition to alveolar loss, the number of alveolar capillaries is diminished. Terminal and respiratory bronchioles may be deformed because of the loss of septa that help tether these structures in the parenchyma. With the loss of elastic tissue in the surrounding alveolar septa, radial traction on the small airways is reduced. As a result, they tend to collapse during expiration—an important cause of chronic airflow obstruction in severe emphysema. Bronchiolar inflammation and submucosal fibrosis are consis- tently present in advanced disease.

Pulmonary emphysema. There is marked enlargement of air spaces, with destruction of alveolar septa but without fibrosis. Note presence of black anthracotic pigment

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What is the first symptom in emphysema? And whats the character of the symptom or duration

Cough and wheezing may be initial complaints in which patients?
When will weight loss be severe in emphysema?
What test will be done?
What does this test reveal?
What does this mean for the ratio of FEV1 to FVC
What is the classic presentation in emphysema with no bronchitic component?
In patients w this disease,air space enlargement is severe and diffusing capacity is low true or false?
Which two signs are prominent so that until very late in the disease what happens to gas exchange?
Why are these patients called pink puffers?

At the other extreme of the clinical presentation in emphysema is a patient who also has pronounced chronic bronchitis and a history of recurrent infections with puru- lent sputum,state the clinical features in such a person
Why are such people called blue bloaters?
When do they seek medical help?
In all cases secondary pulmonary hypertension develops gradually arising from where?
Death from emphysema is related to what four signs?


Clinical Features
Dyspnea usually is the first symptom; it begins insidiously but is steadily progressive. In patients with underlying chronic bronchitis or chronic asthmatic bronchitis, cough and wheezing may be the initial complaints. Weight loss is common and may be so severe as to suggest a hidden malignant tumor. Pulmonary function tests reveal reduced FEV1 with normal or near-normal FVC. Hence, the ratio of FEV1 to FVC is reduced.
The classic presentation in emphysema with no “bron- chitic” component is one in which the patient is barrel- chested and dyspneic, with obviously prolonged expiration, sitting forward in a hunched-over position, attempting to squeeze the air out of the lungs with each expiratory effort. In these patients, air space enlargement is severe and dif- fusing capacity is low. Dyspnea and hyperventilation are prominent, so that until very late in the disease, gas exchange is adequate and blood gas values are relatively normal. Because of prominent dyspnea and adequate oxy- genation of hemoglobin, these patients sometimes are called “pink puffers.”
At the other extreme of the clinical presentation in emphysema is a patient who also has pronounced chronic bronchitis and a history of recurrent infections with puru- lent sputum. Dyspnea usually is less prominent, with diminished respiratory drive, so the patient retains carbon dioxide, becomes hypoxic, and often is cyanotic.
For reasons not entirely clear, such patients tend to be obese— hence the designation “blue bloaters.” Often they seek medical help after the onset of CHF (cor pulmonale) (Chapter 10) and associated edema.
Most patients with emphysema and COPD, however, fall somewhere between these two classic extremes. In all cases, secondary pulmonary hypertension develops gradu- ally, arising from both hypoxia-induced pulmonary vascu- lar spasm and loss of pulmonary capillary surface area from alveolar destruction. Death from emphysema is related to either pulmonary failure, with respiratory acido- sis, hypoxia, and coma, or right-sided heart failure (cor pulmonale).

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Summarize emphysema
(What is it? What are the subtypes? In which people are these types seen? Smoking and inhaled pollutants cause what? And what do they lead to? Most patients w emphysema demonstrate elements of chronic bronchitis concurrently 
Why? Patients w pure emphysema are characterized as what?)

What us compensatory emphysema?
What is obstructive overinflation?
What is a common cause of obstructive overinflation?
What is bullous emphysema ?
What do yhe blebs in this kind of emphysema represent?
When they rupture what do they lead to?
What is mediastinal emphysema
When does it occur? And what does it result in?
Sometimes it develops in ehich group of people?
It is particularly likely to occur in which groups of patients?
What will make the patient blow up like a balloon,with marked swelling of the head and neck and crackling crepitation all over the chest?


• Emphysema is a chronic obstructive airway disease char- acterized by permanent enlargement of air spaces distal to terminal bronchioles.
• Subtypes include centriacinar (most common; smoking- related), panacinar (seen in α1-antitrypsin deficiency), distal acinar, and irregular.
• Smoking and inhaled pollutants cause ongoing accumula- tion of inflammatory cells, releasing elastases and oxidants, which destroy the alveolar walls without adequate mes- enchymal repair response.
• Most patients with emphysema demonstrate elements of chronic bronchitis concurrently, since cigarette smoking is an underlying risk factor for both; patients with pure emphysema are characterized as “pink puffers.”

Conditions Related to Emphysema
Several conditions resemble emphysema only superfi- cially but nevertheless are (inappropriately) referred to as such:
• Compensatory emphysema is a term used to designate the compensatory dilation of alveoli in response to loss of lung substance elsewhere, such as occurs in residual lung parenchyma after surgical removal of a diseased lung or lobe.
• Obstructive overinflation refers to the condition in which the lung expands because air is trapped within it. A common cause is subtotal obstruction by a tumor or foreign object. Obstructive overinflation can be a life-threatening emergency if the affected portion extends sufficiently to compress the remaining normal lung.
• Bullous emphysema refers merely to any form of emphy- sema that produces large subpleural blebs or bullae (spaces greater than 1 cm in diameter in the distended state) (Fig. 12–9). Such blebs represent localized accen- tuations of one of the four forms of emphysema; most often the blebs are subpleural, and on occasion they may rupture, leading to pneumothorax.
• Mediastinal(interstitial) emphysema is the condition result- ing when air enters the connective tissue stroma of the lung, mediastinum, and subcutaneous tissue. This may occur spontaneously with a sudden increase in intra- alveolar pressure (as with vomiting or violent coughing) resulting in a tear, with dissection of air into the inter- stitium. Sometimes it develops in children with whoop- ing cough. It is particularly likely to occur in patients on respirators who have partial bronchiolar obstruction or in persons who suffer a perforating injury (e.g., a frac- tured rib). When the interstitial air enters the subcutane- ous tissue, the patient may literally blow up like a balloon, with marked swelling of the head and neck and crackling crepitation all over the chest. In most instances, the air is resorbed spontaneously after the site of entry is sealed.

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chronic bronchitis is common among which people?
Diagnosis of chronic bronchitis is made on ehat grounds?
What is chronic bronchitis?
In early stages of the disease what sign is seen?
Some patients w vhronic bromchitis may demonstrate what?
Which bronchitic patients develop chronic outflow obstruction associated w emphysema?
What are the clinical features of patients e chronic bronchitis?
What 3 signs are seen in chronic bronchitis pateints in ehich the disease develops into significant COPD w outflow obstruction ?

Differentiation of this form of COPD from that caused by emphysema can be made in the classic case, but many such patients have both conditions
True or false .

With progression,Chronic bronchitus is complicated by what two diseases ?
Which two diseases are constant threats?


Chronic bronchitis is common among cigarette smokers and urban dwellers in smog-ridden cities;
The diagnosis of chronic bron- chitis is made on clinical grounds: it is defined by the pres- ence of a persistent productive cough for at least 3 consecutive months in at least 2 consecutive years. In early stages of the disease, the productive cough raises mucoid sputum, but airflow is not obstructed. Some patients with chronic bronchitis may demonstrate hyperresponsive airways with intermittent bronchospasm and wheezing. A subset of bronchitic patients, especially heavy smokers, develop chronic outflow obstruction, usually with associated emphysema.

Clinical Features
In patients with chronic bronchitis, a prominent cough and the production of sputum may persist indefinitely without ventilatory dysfunction. As alluded to earlier, however, some patients develop significant COPD with outflow obstruction. This clinical syndrome is accompanied by hypercapnia, hypoxemia, and (in severe cases) cyanosis (hence the term “blue bloaters”).

With progression, chronic bronchitis is compli- cated by pulmonary hypertension and cardiac failure (Chapter 10). Recurrent infections and respiratory failure are constant threats.

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What is the distinctive feature of chronic bronchitis and where does it begin?
Name two other air pollutants that may contribute to this disease?
How do these environmental irritants cause chronic bronchitis?
Whats the difference between bronchitis and asthma ?
What is the defining feature of chronic bronchitis?
The morphological basis of airflow obstruction in chronic bronchitis results from which teo diseases?
What induces the small airway disease?

chronic bronchitis with significant airflow obstruction is almost always complicated by emphysema true or false?
Many of the respiratory epithelial effects of environmental irritants (e.g., mucus hypersecre- tion) are mediated by local release of which substances?
What teo things are increased as a consequence of exposire to tobacco smoke?
Microbial infection is often present . What is its secondary role
What is the gross appearance of the mucosal lining pf the larger airways?
It is foten covered w what?
On histologic exam whats the diagnostic feature of chronic bronchitis in the trachea and larger bronchi?
How is the magnitude of the increase in size assessed? What is the normal Reid index?
What is the appearance of inflammatory cells? Chronic bronchiolitis is characterized by what four things?
In most severe cases what may be seen ? What leads to luminal narrowingand airway obstruction


The distinctive feature of chronic bronchitis is hypersecre- tion of mucus, beginning in the large airways. Although the single most important cause is cigarette smoking, other air pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, may contribute. These environmental irritants induce hypertro- phy of mucous glands in the trachea and main bronchi, leading to a marked increase in mucin-secreting goblet cells in the surface epithelium of smaller bronchi and bronchioles. In addition, these irritants cause inflammation with infiltration of CD8+ lymphocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils. In contrast with asthma, there are no eosinophils in chronic bronchitis. Whereas the defining feature of chronic bronchitis (mucus hypersecretion) is primarily a reflection of large bron- chial involvement, the morphologic basis of airflow obstruction in chronic bronchitis is more peripheral and results from (1) small airway disease, induced by goblet cell metaplasia with mucous plugging of the bronchio- lar lumen, inflammation, and bronchiolar wall fibrosis, and (2) coexistent emphysema. In general, while small airway disease (also known as chronic bronchiolitis) is an important component of early and relatively mild airflow obstruction,.
It is postulated that many of the respiratory epithelial effects of environmental irritants (e.g., mucus hypersecre- tion) are mediated by local release of T cell cytokines such as IL-13. The transcription of the mucin gene MUC5AC in bronchial epithelium and the production of neutrophil elas- tase are increased as a consequence of exposure to tobacco smoke. Microbial infection often is present but has a sec- ondary role, chiefly by maintaining the inflammation and exac- erbating symptoms.

As seen in gross specimens, the mucosal lining of the larger airways usually is hyperemic and swollen by edema fluid. It often is covered by a layer of mucinous or mucopurulent secretions. The smaller bronchi and bronchioles also may be filled with similar secretions. On histologic examination, the diagnostic feature of chronic bronchitis in the trachea and larger bronchi is enlargement of the mucus-secreting glands (Fig. 12–10). The magnitude of the increase in size is assessed by the ratio of the thickness of the submucosal gland layer to that of the bronchial wall (the Reid index— normally 0.4). Inflammatory cells, largely mononuclear but sometimes admixed with neutrophils, are frequently present in variable density in the bronchial mucosa. Chronic bron- chiolitis (small airway disease), characterized by goblet cell metaplasia, mucous plugging, inflammation, and fibrosis, is also present. In the most severe cases, there may be com- plete obliteration of the lumen as a consequence of fibrosis (bronchiolitis obliterans). It is the submucosal fibrosis that leads to luminal narrowing and airway obstruction. Changes of emphysema often co-exist.

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Summarize chronic bronchitis(what is it? Whats the most common underlining risk factor?
Chronic obstructive component largely results from what? Histologic exam demonstrates what three things)

What is asthma?
What are the six hallmarks of asthma?
Some of the stimuli that trigger attacks in patients would have little or no effect in persons with normal airways
True or false
Which 6 cells play a role in the inflammatory response in asthma?.
Asthma may be categorized into ehich two groups?
In atopic asthma,there’s evidence of allergen sensitization often in which group of patients?
In both types of asthma,episodes of bronchospasm can be triggered by what 5 mechanisms?

There is emerging evidence for differing patterns of inflammation: eosinophilic, neu- trophilic, mixed inflammatory, and pauci-granulocytic. These subgroups may differ in etiology, immunopathol- ogy, and response to treatment. Asthma also may be classified according to the agents or events that trigger bronchoconstriction.
True or false


Chronic Bronchitis
• Chronic bronchitis is defined as persistent productive cough for at least 3 consecutive months in at least 2 consecutive years.
• Cigarette smoking is the most important underlying risk factor; air pollutants also contribute.
Chronic obstructive component largely results from small airway disease (chronic bronchiolitis) and coexistent emphysema.
• Histologic examination demonstrates enlargement of mucus-secreting glands, goblet cell metaplasia, and bron- chiolar wall fibrosis.

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways that causes recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and cough, particularly at night and/or early in the morning. The hallmarks of the disease are intermittent and reversible airway obstruction, chronic bronchial inflammation with eosinophils, bronchial smooth muscle cell hypertrophy and hyperreactivity, and increased mucus secretion.
Many cells play a role in the inflammatory response, in particular eosinophils, mast cells, macrophages, lympho- cytes, neutrophils, and epithelial cells.
Asthma may be categorized into atopic (evidence of allergen sensitization, often in a patient with a history of allergic rhinitis, eczema) and nonatopic. In either type, epi- sodes of bronchospasm can be triggered by diverse mecha- nisms, such as respiratory infections (especially viral), environmental exposure to irritants (e.g., smoke, fumes), cold air, stress, and exercise.

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Whag are the 4 major etiologic factors of asthma?
The role of which type of cells may be critical to the pathogenesis of asthma?
Classic atopic form of asthma is associated w what?
Cytokines produced by TH2 cells account for most of the features of asthma . Name the cytokines produced by those cells and their functions in asthma
How does IgE play a role in asthma?
Which teo waves of reaction are induced when granule contents are released?
The early reaction is dominated by what three things?
What triggers bronchoconstriction
What does the late phase reaction consist of ? Which cells are activated in this phase?
What happens when epithelial cellsa re activated? Repeated bouts of inflammation lead to what? What changed are seen in airway remodeling

Asthma is a complex genetic disorder in which multiple susceptibility genes interact with environmental factors to initiate the pathologic reaction. There is significant variation in the expression of these genes and in the combinations of polymorphisms that effect the immune response or tissue remodeling. One of the susceptibility loci is on the long arm of chromosome 5 (5q), where several genes involved in regu- lation of IgE synthesis and mast cell and eosinophil growth and differentiation map. The genes at this locus include IL13 (genetic polymorphisms linked with susceptibility to the development of atopic asthma), CD14 (single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with occupational asthma), class II HLA alleles (tendency to produce IgE antibodies), β2- adrenergic receptor gene, and IL-4 receptor gene (atopy, total serum IgE level, and asthma). Another important locus is on 20q where ADAM-33 that regulates proliferation of bronchial smooth muscle and fibroblasts is located; this con- trols airway remodeling. Upregulation of various chitinase enzymes has been shown to be important in TH2 inflamma- tion and severity of asthma; high serum YKL-40 levels (a chitinase family member with no enzymatic activity) correlate with the severity of asthma. True or false


The major etiologic factors of asthma are genetic predisposi- tion to type I hypersensitivity (atopy), acute and chronic airway inflammation, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness to a variety of stimuli. The inflammation involves many cell types and numerous inflammatory mediators, but the role of type 2 helper T (TH2) cells may be critical to the pathogenesis of asthma. The classic atopic form of asthma is associated with an excessive TH2 reaction against environmental antigens. Cytokines produced by TH2 cells account for most of the features of asthma—IL-4 stimulates IgE production, IL-5 activates eosinophils, and IL-13 stimu- lates mucus production and also promotes IgE production by B cells.

IgE coats submucosal mast cells, which, on exposure to allergen, release granule contents. This induces two waves of reaction: an early (immediate) phase and a late phase (Fig. 12-11). The early reaction is dominated by bronchoconstric- tion, increased mucus production and variable vasodilation. Bronchoconstriction is triggered by direct stimulation of sub- epithelial vagal receptors. The late-phase reaction consists of inflammation, with activation of eosinophils, neutrophils, and T cells. In addition, epithelial cells are activated to produce chemokines that promote recruitment of more TH2 cells and eosinophils (including eotaxin, a potent chemoattractant and activator of eosinophils), as well as other leukocytes, thus amplifying the inflammatory reaction. Repeated bouts of inflammation lead to structural changes in the bronchial wall, collectively referred to as airway remodeling. These changes include hypertrophy of bronchial smooth muscle and mucus glands, and increased vascularity and deposition of subepithelial collagen, which may occur as early as several years before initiation of symptoms.

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What are the two main types of asthma
Which type is most common and when does it usually occur ?
A positive family history of atopy and or asthma is common and asthmatic attacks are often preceded by ehat three things?
What two main things trigger the immune type of asthma?
What two tests can diagnose Immune type of asthma?
In which type of asthma do patients dont have evudence of allergic sensitization,skin test negative and a positive fam history of asthma is less common?
What are the common triggers of this type of asthma?
What is the pathogenesis of this type of asthma?
State two other types of asthma and explain how they develop and what triggers them


Types of Asthma
Atopic Asthma
This is the most common type of asthma, usually beginning in childhood, and is a classic example of type I IgE–mediated hypersensitivity reaction (Chapter 4).
A positive family history of atopy and/or asthma is common, and asthmatic attacks are often preceded by allergic rhinitis, urticaria, or eczema. The disease is triggered by environmental anti- gens, such as dusts, pollen, animal dander, and foods. Infections can also trigger atopic asthma. A skin test with the offending antigen results in an immediate wheal-and- flare reaction. Atopic asthma also can be diagnosed based on serum radioallergosorbent tests (RASTs) that identify the presence of IgE specific for a panel of allergens.

Non-Atopic Asthma
Patients with nonatopic forms of asthma do not have evi- dence of allergen sensitization, and skin test results usually are negative. A positive family history of asthma is less common. Respiratory infections due to viruses (e.g., rhino- virus, parainfluenza virus) and inhaled air pollutants (e.g., sulfur dioxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide) are common trig- gers. It is thought that virus-induced inflammation of the
respiratory mucosa lowers the threshold of the subepithelial vagal receptors to irritants. Although the connections are not well understood, the ultimate humoral and cellular mediators of airway obstruction (e.g., eosinophils) are common to both atopic and nonatopic variants of asthma, so they are treated in a similar way.

Drug-Induced Asthma
Several pharmacologic agents provoke asthma, aspirin being the most striking example. Patients with aspirin sensitivity present with recurrent rhinitis and nasal polyps, urticaria, and bronchospasm. The precise mecha- nism remains unknown, but it is presumed that aspirin inhibits the cyclooxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism without affecting the lipoxygenase route, thereby shifting the balance of production toward leuko- trienes that cause bronchial spasm.

Occupational Asthma
This form of asthma is stimulated by fumes (epoxy resins, plastics), organic and chemical dusts (wood, cotton, plati- num), gases (toluene), and other chemicals. Asthma attacks usually develop after repeated exposure to the inciting antigen(s).

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What happens in the triggering of asthma (C)
Just read through the answer
Its bene covered
But the early ohase takes minutes and the late phase takes hours

Summarize asthma( what its charcaterized by, what causes atopic asthma and what characterizes it, which cytokines are imoortant mediators in atopic asthma,triggers for non atopic asthma? Which cells are key inflammatory cells found in all subtypes of asthma? Which productd are responsibie for airway damage?
What adds an irreversible compenent to the obstructive disease?

A and B, Comparison of a normal bronchus with that in a patient with asthma. Note the accumulation of mucus in the bronchial lumen resulting from an increase in the number of mucus-secreting goblet cells in the mucosa and hypertrophy of submucosal glands. In addition, there is intense chronic inflammation due to recruitment of eosinophils, macrophages, and other inflammatory cells. Basement membrane underlying the mucosal epithelium is thickened, and smooth muscle cells exhibit hypertrophy and hyperplasia. C, Inhaled allergens (antigens) elicit a TH2-dominated response favoring IgE production and eosinophil recruitment (priming or sensitization). D, On reexposure to antigen (Ag), the immediate reaction is triggered by antigen-induced cross-linking of IgE bound to IgE receptors on mast cells in the airways. These cells release preformed mediators. Col- lectively, either directly or through neuronal reflexes, the mediators induce bronchospasm, increase vascular permeability and mucus production, and recruit additional mediator-releasing cells from the blood. E, The arrival of recruited leukocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes) signals the initiation of the late phase of asthma and a fresh round of mediator release from leukocytes, endothelium, and epithelial cells. Factors, particularly from eosinophils (e.g., major basic protein, eosinophil cationic protein), also cause damage to the epithelium. IgE, immuno- globulin E.

• Asthma is characterized by reversible bronchoconstric- tion caused by airway hyperresponsiveness to a variety of stimuli.
• Atopic asthma is caused by a TH2 and IgE-mediated immunologic reaction to environmental allergens and is characterized by acute-phase (immediate) and late-phase reactions. The TH2 cytokines IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 are important mediators.
• Triggers for nonatopic asthma are less clear but include viral infections and inhaled air pollutants, which can also trigger atopic asthma.
• Eosinophils are key inflammatory cells found in almost all subtypes of asthma; eosinophil products such as major basic protein are responsible for airway damage.
• Airway remodeling (sub-basement membrane thickening and hypertrophy of bronchial glands and smooth muscle) adds an irreversible component to the obstructive disease.

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Morphologic changes in asthma have been described in which persons?
In gross specimens obstained in fatal cases what is the appearance of the lung? What is the most striking macroscopic finding in asthma?
Histologically what are the two things seen (the mucous plugs in asthma contain what? What else are present? What are Charcot-Leyden crystals? )
What are the airway remodeling morpholgic changes jn asthma?

An attack of asthma is characterized by which sign? Chief difficukty lies in what? When victim labors to get aur into the lungs and cant get ut out what hapoens to the lungs and bronchi?
In the usual case how long do the attacks last and how do they subside?
Whats the hse of spirometry in asthma?
What is status asthmaticus?
What are the three signs associated with it?


The morphologic changes in asthma have been described in persons who die of prolonged severe attacks (status asth- maticus) and in mucosal biopsy specimens of persons chal- lenged with allergens.
In gross specimens obtained in fatal cases, the lungs are overdistended because of overinflation, and there may be small areas of atelectasis.
The most striking macroscopic finding is occlusion of bronchi and bronchioles by thick, tenacious mucous plugs.

Histologically, the mucous plugs contain whorls of shed epithelium (Cursch- mann spirals). Numerous eosinophils and Charcot- Leyden crystals (collections of crystalloids made up of eosinophil proteins) also are present. Other characteristic morphologic changes in asthma, collectively called “airway remodeling,” include (Fig. 12–11, B):
• Thickening of airway wall
• Sub-basement membrane fibrosis (Fig. 12–12)
• Increased vascularity in submucosa
• An increase in size of the submucosal glands and goblet
cell metaplasia of the airway epithelium
• Hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia of the bronchial muscle
(this is the basis for the novel therapy of bronchial thermoplasty, which involves controlled delivery of thermal energy during bronchoscopy; this reduces the mass of smooth muscles which in turn reduces airway hyperresponsiveness)

Clinical Features An attack of asthma is characterized by severe dyspnea with wheezing; the chief difficulty lies in expiration. The victim labors to get air into the lungs and then cannot get it out, so that there is progressive hyperinflation of the lungs with air trapped distal to the bronchi, which are constricted and filled with mucus and debris. 

In the usual case, attacks last from 1 to several hours and subside either spontaneously or with therapy, usually bronchodilators and corticosteroids

. Intervals between attacks are charac- teristically free from overt respiratory difficulties, but persistent, subtle deficits can be detected by spirometry. Occasionally a severe paroxysm occurs that does not respond to therapy and persists for days and even weeks (status asthmaticus). The associated hypercapnia, acidosis, and severe hypoxia may be fatal, although in most cases the condition is more disabling than lethal.

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What is bronchiectasis
Bronciectasis is a primary disease true or false?
Once bronchiectasis is developed,it gives rise to a charcateristic symtom complex dominated by what signs?
Diagnosis depends on what?
What conditions most commonly predispose one to bronchiectasis? And state their causes and what thise conditons are.
Bronchiectasis can complicate what?
Name and explain three congenital or hereditaty conditions that predispose one to bronchiectasis


Bronchiectasis is the permanent dilation of bronchi and bronchioles caused by destruction of the muscle and the supporting elastic tissue, resulting from or associated with chronic necrotizing infections.

It is not a primary disease but rather secondary to persisting infection or obstruction caused by a variety of conditions. 
Once developed, it gives rise to a characteristic symptom complex dominated by cough and expectoration of copious amounts of purulent sputum. 
Diagnosis depends on an appropriate history along with radiographic demonstration of bronchial dila- tion. The conditions that most commonly predispose to bronchiectasis include:
• Bronchial obstruction:.Commoncausesaretumors,foreign bodies, and occasionally impaction of mucus. With these conditions, the bronchiectasis is localized to the obstructed lung segment. Bronchiectasis can also com- plicate atopic asthma and chronic bronchitis.
• Congenital or hereditary conditions—for example:
 In cystic fibrosis, widespread severe bronchiectasis results from obstruction caused by the secretion of abnormally viscid mucus thus predisposing to infec- tions of the bronchial tree. This is an important and
serious complication (Chapter 6).
 In immunodeficiency states, particularly immunoglobu-
lin deficiencies, localized or diffuse bronchiectasis is likely to develop because of an increased susceptibil- ity to repeated bacterial infections.
 Kartagener syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder that is frequently associated with bron- chiectasis and with sterility in males. In this condi- tion, structural abnormalities of the cilia impair mucociliary clearance in the airways, leading to per- sistent infections, and reduce the mobility of spermatozoa
• Necrotizing, or suppurative, pneumonia, particularly with virulent organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus or Klebsiella spp., may predispose affected patients to development of bronchiectasis. Posttuberculosis bron- chiectasis continues to be a significant cause of morbid- ity in endemic areas.
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What is the pathogenesis of bronchiectasis(state the two processes crucial and intertwined in the pathogenesis of bronchiectasis?
Explain how these processes cause bronciectasis and give an example
What are the clincial manifestations of bronchiectasis?
What mag sputum in bronchiectasis contain?
What is the tkming of the symptomsand what precipitates them
In cases of severe widespread bronchiectasis,what is usual and what four diseases are seen?
Name two less frequent complications of bronchiectasis

Bronchiectasis usually affects which parts of the lobes?
When this dusease is caused by tumors or aspiration of foreign bodies what can happen?
The msot severe involvement is found where?
The airways may be dilated by how
Many times their usualy diameter?

In normal lungs bronchioles cant be followed by ordinary gross exam beyond which point?
Histologic findings vary w what two things?
In a full blown active case,what causes extensive areas of ulceration?
In yhe usual cade ehich flora can be cultured from the involved bronchi?
Which are particular in kids?
When healing occurs what happens to the lining of the epithelium?
What develops in more chronic cases?
In some cases what causes a fungus ball to develop?


Two processes are crucial and intertwined in the pathogen- esis of bronchiectasis: obstruction and chronic persis- tent infection. Either of these may come first. Normal clearance mechanisms are hampered by obstruction, so sec- ondary infection soon follows; conversely, chronic infection over time causes damage to bronchial walls, leading to weak- ening and dilation. For example, obstruction caused by a primary lung cancer or a foreign body impairs clearance of secretions, providing a favorable substrate for superim- posed infection. The resultant inflammatory damage to the bronchial wall and the accumulating exudate further distend the airways, leading to irreversible dilation. Conversely, a persistent necrotizing inflammation in the bronchi or bron- chioles may cause obstructive secretions, inflammation throughout the wall (with peribronchial fibrosis and traction on the walls), and eventually the train of events already described.

Clinical Features
The clinical manifestations consist of severe, persistent cough with expectoration of mucopurulent, sometimes fetid, sputum. The sputum may contain flecks of blood; frank hemoptysis can occur. Symptoms often are episodic and are precipitated by upper respiratory tract infections or the introduction of new pathogenic agents. Clubbing of the fingers may develop.

In cases of severe, widespread bronchiectasis, significant obstructive ventilatory defects are usual, with hypoxemia, hypercapnia, pulmonary hypertension, and (rarely) cor pulmonale.
Metastatic brain abscesses and reactive amyloidosis are other, less frequent complications of bronchiectasis.

Bronchiectasis usually affects the lower lobes bilaterally, particularly those air passages that are most vertical. When caused by tumors or aspiration of foreign bodies the involve- ment may be sharply localized to a single segment of the lungs.
Usually, the most severe involvement is found in the more distal bronchi and bronchioles. The airways may be dilated to as much as four times their usual diameter and on gross examination of the lung can be followed almost to the pleural surfaces

By contrast, in normal lungs, the bronchioles cannot be followed by ordinary gross exami- nation beyond a point 2 to 3 cm from the pleural surfaces.
The histologic findings vary with the activity and chronicity of the disease. In the full-blown active case, an intense acute and chronic inflammatory exudate within the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles and the desquamation of lining epithelium cause extensive areas of ulceration.

In the usual case, a mixed flora can be cultured from the involved bronchi, including staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, enteric organisms, anaerobic and microaerophilic bacteria, and (particularly in children) Haemophilus influenzae and Pseu- domonas aeruginosa.
When healing occurs, the lining epithe- lium may regenerate completely; however, usually so much injury has occurred that abnormal dilation and scarring persist.
Fibrosis of the bronchial and bronchiolar walls and peribronchiolar fibrosis develop in more chronic cases. In some instances, the necrosis destroys the bronchial or bronchiolar walls resulting in the formation of an abscess cavity within which a fungus ball may develop.

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What does chest X ray show for acute respiratory distress syndrome and what does it signify in the case of ARDS


Ground-glass opacification on CT is a non-specific sign that reflects an overall reduction in the air content of the affected lung. In the case of acute ARDS, this is likely to represent edema and protein within the interstitium and alveoli

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The alveolar are made up of two different thoes of cells name them and stte their functions


➢Type I pneumocytes. These are the cells responsible for the exchange of oxygen and CO2
➢Type II pneumocytes. These cells perform two important functions. They produce surfactant, which helps keep the balloon shape from collapsing. They can also turn into type I cells in order to repair damage
•They also contain immune cells called alveolar macrophages. Macrophages are like the garbage trucks of the immune system. These cells phagocytize, or eat debris.

  • .
  • .
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What are chronic interstitial diseases
What is the pulmonary interstitium comprised of?

Many of the entities in this group are of unknown cause and pathogenesis; some have an intra-alveolar as well as an interstitial component, and there is frequent overlap in his- tologic features among the different conditions. Neverthe- less, the similarity in clinical signs, symptoms, radiographic alterations, and pathophysiologic changes justifies their consideration as a group.
True or false
What is the hallmark feature of chronic interstitial diseases? And explain what it is and what it leads to
What causes hypoxia in this group of diseases
What does chest radiograph show?
With progression,patients can develop what? Often in association with which two diseases?
Why will sdvanced forms of chronic interstitial diseases be hard to differentiate?
What is honeycomb lung?
How are chronic interstitial lung diseases categorized?

Chronic interstitial diseases are a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized predominantly by bilateral, often patchy, and usually chronic involvement of the pulmonary connective tissue, principally the most peripheral and deli- cate interstitium in the alveolar walls. 
The pulmonary interstitium is composed of the basement membrane of the endothelial and epithelial cells (fused in the thinnest por- tions), collagen fibers, elastic tissue, fibroblasts, a few mast cells, and occasional mononuclear cells . 

The hallmark feature of these disor- ders is reduced compliance (i.e., more pressure is required to expand the lungs because they are stiff), which in turn necessi- tates increased effort of breathing (dyspnea).
Furthermore, damage to the alveolar epithelium and interstitial vascula- ture produces abnormalities in the ventilation–perfusion ratio, leading to hypoxia.
Chest radiographs show diffuse infiltration by small nodules, irregular lines, or “ground- glass shadows.”

With progression, patients can develop respiratory failure, often in association with pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale (Chapter 10).
Advanced forms of these diseases may be difficult to differentiate because they result in scarring and gross destruction of the lung, referred to as end-stage or “honeycomb” lung. Chronic interstitial lung diseases are categorized based on clinicopathologic features and characteristic histology

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What is idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
What is it also known as?
What is it characterized by?
Which gender is more affected?
The radiologic and histologic pattern of fibrosis is referred to as what?
What is required for diagnosis if idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
There are similar pathologic changes in yhe lung which may be present in other diseases,therefore known causes must be ruled out before the appellation of idiopathic is used.
Name two of those other diseases


Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), also known as crypto- genic fibrosing alveolitis, refers to a pulmonary disorder of unknown etiology. It is characterized by patchy but pro- gressive bilateral interstitial fibrosis, which in advanced cases results in severe hypoxemia and cyanosis. Males are affected more often than females, and approximately two thirds of patients are older than 60 years of age at presenta- tion.
The radiologic and histologic pattern of fibrosis is referred to as usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP), which is required for the diagnosis of IPF.
Of note, however, similar pathologic changes in the lung may be present in well- defined entities such as asbestosis, the collagen vascular diseases, and a number of other conditions. Therefore, known causes must be ruled out before the appellation of idiopathic is used.

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What are yhe major catehories of chronic interstitial lung diseases and give two diseases under each major category


Table 12–3 Major Categories of Chronic Interstitial Lung Disease
Usual interstitial pneumonia (idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis) Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia
Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia
Associated with collagen vascular disease
Associated with therapies (drugs, radiation)

Hypersensitivity pneumonia

Loeffler syndrome
Drug allergy–related
Idiopathic chronic eosinophilic pneumonia

Desquamative interstitial pneumonia Respiratory bronchiolitis


What is the pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis ?
What are the histopayhologic features seen in IPF?

There has been consider- able interest in the idea that “alternatively activated macro- phages” are dominant in patients with lung fibrosis and may be important in its pathogenesis (Chapter 2).
True or false
What leads to the characteristic fibroblastic foci?
Ehat mechanisms cause abnormal epithelial repair?

Grossly,what can be seen in lungs of a patient w IPF and why?
The cut surface shows what three things?
The pattern of fibrosis in IPF is teffered to as?
What is the histologic hallmark of the pattern kf fibrosis in IPF?
How does is vary?
Early lesions demonstrate what?
Over yime ehat happens to these areas?
What is temporal heterogeneity
What does dense fibrosis cause?
Interstitial inflammation is usually what and consists of what?
What other changes are present?


The current concept is that IPF is caused by “repeated cycles” of epithelial activation/injury by some unidentified agent .
Histopathologic features include inflammation and induction of TH2 type T cell response with eosinophils, mast cells, IL-4, and IL-13 in the lesions

. Abnormal epi- thelial repair at the sites of damage and inflammation gives rise to exuberant fibroblastic or myofibroblastic proliferation, leading to the characteristic fibroblastic foci.

Although the mechanisms of abnormal repair are incompletely under- stood, recent data point to TGF-β1, which is released from injured type I pneumocytes and induces transformation of fibroblasts into myofibroblasts leading to excessive and continuing deposition of collagen and ECM. Some patients with familial IPF have mutations that shorten telomeres (Chapter 1) leading to rapid senescence and apoptosis of pneumocytes. TGF-β1 also downregulates fibroblast caveolin-1, which acts as an endogenous inhibitor of pulmo- nary fibrosis.

 MORPHOLOGY Grossly, the pleural surfaces of the lung have the appearance of cobblestones because of the retraction of scars along the interlobular septa. The cut surface shows fibrosis (firm, rubbery white areas), with lower lobe predominance and a  distinctive distribution in the subpleural regions and along the interlobular septa.  The pattern of fibrosis in IPF is referred to as usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP). The histologic hallmark of UIP is patchy interstitial fibrosis, which varies in intensity and worsens with time. 

The earliest lesions demonstrate exuberant fibroblastic proliferation and appear as fibroblastic foci (Fig. 12–16). Over time these areas become more collagenous and less cellular.

Quite typical is the existence of both early and late lesions (tem- poral heterogeneity).
The dense fibrosis causes collapse of alveolar walls and formation of cystic spaces lined by hyperplastic type II pneumocytes or bronchiolar epithelium (honeycomb fibrosis).

The interstitial inflammation usually is patchy and consists of an alveolar septal infiltrate of mostly lymphocytes and occasional plasma cells, mast cells, and eosinophils. Secondary pulmonary hypertensive changes (intimal fibrosis and medial thickening of pulmonary arteries) are often present.


How does f IPF manifest clinically?
On physical exam what is seen in patients w IPF?
What three signs may develop in later stages of the disease?
Which two findings are diagnostic?
What test is needed for diagnosis in selected cases?
What is the prognosis for IPF
What is yhe only definitive therapy for IPF?

What is Non specific Interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) which is under fibrosing diseases under chronic interstitial lung diseases?
Why is it important to recognize this disease?
On the basis of histoligc appearance NsIP is divided into ehat two patterns and explain yhe features of these patterns
What is present in both patterns?
Patients e NSIP present with what two signs?
Patients with ehivh pattern have a better out ome than which patterna nd which disease?


Clinical Features
IPF usually manifests insidiously, with the gradual onset of a nonproductive cough and progressive dyspnea.
On physical examination, most patients with IPF have charac- teristic “dry” or “Velcro”-like crackles during inspiration. Cyanosis, cor pulmonale, and peripheral edema may develop in later stages of the disease.
The clinical and radiologic findings often are diagnostic; surgical lung biopsy is needed for diagnosis in selected cases.
Unfortu- nately, progression of IPF is relentless despite medical therapy, and the mean survival is 3 years or less. Lung transplantation is the only definitive therapy available.

Nonspecific Interstitial Pneumonia
Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) is a chronic bilateral interstitial lung disease of unknown etiology, which despite its nonspecific name, has distinct clinical, radiologic, and histologic features.
It is important to recog- nize this disease, since it carries a much better prognosis than that for IPF.
On the basis of the histologic appearance, NSIP is divided into cellular and fibrosing patterns. The cellular pattern features mild-to-moderate chronic intersti- tial inflammation (lymphocytes and a few plasma cells) in a uniform or patchy distribution.
The fibrosing pattern con- sists of diffuse or patchy interstitial fibrosis, without the temporal heterogeneity characteristic of UIP.
Fibroblastic foci and honeycombing are typically absent in both variants. Patients present with dyspnea and cough of several months’ duration. Patients with the cellular pattern have a better outcome than those with the fibrosing pattern and UIP.


What us cryptogenic organizing pneumonia?
Why is bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia preferred?
Patients of COP present with ehat two signs and what on chest radiograph?
On histologic exam ,COP is vharacterized by presence of what?
What is the characteristic of the underlying lung architecture?
Most patient require what treatment snd for how long?
What can be seen as a response to an infection or inflammatory injury and give one example of disease each in such cases
In these cases the cause is what and the outcome is determined by what?
Name three collagen vascular diseases?
What are they associated with?
Many histologic variants can be seen depending on what six things and ehich is more common?
What else may be present?
Pulmonary involvement in these diseases are usually associated with what?


Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia
Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia is synonymous with the previously popular designation bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (“BOOP”); the former term is now preferred, however, because it emphasizes the unknown etiology of this clinicopathologic entity.
Patients present with cough and dyspnea, and chest radiographs demon- strate subpleural or peribronchial patchy areas of air space consolidation.
On histologic examination, cryptogenic organizing pneumonia is characterized by the presence of polypoid plugs of loose organizing connective tissue within alveolar ducts, alveoli, and often bronchioles (Fig. 12–17).

The connective tissue is all of the same age, and the under- lying lung architecture is normal. Some patients recover spontaneously, but most require treatment with oral ste- roids for 6 months or longer.
Of note, organizing pneumo- nia with intra-alveolar fibrosis also can be seen as a response to infection (e.g., pneumonia) or inflammatory injury (e.g., collagen vascular disease, transplantation injury) to the lung; in such cases, the etiology obviously is not “crypto- genic,” and the outcome is determined by the underlying disease.

Pulmonary Involvement in Collagen Vascular Diseases
Many collagen vascular diseases (e.g., systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis, dermatomyositis-polymyositis) are associated with pulmo- nary manifestations. Several histologic variants can be seen, depending on the underlying disorder, with NSIP, UIP pattern (similar to that seen in IPF), vascular sclerosis, organizing pneumonia, and bronchiolitis (small airway disease, with or without fibrosis) being the most common. Pleural involvement (pleuritis, pleural nodules, and pleural effusion) may also be present. Pulmonary involvement in these diseases is usually associated with a poor prognosis, although it is still better than that with IPF.


How are pulmonary infections very common?
How does the normal lung parenchyma remain sterile?
Which defects lead to increased incidence of infections w pyogenic bacteria
Mutations in MyD88 are extremely susceptible to what?
Defects in TH1 cell mediated immunity lead mainly to what?
Give an example of lifestyle that interfere w host immune defense mechanisms and facilitate infections?.
What is pneumonia?
What is the clinical presentation of pneumonia? The histologic spectrum of pneumonia may range from what to what?
Acute bacterial pneumonia can manifest as what?
Which pattern implies patchy distribution of inflammation that generally involves more than one lobe?
This kind of pattern results from what?
Lobar pneumonia pattern looks like what on radiographs?
Which organism is responsible for more than 90percent of lobar pneumonias?
Why can the anatomic distinction between lobar pneumonia and bronchopneumonia be blurry?

Therefore, it is best to classify pneumonias either by the specific etiologic agent or, if no pathogen can be isolated, by the clinical setting in which infection occurs. The latter approach considerably narrows the list of suspected pathogens for administering empirical antimicrobial therapy. Pneumonia can arise in seven distinct clinical set- tings, and the implicated pathogens are reasonably
Specific to each category
True or false


(1) the epithelial surfaces of the lung are constantly exposed to many liters of air containing various levels of microbial contaminants; (2) nasopharyn- geal flora are regularly aspirated during sleep, even by healthy persons; and (3) other common lung diseases render the lung parenchyma vulnerable to virulent organ- isms.

The normal lung parenchyma remains sterile because of the efficiency of a number of immune and nonimmune defense mechanisms in the respiratory system, extending from the nasopharynx all the way into the alveolar air spaces (Fig. 12–30).
Despite the multitude of defense mechanisms, “chinks in the armor” do exist, predisposing even healthy persons to infections.
Defects in innate immunity (including neu- trophil and complement defects) and humoral immunode- ficiency typically lead to an increased incidence of infections with pyogenic bacteria. For example, it has been shown that patients with mutations in MyD88, the adaptor protein downstream of many Toll-like receptors (microbial sensors in innate immunity), are extremely susceptible to severe necrotizing pneumococcal infections (and not most other infections). On the other hand, defects in TH1 cell–mediated immunity lead mainly to increased infections with intracel- lular microbes such as atypical mycobacteria.
In addition to inherited anomalies, several aspects of lifestyle interfere with host immune defense mechanisms and facilitate infec- tions. For example, cigarette smoke compromises mucocili- ary clearance and pulmonary macrophage activity, and alcohol not only impairs cough and epiglottic reflexes, thereby increasing the risk of aspiration, but also interferes with neutrophil mobilization and chemotaxis.

Pneumonia can be very broadly defined as any infection in the lung. The clinical presentation may be as an acute, fulmi- nant clinical disease or as a chronic disease with a more
protracted course.
The histologic spectrum of pneumonia may range from a fibrinopurulent alveolar exudate seen in acute bacterial pneumonias, to mononuclear interstitial infiltrates in viral and other atypical pneumonias, to granu- lomas and cavitation seen in many of the chronic pneumo- nias.
Acute bacterial pneumonias can manifest as one of two anatomic and radiographic patterns, referred to as bronchopneumonia and lobar pneumonia.
Bronchopneumonia implies a patchy distribution of inflammation that gener- ally involves more than one lobe (Fig. 12–31).
This pattern results from an initial infection of the bronchi and bronchi- oles with extension into the adjacent alveoli.
By contrast, in lobar pneumonia the contiguous air spaces of part or all of a lobe are homogeneously filled with an exudate that can be visualized on radiographs as a lobar or segmental consolidation (Fig. 12–31). Streptococcus pneumoniae is responsible for more than 90% of lobar pneumonias.
The anatomic distinction between lobar pneumonia and bron- chopneumonia can often become blurry, because (1) many organisms cause infections that can manifest with either of the two patterns of distribution, and (2) confluent broncho- pneumonia can be hard to distinguish radiologically from lobar pneumonia.


Most community acquired acute pneumonias are what in origin?
This kind of pneumonia follows why kind of infection?
The onset it what? With what signs?
Which organism is the most common cause of community acquired acute pneumonia
Pneumococcal infections occur with increased frequency in three subsets of patients. Name them?
In which group are pneumococcal infections more likely because the spleen contains the largest collection of phagocytes and is therefore yhe major organ responsible for removing pneumococci from the blood
What is another the function if the spleen
What is an important step in diagnosis of acute pneumonia
What presence is good evidence of pneumococcal pneumonia
Why can false
Positive results be obtained by this step ?
Which test is more specific in the diagnosis? During earl phases of illness blood cultures may be positive in which people? Whenever possible what sensitivity shouod be determined?


Community-Acquired Acute Pneumonias
Most community-acquired acute pneumonias are bacterial in origin. Not uncommonly, the infection follows a viral upper respiratory tract infection. The onset usually is abrupt, with high fever, shaking chills, pleuritic chest pain, and a productive mucopurulent cough; occasional patients may have hemoptysis. S. pneumoniae (i.e., the pneumococ- cus) is the most common cause of community-acquired acute pneumonia; hence, pneumococcal pneumonia is dis- cussed as the prototype for this subgroup.

Streptococcus pneumoniae Infections:
Pneumococcal infections occur with increased frequency in three subsets of patients: (1) those with underlying chronic diseases such as CHF, COPD, or diabetes; (2) those with either congenital or acquired immunoglobulin defects (e.g., with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome [AIDS]); and (3) those with decreased or absent splenic function (e.g., sickle cell disease or after splenectomy). In the last group, such infections are more likely because the spleen contains the largest collection of phagocytes and is there- fore the major organ responsible for removing pneumo- cocci from the blood. The spleen is also an important organ for production of antibodies against polysaccharides, which are the dominant protective antibodies against encapsulated bacteria. Examination of gram-stained sputum is an important step in the diagnosis of acute pneumonia. The presence of numerous neutrophils containing the typical gram-positive, lancet-shaped diplococci is good evidence of pneumococ- cal pneumonia; of note, however, S. pneumoniae is a part of the endogenous flora, so false-positive results may be obtained by this method. Isolation of pneumococci from blood cultures is more specific. During early phases of illness, blood cultures may be positive in 20% to 30% of persons with pneumonia. Whenever possible, antibiotic sensitivity should be determined. Commercial pneumococ- cal vaccines containing capsular polysaccharides from the common serotypes of the bacteria are available, and their proven efficacy mandates their use in persons at risk for pneumococcal infections (see earlier).


What are the lung defense mechanisms?


Lung defense mechanisms. A, Innate defenses against infection: 1, In the normal lung, removal of microbial organisms depends on entrapment in the mucous blanket and removal by means of the mucociliary elevator; 2, phagocytosis by alveolar macrophages that can kill and degrade organisms and remove them from the air spaces by migrating onto the mucociliary elevator; or 3, phagocytosis and killing by neutrophils recruited by macrophage factors. 4, Serum complement may enter the alveoli and be activated by the alternative pathway to provide the opsonin C3b, which enhances phagocytosis. 5, Organisms, including those ingested by phagocytes, may reach the draining lymph nodes to initiate immune responses. B, Additional mechanisms operate after development of adaptive immunity. 1, Secreted IgA can block attachment of the microorganism to epithelium in the upper respiratory tract. 2, In the lower respiratory tract, serum antibodies (IgM, IgG) are present in the alveolar lining fluid. They activate comple- ment more efficiently by the classic pathway, yielding C3b (not shown). In addition, IgG is opsonic. 3, The accumulation of immune T cells is important for controlling infections by viruses and other intracellular microorganisms. PMN, polymorphonuclear cell.


State the pneumonia syndromes and give three implicated pathogens

Community-Acquired Acute Pneumonia:
 Streptococcus pneumoniae
Haemophilus influenzae
Moraxella catarrhalis
Staphylococcus aureus
Legionella pneumophila
Enterobacteriaceae (Klebsiella pneumoniae) and Pseudomonas spp.

Community-Acquired Atypical Pneumonia:
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Chlamydia spp.—Chlamydia pneumoniae, Chlamydia psittaci, Chlamydia trachomatis
Coxiella burnetii (Q fever)
Viruses: respiratory syncytial virus, human metapneumovirus,
parainfluenza virus (children); influenza A and B (adults); adenovirus (military recruits)

Nosocomial Pneumonia:
Gram-negative rods belonging to Enterobacteriaceae (Klebsiella spp., Serratia marcescens, Escherichia coli) and Pseudomonas spp.
S. aureus (usually methicillin-resistant)

Aspiration Pneumonia:
Anaerobic oral flora (Bacteroides, Prevotella, Fusobacterium, Peptostreptococcus), admixed with aerobic bacteria (S. pneumoniae, S. aureus, H. influenzae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa)

Chronic Pneumonia:
Granulomatous: Mycobacterium tuberculosis and atypical mycobacteria,
Histoplasma capsulatum, Coccidioides immitis, Blastomyces dermatitidis

 Necrotizing Pneumonia and Lung Abscess:
 Anaerobic bacteria (extremely common), with or without mixed aerobic infection
S. aureus, K. pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, and type 3 pneumococcus (uncommon)
 Pneumonia in the Immunocompromised Host
Pneumocystis jiroveci
Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC)
Invasive aspergillosis
Invasive candidiasis
“Usual” bacterial, viral, and fungal organisms (listed above)

With pneumococcal lung infection,which patterns of pneumonia may ovcur?
Which pattern is more prevalent in old age
Why are the lower lobes or right middle lobe most frequently involved in pneumococcal infections
In the era before antibiotics,pneumococcal pneumonia involved which parts of the lobes and evolved through four stages,name them
State the histological features at each stage
In bronchopneumonia pattern,foci of inflammatory consolidation are distributed how and most frequently where?
How are yhe well developed lesions ?
How will pattern of bronchopneumonia produce the appearance of a lobar consolidation
Lung substance surrounding areas of consolidation is usually what?
What is less common in lobar pneumonia?
Histologically what us seen in lobar pneumonia?

With appropriate therapy, complete restitution of the lung is the rule for both forms of pneumococcal pneumonia, but in occasional cases complications may occur: name them


With pneumococcal lung infection, either pattern of pneu- monia, lobar or bronchopneumonia, may occur; the latter is much more prevalent at the extremes of age.
Regardless of the distribution of the pneumonia, because pneumococcal lung infections usually are acquired by aspiration of pharyn- geal flora (20% of adults harbor S. pneumoniae in the throat), the lower lobes or the right middle lobe is most frequently involved.
In the era before antibiotics, pneumococcal pneumonia involved entire or almost entire lobes and evolved through four stages: congestion, red hepatization, gray hepati- zation, and resolution.
Early antibiotic therapy alters or halts this typical progression.
During the first stage, that of congestion, the affected lobe(s) is (are) heavy, red, and boggy; histologically, vascular congestion can be seen, with proteinaceous fluid, scattered neutrophils, and many bacteria in the alveoli. (1-2days)
Within a few days, the stage of red hepatization ensues, in which the lung lobe has a liver-like consistency; the alveolar spaces are packed with neutrophils, red cells, and fibrin (2-4days)
In the next stage, gray hepatization, the lung is dry, gray, and firm, because the red cells are lysed, while the fibrinosup- purative exudate persists within the alveoli (4-8 days)
Resolution follows in uncomplicated cases, as exudates within the alveoli are enzymatically digested to produce granular, semifluid debris that is resorbed, ingested by macrophages, coughed up, or organized by fibroblasts growing into it (8-21days)
The pleural reaction (fibrinous or fibrinopurulent pleuritis) may similarly resolve or under- go organization, leaving fibrous thickening or permanent adhesions.

In the bronchopneumonic pattern, foci of inflammatory consolidation are distributed in patches throughout one or several lobes, most frequently bilateral and basal. Well- developed lesions up to 3 or 4 cm in diameter are slightly elevated and are gray-red to yellow; confluence of these foci may occur in severe cases, producing the appearance of a lobar consolidation

. The lung substance immediately sur- rounding areas of consolidation is usually hyperemic and edematous, but the large intervening areas are generally normal. Pleural involvement is less common than in lobar pneumonia.
Histologically, the reaction consists of focal sup- purative exudate that fills the bronchi, bronchioles, and adja- cent alveolar spaces.
With appropriate therapy, complete restitution of the lung is the rule for both forms of pneumococcal pneumonia, but in occasional cases complications may occur: (1) tissue destruction and necrosis may lead to abscess formation; (2) suppurative material may accumulate in the pleural cavity, producing an empyema; (3) organization of the intra- alveolar exudate may convert areas of the lung into solid fibrous tissue; and (4) bacteremic dissemination may lead to meningitis, arthritis, or infective endocarditis. Complications are much more likely with serotype 3 pneumococci.


Ehich form of H influenza in community acquired acute pneumonia can cause life threatening form of pneumonia in kids often after a respiratory viral infection?
Adults at risk for developing infections include thise with what diseases?
H influenza is the most common bacterial cause of what?
Which organism is being recognzied as a cause of bacterial pneumonia especially in elderly persons and is the second most common bacterial vause of acute exacerbation of COPd in adults?
S aureus is an important cause of secondary bacterial pneumonia in kids and healthy adults after what?
Staph pneumonia is associated w a high incidence of what?
What us a serious complication of IV drug abuse and is an important cause of nosocomial pneumonia?
Which organism is the
Most frquent cause of gram negative bacterial pneumonia?
This organism frequently affects ehich group of patients?
What sign is characteristic of infection of this organism and why?


Haemophilus influenzae
• Both encapsulated and unencapsulated forms are impor- tant causes of community-acquired pneumonias. The former can cause a particularly life-threatening form of pneumonia in children, often after a respiratory viral infection.
• Adults at risk for developing infections include those with chronic pulmonary diseases such as chronic
bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, and bronchiectasis. H. influen- zae is the most common bacterial cause of acute exacerbation of COPD.
• Encapsulated H. influenzae type b was formerly an important cause of epiglottitis and suppurative menin- gitis in children, but vaccination against this organism in infancy has significantly reduced the risk.

Moraxella catarrhalis
M.catarrhalisisbeingincreasinglyrecognizedasacause of bacterial pneumonia, especially in elderly persons.
• It is the second most common bacterial cause of acute
exacerbation of COPD in adults.
• AlongwithS.pneumoniaeandH.influenzae,M.catarrhalis
constitutes one of the three most common causes of otitis media (infection of the middle ear) in children.

Staphylococcus aureus
• S. aureus is an important cause of secondary bacterial pneumonia in children and healthy adults after viral respiratory illnesses (e.g., measles in children and influ- enza in both children and adults).
• Staphylococcal pneumonia is associated with a high incidence of complications, such as lung abscess and empyema.
• Staphylococcalpneumoniaoccurringinassociationwith right-sided staphylococcal endocarditis is a serious com- plication of intravenous drug abuse.
• It is also an important cause of nosocomial pneumonia (discussed later).

Klebsiella pneumoniae
• K. pneumoniae is the most frequent cause of gram- negative bacterial pneumonia.
• Klebsiella-related pneumonia frequently afflicts debili- tated and malnourished persons, particularly chronic alcoholics.
• Thick and gelatinous sputum is characteristic, because the organism produces an abundant viscid capsular polysaccharide, which the patient may have difficulty coughing up.


Continuation of organisms in community acquired acute pneumonia
Which organism that causes pneumonia is common neutropenic usually secondary to chemo patients,in victims of extensive butns and in patients requiring mechanical ventilation?
P. Aeruginosa has a propensity to invade blood vessels at site of infection w consequent extrapulmonary spread true or false
Histologic exam of pseudomonas aeruginosa infection reveals what?
What is pontiac fever?
L penumonia is common in which persons?
Rapid diagnsosis is facilitated by what?


Pseudomonas aeruginosa
• Although discussed here with community-acquired pathogens because of its association with infections in cystic fibrosis, P. aeruginosa most commonly is seen in nosocomial settings (discussed later).
• Pseudomonaspneumoniaalsoiscommoninpersonswho are neutropenic, usually secondary to chemotherapy; in victims of extensive burns; and in patients requiring mechanical ventilation.
• P.aeruginosa has a propensity to invade blood vesselsat the site of infection, with consequent extrapulmonary spread; Pseudomonas bacteremia is a fulminant disease, with death often occurring within a matter of days.
• Histologic examination reveals coagulative necrosis of the pulmonary parenchyma with organisms invading the walls of necrotic blood vessels (Pseudomonas vasculitis).

Legionella pneumophila
• L. pneumophila is the agent of Legionnaire disease, an eponym for the epidemic and sporadic forms of pneu- monia caused by this organism. Pontiac fever is a related self-limited upper respiratory tract infection caused by L. pneumophila, without pneumonic symptoms.
• L. pneumophila flourishes in artificial aquatic environ- ments, such as water-cooling towers and within the tubing system of domestic (potable) water supplies. The mode of transmission is thought to be either inhalation of aerosolized organisms or aspiration of contaminated drinking water.
• Legionella pneumonia is common in persons with some predisposing condition such as cardiac, renal, immuno- logic, or hematologic disease. Organ transplant recipients are particularly susceptible.
• Legionella pneumonia can be quite severe, frequently requiring hospitalization, and immunosuppressed persons may have a fatality rate of 30% to 50%.
• Rapid diagnosis is facilitated by demonstration of Le- gionella antigens in the urine or by a positive fluorescent antibody test on sputum samples; culture remains the standard diagnostic modality. PCR-based tests can be used on bronchial secretions in atypical cases.


The term primary atypical pneumonia initially was applied to what?
The designation atypical in community acquired atypical pneumonia denotes what?
What is the most common org that caused atypical pneumonia ?
This organism infections are particularly common among which age groups and occur in which distributions?
Name three other etiologix agents
Nearly all these agents can also cause what infection?
What is the common pathogenic mechanism?
Viral infections of the respiratory tract are well known for which infections?
More serious lower tract rspiratory infection is more likely to occur in which people?


Community-Acquired Atypical Pneumonias
The term primary atypical pneumonia initially was applied to an acute febrile respiratory disease characterized by patchy inflammatory changes in the lungs, largely confined to the alveolar septa and pulmonary interstitium.
The des- ignation atypical denotes the moderate amounts of sputum, absence of physical findings of consolidation, only moder- ate elevation of white cell count, and lack of alveolar exudates. Atypical pneumonia is caused by a variety of
organisms, Mycoplasma pneumoniae being the most common. Mycoplasma infections are particularly common among children and young adults.
They occur sporadically or as local epidemics in closed communities (schools, military camps, prisons). Other etiologic agents are viruses, includ- ing influenza types A and B, the respiratory syncytial viruses, human metapneumovirus, adenovirus, rhinovi- ruses, rubeola virus, and varicella virus, and Chlamydia pneumoniae and Coxiella burnetii (the agent of Q fever) (Table 12–6). Nearly all of these agents can also cause a primarily upper respiratory tract infection (“common cold”).
The common pathogenetic mechanism is attachment of the organisms to the respiratory epithelium followed by necrosis of the cells and an inflammatory response. When the process extends to alveoli, there is usually interstitial inflammation, but some outpouring of fluid into alveolar spaces may also occur, so that on chest films the changes may mimic those of bacterial pneumonia. Damage to and denudation of the respiratory epithelium inhibits mucocili- ary clearance and predisposes to secondary bacterial infec- tions.
Viral infections of the respiratory tract are well known for this complication. More serious lower respira- tory tract infection is more likely to occur in infants, elderly persons, malnourished patients, alcoholics, and immuno- suppressed persons. Not surprisingly, viruses and myco- plasmas frequently are involved in outbreaks of infection in hospitals.


What is the morphology of community acquired atypical pneumonia

Macroscopically yhe affected areas are what?
On histologic exam what can be seen?
What is the difference between bacterial pneumonias and atypical pneumonias?
In severe cases what may be seen?
In less severe cases what may be seen?
Superimposed bacterial infection results in what?
Primary atypical pmeumonia may masquerade as whT three things?
What is yhe initial presentation
What causes respiratory distress in atypical pneumonia?
What tests are available for atypical pneumonia
What is the treatment for community acquired pneumonia for which the bacterial agent seems unlikely?


Regardless of cause, the morphologic patterns in atypical pneumonias are similar. The process may be patchy, or it may involve whole lobes bilaterally or unilaterally. Macroscopi- cally, the affected areas are red-blue, congested, and sub- crepitant. On histologic examination, the inflammatory reaction is largely confined within the walls of the alveoli (Fig. 12–34). The septa are widened and edematous; they usually contain a mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes, histiocytes, and, occasionally, plasma cells. In contrast with bacterial pneumonias, alveolar spaces in atypi- cal pneumonias are remarkably free of cellular exudate. In severe cases, however, full-blown diffuse alveolar damage with hyaline membranes may develop. In less severe, uncom- plicated cases, subsidence of the disease is followed by reconstitution of the native architecture. Superimposed bac- terial infection, as expected, results in a mixed histologic picture.
Clinical Features
The clinical course of primary atypical pneumonia is extremely varied. It may masquerade as a severe upper respiratory tract infection or “chest cold” that goes undi- agnosed, or it may manifest as a fulminant, life-threatening infection in immunocompromised patients. The initial pre- sentation usually is that of an acute, nonspecific febrile illness characterized by fever, headache, and malaise and, later, cough with minimal sputum. Because the edema and exudation are both in a strategic position to cause an alveo- locapillary block, there may be respiratory distress seemingly out of proportion to the physical and radiographic findings.

Identifying the causative agent can be difficult. Tests for Mycoplasma antigens and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing for Mycoplasma DNA are available. As a practical matter, patients with community-acquired pneumonia for which a bacterial agent seems unlikely are treated with a macrolide antibiotic effective against Mycoplasma and Chla- mydia pneumoniae, because these are the most common pathogens producing treatable disease.


What is yhe characterisitic of the influenza virus?
What does rhe spherical surface of the virus look like?
Type A influenza infects which people?
How do epidemics of influenza occur?
How do pandemics of influenza occur?

A particular subtype of avian influenza— “bird flu,” caused by strain H5N1—has caused massive outbreaks in domesticated poultry in parts of Southeast Asia in the last several years; this strain is particularly dangerous, since it has the potential to “jump” to humans and thereby cause a worldwide influenza pandemic true or false

Patho- logic findings at autopsy of
Influenza Virus Type A/H1N1 Infection include


Influenza Infections
Perhaps no other communicable disorder causes as much public distress in the developed world as the threat of an influenza epidemic.
The influenza virus is a single-stranded RNA virus, bound by a nucleoprotein that determines the virus type—A, B, or C. The spherical surface of the virus is a lipid bilayer containing the viral hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, which determine the subtype (e.g., H1N1, H3N2). Host antibodies to the hemagglutinin and neur- aminidase prevent and ameliorate, respectively, future infection with the influenza virus. The type A viruses infect humans, pigs, horses, and birds and are the major cause of pandemic and epidemic influenza infections. Epidemics of influenza occur through mutations of the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase antigens that allow the virus to escape most host antibodies (antigenic drift).
Pandemics, which last longer and are more widespread than epidemics, may occur when both the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase are replaced through recombination of RNA segments with those of animal viruses, making all animals susceptible to the new influenza virus (antigenic shift). Commercially available influenza vaccines provide reasonable protection against the disease, especially in vulnerable infants and elderly persons.

Patho- logic findings at autopsy include acute tracheobronchitis, bronchiolitis, diffuse alveolar damage, pulmonary throm- bosis, and alveolar hemorrhage. In addition, approximately half have bacterial superinfection.


What is the summary of acute peumo ias?(what is the most common cause of community acquired acute pneumonia and what is the usual distribution of inflammation? Morphologically ,lobar pneumonias evolve through four stages name them, name some common causes of acute pneumonias jn the community and ehich are associated w acute exacerbations of COPD?,which is usually secondary to viral resp infections? Which is observed in patients who are chronic alcoholics? Which is seen in cystic fibrosis ,burn victims and patients w neutropenia,which is seen in organ transplant patients ,what are atypical pneumonias characterized by? Common causes of atypical pneumonias include?)
What are nosocomial pneumonias?
Which group of patients are nosocomial infections common in?
Which group represents high risk group ?
Infections acquired in patients on mechanical ventilation are called?
Which bacteria are common isolates?


S. pneumoniae (the pneumococcus) is the most common cause of community-acquired acute pneumonia, and the distribution of inflammation is usually lobar.
• Morphologically, lobar pneumonias evolve through four stages: congestion, red hepatization, gray hepatization, and resolution.
• Other common causes of acute pneumonias in the com- munity include H. influenzae and M. catarrhalis (both associ- ated with acute exacerbations of COPD), S. aureus (usually secondary to viral respiratory infections), K. pneumoniae (observed in patients who are chronic alcoholics), P. aeru- ginosa (seen in persons with cystic fibrosis, in burn victims, and in patients with neutropenia), and L. pneumophila, seen particularly in organ transplant recipients.
• In contrast with acute pneumonias, atypical pneumonias are characterized by respiratory distress out of proportion to the clinical and radiologic signs, and by inflammation that is predominantly confined to alveolar septa, with generally clear alveoli.
• The most common causes of atypical pneumonias include those caused by M. pneumoniae, viruses including influenza viruses types A and B, human metapneumovirus, C. pneu- moniae, and C. burnetii (agent of Q fever).

Hospital-Acquired Pneumonias
Nosocomial, or hospital-acquired, pneumonias are defined as pulmonary infections acquired in the course of a hospi- tal stay. The specter of nosocomial pneumonia places an immense burden on the burgeoning costs of health care, in addition to the expected adverse impact on illness outcome. Nosocomial infections are common in hospitalized persons with severe underlying disease, those who are immuno- suppressed, or those on prolonged antibiotic regimens.
Those on mechanical ventilation represent a particularly high-risk group, and infections acquired in this setting are given the distinctive designation ventilator-associated pneumonia.
Gram-negative rods (members of Enterobacte- riaceae and Pseudomonas spp.) and S. aureus are the most common isolates; unlike with community-acquired pneu- monias, S. pneumoniae is not a major pathogen in nosoco- mial infections.


Which patients does aspiration pneumonia occur in?
Why does this occur in those patients?
The resultant pneumonia is partly what?
Which bacteria predominate in this group
Which type of pneumonia is often necrotizing?
What kind of course does aspiration pneumonia pursue?
Those who survive aspiration pnejmonia have which common complication?
Microaspiration occuts in which people and can worsen which diseases
What is lung abscess
What is necrotizing pneumonia?
Necrotizing pneumonia often coexists or evolves into what?
What ways can the causative organism be introduced into the lung?
What may contribute to development of abscesses?
Lung abscess that results from hematogenous spread of bacteria in disseminated pyogenic infections occur most characteristically in ehich diseases and often results in what?
An abscess may also form where?
Which bacteria are present in almost all lung abscesses? What are the most frequently encountered bacteris present in almost all lung abscesses and where are they found?


Aspiration Pneumonia
Aspiration pneumonia occurs in debilitated patients or those who aspirate gastric contents either while uncon- scious (e.g., after a stroke) or during repeated vomiting.
These patients have abnormal gag and swallowing reflexes that facilitate aspiration.
The resultant pneumonia is partly chemical, resulting from the extremely irritating effects of the gastric acid, and partly bacterial.
Although it is com- monly assumed that anaerobic bacteria predominate, more recent studies implicate aerobes more commonly than anaerobes (Table 12–6).
This type of pneumonia is often necrotizing, pursues a fulminant clinical course, and is a frequent cause of death in persons predisposed to aspira- tion. In those who survive, abscess formation is a common complication.
Microaspiration, by contrast, occurs in many people, especially those with gastro-esophageal reflux, and may exacerbate other lung diseases but does not lead to pneumonia.

Lung Abscess
Lung abscess refers to a localized area of suppurative necro- sis within the pulmonary parenchyma, resulting in the for- mation of one or more large cavities.
The term necrotizing pneumonia has been used to describe a similar process resulting in multiple small cavitations; necrotizing pneu- monia often coexists or evolves into lung abscess, making this distinction somewhat arbitrary.
The causative organ- ism may be introduced into the lung by any of the follow- ing mechanisms:
• Aspiration of infective material from carious teeth or infected sinuses or tonsils, particularly likely during oral surgery, anesthesia, coma, or alcoholic intoxication and in debilitated patients with depressed cough reflexes
• Aspiration of gastric contents, usually accompanied by infectious organisms from the oropharynx
• As a complication of necrotizing bacterial pneumonias, par- ticularly those caused by S. aureus, Streptococcus pyo- genes, K. pneumoniae, Pseudomonas spp., and, rarely, type 3 pneumococci. Mycotic infections and bronchiectasis may also lead to lung abscesses.
• Bronchialobstruction,particularlywithbronchogeniccar- cinoma obstructing a bronchus or bronchiole. Impaired drainage, distal atelectasis, and aspiration of blood and tumor fragments all contribute to the development of abscesses.
An abscess may also form within an exca- vated necrotic portion of a tumor.
• Septic embolism, from septic thrombophlebitis or from infective endocarditis of the right side of the heart

• In addition, lung abscesses may result from hematoge- nous spread of bacteria in disseminated pyogenic infec- tion. This occurs most characteristically in staphylococcal bacteremia and often results in multiple lung abscesses.
Anaerobic bacteria are present in almost all lung abscesses,
sometimes in vast numbers, and they are the exclusive isolates in one third to two thirds of cases. The most fre- quently encountered anaerobes are commensals normally found in the oral cavity, principally species of Prevotella, Fusobacterium, Bacteroides, Peptostreptococcus, and micro- aerophilic streptococci.


Abscesses range in diameyer from where to where
Localization and number of abscesses depend on what?
Pulmonary abscesses due to aspiration of infective material are much more common at what side of the lungs?
And at this side where exactly do they occur and why?
Abscesses that develop in the course of pneumonia pr bronchiectasis have which characteristic
Septic emboli and abscesses arising from hematogenous seeding have what charcateristic?
What produces an air fluid level of radiographic exam in lung abscess?
Occasionally abscesses rupture into the pleural cavity to produce what ?
This thing produced is a consequence of what two diseases?
Name one other complication that can arise?
On histologic exam what can be seen? And what does it depend on?
Manifestations of ling abscess are like those of which diseases and state ten signs that may be seen? Why and when is underlying carvinoma considered when lung abscess is ecpected jn an older person?
What may develop in chronic cases anf ehich two treatments are available for lung abscess?


Abscesses range in diameter from a few millimeters to large cavities 5 to 6 cm across. The localization and number of abscesses depend on their mode of development.
Pulmonary abscesses resulting from aspiration of infective material are much more common on the right side (with its more vertical airways) than on the left, and most are single.
On the right side, they tend to occur in the posterior segment of the upper lobe and in the apical segments of the lower lobe, because these locations reflect the probable course of aspi- rated material when the patient is recumbent.
Abscesses that develop in the course of pneumonia or bronchiectasis com- monly are multiple, basal, and diffusely scattered.
Septic emboli and abscesses arising from hematogenous seeding are commonly multiple and may affect any region of the lungs.
As the focus of suppuration enlarges, it almost inevitably ruptures into airways. Thus, the contained exudate may be partially drained, producing an air-fluid level on radiographic examination. Occasionally, abscesses rupture into the pleural cavity and produce bronchopleural fistulas, the consequence of which is pneumothorax or empyema.
Other compli- cations arise from embolization of septic material to the brain, giving rise to meningitis or brain abscess.
On histologic examination, as expected with any abscess, the suppurative focus is surrounded by variable amounts of fibrous scarring and mononuclear infiltration (lymphocytes, plasma cells, mac- rophages), depending on the chronicity of the lesion.

  Clinical Features
The manifestations of a lung abscess are much like those of bronchiectasis and include a prominent cough that usually yields copious amounts of foul-smelling, purulent, or sanguineous sputum; occasionally, hemoptysis occurs. Spiking fever and malaise are common. Clubbing of the fingers, weight loss, and anemia may all occur. Infective abscesses occur in 10% to 15% of patients with broncho- genic carcinoma; thus, when a lung abscess is suspected in an older person, underlying carcinoma must be consid- ered. 
Secondary amyloidosis (Chapter 4) may develop in chronic cases. Treatment includes antibiotic therapy and, if needed, surgical drainage. Overall, the mortality rate is in the range of 10%

What kind of pneumonia is often a localized lesion in an immunocompetent person eith or without regional lymph node involvement
What kind of inflammation is seen kn chronic pneumonia and what may it be due to?
What is the usual presentation for chronic pneumonia
What is TB and what is it caused by?
Which part of the body does it usually involve? What undergoes caseous necrosis in TB


Chronic Pneumonias
Chronic pneumonia most often is a localized lesion in an immunocompetent person, with or without regional lymph node involvement.
There is typically granuloma- tous inflammation, which may be due to bacteria (e.g., M. tuberculosis) or fungi. In immunocompromised patients, such as those with debilitating illness, on immunosuppres- sive regimens, or with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection (see below), systemic dissemination of the causative organism, accompanied by widespread disease, is the usual presentation.

Tuberculosis is a communicable chronic granulomatous disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It usually involves the lungs but may affect any organ or tissue in the body. Typically, the centers of tubercular granulomas undergo caseous necrosis.


What is the epidemiology (TB fluorishes under which conditions ? Which diseases increase the risk of TB ? How are most infections acquired? In most persons an asymptomatic focus on pupmonary infection appears that is what? Pirmary TB may result in which two signs in the infection? What is yhe evidence of infection? Can people who are infected but sont hve the active disease transmit organisms to others? What happens when people who are infected but dont have the diseases have their immune defenses lowered?TB Infection is different from having the TB disease true or false? Infection w M tb leads to what and how can it be detected? About 2 to 4 weeks after the infection has begun, intracutaneous injec- tion of 0.1 mL of PPD induces a visible and palpable indu- ration (at least 5 mm in diameter) that peaks in 48 to 72 hours. Sometimes, more PPD is required to elicit the reac- tion, and unfortunately, in some responders, the standard dose may produce a large, necrotizing lesion. A positive tuberculin skin test result signifies cell-mediated hypersensi- tivity to tubercular antigens. It does not differentiate between infection and disease. A well-recognized limita- tion of this test is that false-negative reactions (or skin test anergy) may be produced by certain viral infections, sarcoidosis, malnutrition, Hodgkin lymphoma, immunosuppression, and (notably) overwhelming active tuberculous disease. False- positive reactions may result from infection by atypical mycobacteria.
Thus, only a small fraction of those who con- tract an infection develop active disease. True or false)
and etiology of TB(what organism causes it? What are the characteristics of this organism? Which form of this organism is responsiboe for most cases of tb? The reservoir of infection typically is found in which people? How is it transmitted ? Oropharyngeal and intestinal tuberculosis con- tracted by drinking milk contaminated with Mycobacterium bovis infection is now rare in developed nations, but it is still seen in countries with tuberculous dairy cows and sales of unpasteurized milk. Other mycobacteria, particu- larly Mycobacterium avium complex, are much less virulent than M. tuberculosis and rarely cause disease in immuno- competent persons. However, they cause disease in 10% to 30% of patients with AIDS. True or false


Tuberculosis flourishes under conditions of poverty, crowding, and chronic debilitating illness. Similarly, elderly persons, with their weakened defenses, are vulner- able.
Certain disease states also increase the risk: diabetes mellitus, Hodgkin lymphoma, chronic lung disease (particularly silicosis), chronic renal failure, malnutrition, alcoholism, and immu- nosuppression. In areas of the world where HIV infection is prevalent, it has become the single most important risk factor for the development of tuberculosis.
It is important that infection be differentiated from disease. Infection implies seeding of a focus with organisms, which may or may not cause clinically significant tissue damage (i.e., disease).
Although other routes may be involved, most infections are acquired by direct person-to- person transmission of airborne droplets of organisms from an active case to a susceptible host.
In most persons, an asymptomatic focus of pulmonary infection appears that is self-limited, although uncommonly, primary tuber- culosis may result in the development of fever and pleural effusions.
Generally, the only evidence of infection, if any
remains, is a tiny, telltale fibrocalcific nodule at the site of the infection.

Viable organisms may remain dormant in such loci for decades, and possibly for the life of the host. Such persons are infected but do not have active disease and therefore cannot transmit organisms to others.
Yet when their immune defenses are lowered, the infection may reactivate to produce communicable and potentially life-threatening disease.
Infection with M. tuberculosis typically leads to the development of delayed hypersensitivity, which can be detected by the tuberculin (Mantoux) test.

Mycobacteria are slender rods that are acid-fast (i.e., they have a high content of complex lipids that readily bind the Ziehl-Neelsen [carbol fuchsin] stain and subsequently stubbornly resist decolorization). M. tuberculosis hominis is responsible for most cases of tuberculosis; the reservoir of infection typically is found in persons with active pulmo- nary disease. Transmission usually is direct, by inhalation of airborne organisms in aerosols generated by expectora- tion or by exposure to contaminated secretions of infected persons.


What is the pathogenesis of TB in the previously unexposed immunocompetent person is centered on what and what dies thus result in?
The pathologic features of Tb include what and what are they a result of ? What is the sequence of events from inhalation of infectious inoculum to containment of the primary focus?
What are endosomes ? How many weeks is the earliest phase of primary TB in yhe non sensitized patient and what is it characterized by ? Polymorphisms of what gene causes the disease to progress without development of an effective immue response ? Development of cell mediAted immunity occurs when after exposure? Defects in any of the steps of a TH1 response result in what? Thus persons eith inherited mutations in any component of TH1 pathway are extremely susceptible to ehich infections? In summary,immunity to a Tb infection is primarily mediated by which cells and how do they do it ? What is a negative effect kf this immunity?


The pathogenesis of tuberculosis in the previously unex- posed immunocompetent person is centered on the development of a targeted cell-mediated immunity that confers resistance to the organism and results in development of tissue hypersensitivity to tubercular antigens. The pathologic features of tuberculosis, such as caseating granulomas and cavitation, are the result of the destructive tissue hypersensitivity that is part and parcel of the host immune response.
Because the effector cells for both processes are the same, the appearance of tissue hyper- sensitivity also signals the acquisition of immunity to the organism.

The sequence of events from inhalation of the infectious inoculum to containment of the primary focus is outlined next:
• Once a virulent strain of mycobacteria gains entry into the macrophage endosomes (a process mediated by several macrophage receptors, including the macrophage mannose receptor and complement receptors that recognize several components of the mycobacterial cell walls), the organisms are able to inhibit normal microbicidal responses by preventing the fusion of the lysosomes with the phago- cytic vacuole. The prevention of phagolysosome forma- tion allows unchecked mycobacterial proliferation. Thus, the earliest phase of primary tuberculosis (in the first 3 weeks) in the nonsensitized patient is characterized by bacillary proliferation within the pulmonary alveolar mac- rophages and air spaces, with resulting bacteremia and seeding of multiple sites. Despite the bacteremia, most persons at this stage are asymptomatic or
have a mild flu-like illness.
• The genetic makeup of the patient may influence the course of the disease. In some people with polymor- phisms of the NRAMP1 (natural resistance–associated macrophage protein 1) gene, the disease may progress from this point without development of an effective immune response. NRAMP1 is a transmembrane ion transport protein found in endosomes and lysosomes that is believed to contribute to microbial killing.
• The development of cell-mediated immunity occurs approximately 3 weeks after exposure. Processed myco- bacterial antigens reach the draining lymph nodes and are presented to CD4 T cells by dendritic cells and macro- phages. Under the influence of macrophage-secreted IL-12, CD4+ T cells of the TH1 subset are generated that are capable of secreting IFN-γ.
• IFN-γ released by the CD4+ T cells of the TH1 subset is crucial in activating macrophages.
Acti- vated macrophages, in turn, release a variety of mediators and upregulate expression of genes with important down- stream effects, including (1) TNF, which is responsible for recruitment of monocytes, which in turn undergo activa- tion and differentiation into the “epithelioid histiocytes” that characterize the granulomatous response; (2) expres- sion of the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) gene, which results in elevated nitric oxide levels at the site of infection, with excellent antibacterial activity; and (3) generation of reactive oxygen species, which can have antibacterial activity. You will recall that nitric oxide is a powerful oxidizing agent that results in generation of reac- tive nitrogen intermediates and other free radicals capable of oxidative destruction of several mycobacterial constitu- ents, from cell wall to DNA.
• Defects in any of the steps of a TH1 response (including IL-12, IFN-γ, TNF, or nitric oxide production) result in poorly formed granulomas, absence of resistance, and disease progression. Persons with inherited mutations in any component of the TH1 pathway are extremely sus- ceptible to infections with mycobacteria.

In summary, immunity to a tubercular infection is primarily mediated by TH1 cells, which stimulate macrophages to kill bacteria.
This immune response, while largely effective, comes at the cost of hypersensitivity and the accompanying tissue destruction. Reactivation of the infection or reexposure to the bacilli in a previously sensitized host results in rapid mobilization of a defensive reaction but also increased tissue necrosis. Just as hypersensitivity and resistance appear in parallel, so, too, the loss of hypersensi- tivity (indicated by tuberculin negativity in a tuberculin- positive patient) may be an ominous sign that resistance to the organism has faded.


When does TB become adaptive immunity
What us the function of compliment system in Tb
What is alternate pathwta in complemet system
MHC 1 cells go to CD8 cells nd MHC 2 cells go tk CD4 cells


An intruding antigen is sensed by the B-cells in the lymph nodes. The B-cells become sensitised and transform into a larger secretory type of cell called the plasma cell. When TB moves into the lymph nodes it becomes adaptive

Complement is a major component of innate immune system involved in defending against all the foreign pathogens through complement fragments that participate in opsonization, chemotaxis, and activation of leukocytes and through cytolysis by C5b-9 membrane attack complex.

The alternative pathway is a type of cascade reaction of the complement system and is a component of the innate immune system, a natural defense against infections. The alternative pathway is one of three complement pathways that opsonize and kill pathogens.


What are the four major histologic types of carcinomas in yhe lung and guve the histologic features
Mame four complications if pneumonia

The four major histologic types of carcinomas of the lung are
• squamous cell carcinoma
•small cell carcinoma
•large cell carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinomas are more common in men than in women and are closely correlated with a smoking history; they tend to arise centrally in major bronchi and eventually spread to local hilar nodes, but they dissemi- nate outside the thorax later than do other histologic types. Large lesions may undergo central necrosis, giving rise to cavitation. The preneoplastic lesions that antedate, and usually accompany, invasive squamous cell carcinoma are well characterized. On histologic examination, these tumors range from well- differentiated squamous cell neoplasms showing keratin pearls (Fig. 12–46, B) and intercellular bridges to poorly dif- ferentiated neoplasms exhibiting only minimal residual squa- mous cell features

Adenocarcinomas may occur as central lesions like the squamous cell variant but usually are more peripherally located, many with a central scar. Adenocarcinomas are the most common type of lung cancer in women and nonsmok- ers. In general, adenocarcinomas grow slowly and form smaller masses than do the other subtypes, but they tend to metastasize widely at an early stage. On histologic examina- tion, they may assume a variety of forms, including acinar (gland-forming) (Fig. 12–47, C), papillary, mucinous (formerly mucinous bronchioloalveolar carcinoma, which often is multifocal and may manifest as pneumonia-like con- solidation), and solid types.

pulmonary adenocarcinomas.
Large cell carcinomas are undifferentiated malignant epithelial tumors that lack the cytologic features of small cell carcinoma and have no glandular or squamous differentiation. The cells typically have large nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and a moderate amount of cytoplasm. Large cell carcinomas probably represent squamous cell or adenocarcinomas that are so undifferentiated that they can no longer be recognized by means of light microscopy. On ultrastructural examina- tion, however, minimal glandular or squamous differentiation is common.
Small cell lung carcinomas (SCLCs) generally appear as pale gray, centrally located masses with extension into the lung parenchyma and early involvement of the hilar and mediastinal nodes.

Pleural effusion
Lungs abscess
Metastatic infdctikns


What is primary TB
Ehy will elderly persons and profoundly immunosuppresses patients develop primsry TB more than once
Typically the inhaled bacilli implant in ehich parts of the lungs ?
Immunosuppression results in what and why?
What are the three consequences of TB
What is a Ghon focus and when does jt form? In most cases the center of the Ghon focus wh kind of necrosis occurs?
What is the Ghon complex?
How is it formed? During the fjrst few weeks of TB,what kind of dissemination occurs and what kind of immunity controls the infection? What is the Ranke complex?
Ghon complex indergoes what kind of finrosis? On histologic exam sites of active involvement are marked by what? Which consists of what

What are the three major comsequrnces of primary tuberculosis
Progressive primary tb occurs in which patients?


Primary Tuberculosis
Primary tuberculosis is the form of disease that develops in a previously unexposed and therefore unsensitized patient. Elderly persons and profoundly immunosuppressed patients may lose their sensitivity to the tubercle bacillus, so they may develop primary tuberculosis more than once. About 5% of those newly infected acquire significant disease.

Typically, the inhaled bacilli implant in the distal air spaces of the lower part of the upper lobe or the upper part of the lower lobe, usually close to the pleura.
As sensitization develops, a 1- to 1.5-cm area of gray-white inflammatory consolidation emerges, the Ghon focus. In most cases the center of this focus undergoes caseous necro- sis. Tubercle bacilli, either free or within phagocytes, travel in lymph drainage to the regional nodes, which also often caseate.
This combination of parenchymal lesion and nodal involvement is referred to as the Ghon complex During the first few weeks, there is also lym- phatic and hematogenous dissemination to other parts of the body. In approximately 95% of cases, development of cell- mediated immunity controls the infection.
Hence, the Ghon complex undergoes progressive fibrosis, often followed by radiologically detectable calcification (Ranke complex), and despite seeding of other organs, no lesions develop.

On histologic examination, sites of active involvement are marked by a characteristic granulomatous inflammatory reac- tion that forms both caseating and noncaseating granulomas ,which consist of epithelioid histiocytes and multinucleate giant cells.

he major consequences of primary tuberculosis are that
(1) it induces hypersensitivity and increased resistance; (2) the foci of scarring may harbor viable bacilli for years, perhaps for life, and thus be the nidus for reactivation at a later time when host defenses are compromised; and (3) uncommonly, it may lead to progressive primary tuberculosis.
This complication occurs in patients who are immunocom- promised or have nonspecific impairment of host defenses, as characteristic in malnourished children or in elderly persons. munosuppression (i.e., CD4+ counts below 200 cells/μL). Immunosuppression results in an inability to mount a CD4+ T cell–mediated immunologic reaction that would contain the primary focus; because hypersensitivity and resistance are most often concomitant factors, the lack of a tissue hypersensitivity reaction results in the absence of the characteristic caseating granulomas (nonreactive tuberculosis


What us secondary TB?
How does it arise?(2 ways)
Secondary pulmonary TB is localized to which parts of the lungs? And why?
Why are regional lymph nodes less prominently involved early in the disease rhan they are in primary TB
What changes occur readily in secondary TB and what clincial sign do they cause ?

Secondary tuberculosis should always be an important consideration in HIV-positive patients who present with pulmonary disease. Of note, although an increased risk of tuberculosis exists at all stages of HIV disease, the manifestations differ depending on the degree of immunosuppression. For example, patients with less severe immunosuppression (CD4+ counts greater than 300 cells/mm3) present with “usual” secondary tuberculosis (apical disease with cavita- tion) while those with more advanced immunosuppression (CD4+ counts below 200 cells/mm3) present with a clinical picture that resembles progressive primary tuberculosis (lower and middle lobe consolidation, hilar lymphadenop- athy, and noncavitary disease). The extent of immunosup- pression also determines the frequency of extrapulmonary involvement, rising from 10% to 15% in mildly immuno- suppressed patients to greater than 50% in those with severe immune deficiency.


Secondary Tuberculosis (Reactivation Tuberculosis)
Secondary tuberculosis is the pattern of disease that arises in a previously sensitized host. It may follow shortly after primary tuberculosis, but more commonly it arises from reactiva- tion of dormant primary lesions many decades after initial infection, particularly when host resistance is weakened.
It also may result from exogenous reinfection because of waning of the protection afforded by the primary disease or because of a large inoculum of virulent bacilli.
Whatever the source of the organism, only a few patients (less than 5%) with primary disease subsequently develop secondary tuberculosis.
Secondary pulmonary tuberculosis is classically localized to the apex of one or both upper lobes.
The reason is obscure but may relate to high oxygen tension in the apices.

Because of the preexistence of hypersensitivity, the bacilli excite a prompt and marked tissue response that tends to wall off the focus. As a result of this localization, the regional lymph nodes are less prominently involved early in the disease
than they are in primary tuberculosis. On the other hand, cavitation occurs readily in the secondary form, leading to erosion into and dissemination along airways. Such changes become an important source of infectivity, because the patient now produces sputum containing bacilli.


What is the morphology of Secondary TB(what is the characteristics of the jnital lesion? In favorable cases the intitual parenchymal focus undergoes what? Histologically ghe active lesions show what? Although tubercle bacilli can be demonstrated by appropriate methods in early exudative and caseous phases of granuloma formation, it is usually impossible to find them in the late, fibrocalcific stages. True or false? What happens to apical lesions in progressive pulmonary tb? Erosion into a broncus causes what? What causes hemoptysis in secondary tb? If treatment js inadequate or host defenses are impaired,infection may spread by which means? When does miliary pulMOnary disease occur? Individual lesions in this type of pulmonary disease are of ehat charcateristics? With progressive pupmonary tb what happens to the pleural cavity
How does Endobronchial, endotracheal, and laryngeal tuber- culosis may develop? What happens to the mucosal lining in this type of tb?
How does systemic miliary tb occur? What is the characteristic of granulomas spread by systemic miliary tb that get to other organs of the body and granulomas in the lung?
Miliary tb is most prominent in which organs? What may be the presenting manifestation of tb? Organs typically involved in isolated organ tb are? When the spine is affected by tb what’s it called? How does paraspinal cold abscesses present ? What is the most frequent form of extrapuomonary tb usually occurring where?

Lymphadenopathy tends to be unifocal, and most patients do not have concurrent extranodal disease. HIV-positive patients, on the other hand, almost always have multifocal disease, systemic symptoms, and either pulmonary or other organ involvement by active tuberculosis.
In years past, intestinal tuberculosis contracted by the drinking of contaminated milk was fairly common as a primary focus of tuberculosis. In developed countries today, intestinal tuberculosis is more often a complication of protracted advanced secondary tuberculosis, secondary to the swallow- ing of coughed-up infective material. Typically, the organisms are trapped in mucosal lymphoid aggregates of the small and large bowel, which then undergo inflammatory enlargement with ulceration of the overlying mucosa, particularly in the ileum. True or false


The initial lesion usually is a small focus of consolidation, less than 2 cm in diameter, within 1 to 2 cm of the apical pleura. Such foci are sharply circumscribed, firm, gray-white to yellow areas that have a variable amount of central caseation and peripheral fibrosis.
In favorable cases, the initial paren- chymal focus undergoes progressive fibrous encapsulation, leaving only fibrocalcific scars.
Histologically, the active lesions show characteristic coalescent tubercles with central case- ation.
Localized, apical, secondary pulmonary tuberculosis may heal with fibrosis either sponta- neously or after therapy, or the disease may progress and extend along several different pathways.
Progressive pulmonary tuberculosis may ensue. The apical lesion enlarges with expansion of the area of caseation. Erosion into a bronchus evacuates the caseous center, creat- ing a ragged, irregular cavity lined by caseous material that is poorly walled off by fibrous tissue (Fig. 12–38). Erosion of blood vessels results in hemoptysis. With adequate treat- ment, the process may be arrested, although healing by fibro- sis often distorts the pulmonary architecture.
If the treatment is inade- quate, or if host defenses are impaired, the infection may spread by direct expansion, by means of dissemination through airways, lymphatic channels, or within the vascular system.
Miliary pulmonary disease occurs when organ- isms drain through lymphatics into the lymphatic ducts, which empty into the venous return to the right side of the heart and thence into the pulmonary arteries.
Individual lesions are either microscopic or small, visible (2 mm) foci of yellow- white consolidation scattered through the lung parenchyma (the word miliary is derived from the resemblance of these foci to millet seeds). With progressive pulmonary tuberculo- sis, the pleural cavity is invariably involved and serous pleural effusions, tuberculous empyema, or obliterative fibrous pleuritis may develop.
Endobronchial, endotracheal, and laryngeal tuber- culosis may develop when infective material is spread either through lymphatic channels or from expectorated infectious material.
The mucosal lining may be studded with minute granulomatous lesions, sometimes apparent only on micro- scopic examination.
Systemic miliary tuberculosis ensues when the organ- isms disseminate through the systemic arterial system to almost every organ in the body. Granulomas are the same as in the lung.
Miliary tuberculosis is most prominent in the liver, bone marrow, spleen, adrenals, meninges, kidneys, fallopian tubes, and epididymis .
Isolated-organ tuberculosis may appear in any one of the organs or tissues seeded hematogenously and may be the presenting manifestation of tuberculosis. Organs typically involved include the meninges (tuberculous meningitis), kidneys (renal tuberculosis), adrenals, bones (osteomyelitis), and fallopian tubes (salpingitis). When the vertebrae are affected, the condition is referred to as Pott disease. Paraspi- nal “cold” abscesses may track along the tissue planes to present as an abdominal or pelvic mass.
Lymphadenitis is the most frequent form of extrapul- monary tuberculosis, usually occurring in the cervical region (“scrofula”).


Localized secondary tb may be asymptomatic. When manifestations appear what are their characteristics? What causes systemic manifestations? When do they appear in the disease? What signs are seen in systemic manifestations ? What is the characteristic of fever in this manifests? With progressive pulmonary involvement ,what happens to the sputum?
When cavitation is present ,sputum contains what? What causes pleuritic pain? Extra pulmonary manifestations of tb depend on what? And give one sign each with the extra pulmonary disease
Diagnosis of pulmonary disease is based kn what? What is the most common methodology for diagnosis of tb? Why is culture the standard diagnostic modality over PCR? What is multi drug resistance? When is the prognosis of tb favorable? And when does prognosis worsen? What disease may develop in persistent cases

Conventional cultures for mycobacteria require up to 10 weeks, but liquid media–based radiomet- ric assays that detect mycobacterial metabolism are able to provide an answer within 2 weeks. PCR amplification can be performed on positive liquid media, as well as on tissue sections, to identify the mycobacterium. True or false


Localized secondary tuberculosis may be asymptomatic. When manifestations appear, they are usually insidious in onset, with gradual development of both systemic and localizing symptoms and signs. Systemic manifestations, probably related to the release of cytokines by activated macrophages (e.g., TNF and IL-1), often appear early in the disease course and include malaise, anorexia, weight loss, and fever. Commonly, the fever is low grade and remittent (appearing late each afternoon and then subsiding), and night sweats occur.
With progressive pulmonary involve- ment, increasing amounts of sputum, at first mucoid and later purulent, appear. When cavitation is present, the sputum contains tubercle bacilli.
Some degree of hemoptysis is present in about half of all cases of pulmonary tubercu- losis. Pleuritic pain may result from extension of the infec- tion to the pleural surfaces. Extrapulmonary manifestations of tuberculosis are legion and depend on the organ system involved (for example, tuberculous salpingitis may present as infertility, tuberculous meningitis with headache and neurologic deficits, Pott disease with back pain and para- plegia). The diagnosis of pulmonary disease is based in part on the history and on physical and radiographic find- ings of consolidation or cavitation in the apices of the lungs. Ultimately, however, tubercle bacilli must be identified.
The most common methodology for diagnosis of tuber- culosis remains demonstration of acid-fast organisms in sputum by acid-fast stains or by use of fluorescent aura- mine rhodamine. However, culture remains the standard diagnostic modality because it can identify the occasional PCR-negative case and also allows testing of drug susceptibility. Multidrug resistance (MDR), defined as resistance of mycobacteria to two or more of the primary drugs used for treatment kf tb
The prognosis with tuberculosis generally is favorable if infection is localized to the lungs, but it worsens significantly when the disease occurs in aged, debilitated, or immunosuppressed persons, who are at high risk for the development of miliary tuberculosis, and in those with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Amyloidosis may develop in persistent cases.

Summarize tb (what is tb? Initial exposure to mycobacteria results in what? But leads to what? Which cells have a crucial role in cell mediated  immunity against mycobacteria? What are the mediators of infoammation and bacterial containment? What is the histopathologic hallmark of host reaction to tb in immunocompetent persons? When does secondary tb arise and how foes it usually manifest?
Which types of tb result in systemic seeding? What is a well known risk factor for development of active tb?

• Tuberculosis is a chronic granulomatous disease caused by M. tuberculosis, usually affecting the lungs, but virtually any extrapulmonary organ can be involved in isolated infection.
• Initial exposure to mycobacteria results in development of an immune response that confers resistance but also leads to hypersensitivity (as determined by a positive result on the tuberculin skin test).
• CD4+ T cells of the TH1 subset have a crucial role in cell- mediated immunity against mycobacteria; mediators of inflammation and bacterial containment include IFN-γ, TNF, and nitric oxide.
• The histopathologic hallmark of host reaction to tuber- culosis in immunocompetent persons is the presence of granulomas, usually with central caseating necrosis.
• Secondary (reactivation) tuberculosis arises in previously exposed persons when host immune defenses are com- promised, and usually manifests as cavitary lesions in the lung apices.
• Both progressive primary tuberculosis and secondary tuberculosis can result in systemic seeding, causing life- threatening forms of disease such as miliary tuberculosis and tuberculous meningitis.
• HIV-seropositive status is a well-known risk factor for development or recrudescence of active tuberculosis.


CMV infections in immunocompromised patients have what histology
Pneumocystitis pneumonia in immunocompromised patients have what histology
What is the histology of small cell lung carcinoma and non small cell ling carcinoma


Histologically, the characteristic enlargement of cells can be appreciated. In the glandular organs, the parenchymal epithe- lial cells are affected; in the brain, the neurons; in the lungs, the alveolar macrophages and epithelial and endothelial cells; and in the kidneys, the tubular epithelial and glomerular endo- thelial cells. Affected cells are strikingly enlarged, often to a diameter of 40 μm, and exhibit cellular and nuclear polymorphism. Prominent intranuclear basophilic inclusions spanning half the nuclear diameter are usually set off from the nuclear membrane by a clear halo (Fig. 12–42). Within the cytoplasm of these cells, smaller basophilic inclu- sions may also be seen.

Microscopically, involved areas of the lung demonstrate a characteristic intra-alveolar foamy, pink-staining exudate with hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) stain (“cotton candy” exudate) (Fig. 12–43, A). The septa are thickened by edema and a minimal mononuclear infiltrate. Special stains are required to visualize the organism. Silver stain of tissue sections reveals round to cup-shaped cysts (4 to 10 μm in diameter), often with intracystic bodies but without budding, in the alveolar exudates

Histology Scant cytoplasm; small, hyperchromatic nuclei with fine chromatin pattern; nucleoli
indistinct; diffuse sheets of cells

Non small cell
Abundant cytoplasm; pleomorphic nuclei with coarse chromatin pattern; nucleoli often prominent; glandular or squamous architecture

When NSCLCs (squamous cell carcinomas or adenocarci- nomas) are detected before metastasis or local spread, cure is possible by lobectomy or pneumonectomy. SCLCs, on the other hand, have invariably spread by the time they are first detected, even if the primary tumor appears small and localized. 
True or false



Hiw fk microrg enter yhe lungs


●Aspiration of organism from nasopharynx or oropharynx
●Hematogenous spread form a distant focus of infection
●Direct spread from an adjoining site of infection


What gives rise to restrictive lung diseases and what are yheu characyerized by? Ehat is ghe ratio of FEV to FVC? What is the unifying pathogenetic factor that causes diffuse interstitial fibrosis?
What characterizes idiopathic pupmonary fibrosis? What histologic pattern is seen in this disease?
What is pneumoconiosis? What three materials usually cause mineral dust pneumoconioses?

However, the increased risk of cancer as a result of asbestos exposure extends to family members of asbestos workers and to other persons exposed to asbestos outside of the workplace. Table 12–4 indicates the pathologic con- ditions associated with each mineral dust and the major industries in which the dust exposure is sufficient to produce disease. True or false
Name the Mineral dust,the disease it causes and the exposure


Chronic Interstitial Lung Diseases
• Diffuse interstitial fibrosis of the lung gives rise to restric- tive lung diseases characterized by reduced lung compli- ance and reduced forced vital capacity (FVC).The ratio of FEV to FVC is normal.
• The diseases that cause diffuse interstitial fibrosis are heterogeneous.The unifying pathogenetic factor is injury to the alveoli with activation of macrophages and release of fibrogenic cytokines such as TGF-β.
• Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is prototypic of restrictive lung diseases. It is characterized by patchy interstitial fibrosis, fibroblastic foci, and formation of cystic spaces (honeycomb lung). This histologic pattern is known as usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP).

Pneumoconiosis is a term originally coined to describe the non-neoplastic lung reaction to inhalation of mineral dusts. The term has been broadened to include diseases induced by organic as well as inorganic particulates, and some experts also regard chemical fume- and vapor-induced non-neoplastic lung diseases as pneumoconioses. The mineral dust pneumoconioses—the three most common of which result from exposure to coal dust, silica, and asbestos—nearly always result from exposure in the work- place.

Coal dust
Simple coal worker’s pneumoconiosis: macules and nodules Complicated coal worker’s pneumoconiosis: PMF(progressive massige fibrosis)
Coal mining (exposure)

Sandblasting, quarrying, mining, stone cutting, foundry work, ceramics

Asbestosis, pleural effusions, pleural plaques, or diffuse fibrosis; mesothelioma; carcinoma of the lung and larynx
Mining, milling, and fabrication of ores and materials;


What is the morphology of coal workers pneumocosis


ph nodes.
Simple CWP is characterized by coal macules and the somewhat larger coal nodule. The coal macule consists of dust-laden macrophages; in addition, the nodule contains small amounts of collagen fibers arrayed in a delicate network. Although these lesions are scattered throughout the lung, the upper lobes and upper zones of the lower lobes are more heavily involved. In due course, centrilobular emphy- sema can occur. F

Complicatrd coal workers pneumoconiosis

It is characterized by usually multiple, intensely blackened scars larger than 2 cm, some- times up to 10 cm in greatest diameter. On microscopic examination the lesions are seen to consist of dense collagen and pigment


What is the morphology of silicosis and asbestosis


Silicotic nodules are characterized grossly in their early stages by tiny, barely palpable, discrete, pale-to-blackened (if coal dust is also present) nodules in the upper zones of the lungs (Fig. 12–19). Microscopically, the silicotic nodule demonstrates concentrically arranged hyalinized col- lagen fibers surrounding an amorphous center. The “whorled” appearance of the collagen fibers is quite distinc- tive for silicosis (Fig. 12–20). Examination of the nodules by polarized microscopy reveals weakly birefringent silica particles, primarily in the center of the nodules. As the disease progresses, the individual nodules may coalesce into hard, collagenous scars, with eventual progression to PMF. The intervening lung parenchyma may be compressed or overexpanded, and a honeycomb pattern may develop.

Asbestosis is marked by diffuse pulmonary interstitial fibro- sis. These changes are indistinguishable from UIP, except for the presence of asbestos bodies, which are seen as golden brown, fusiform or beaded rods with a translucent center. contrast with CWP and silicosis, asbestosis begins in the lower lobes and subpleurally, but the middle and upper lobes of the lungs become affected as fibrosis progresses.


Asbestos fibers vome in two forms name them
Asbestos exposure is linked w six disease provesses
Name them
Name three drugs thay can cause pulmonary diseases and state the disease they cause . Radiation pneumonitis is a complication of what?


Asbestos fibers come in two forms; the stiff amphiboles have a greater fibrogenic and carcinogenic potential than the serpentine chrysotiles.
• Asbestos exposure is linked with six disease processes: (1) parenchymal interstitial fibrosis (asbestosis); (2) local- ized fibrous plaques or, rarely, diffuse pleural fibrosis; (3) pleural effusions; (4) lung cancer; (5) malignant pleural and peritoneal mesotheliomas; and (6) laryngeal cancer.
• Cigarette smoking increases the risk of lung cancer in the setting of asbestos exposure; moreover, even family members of workers exposed to asbestos are at increased risk for cancer.

Drug- and Radiation-Induced Pulmonary Diseases
Drugs can cause a variety of both acute and chronic altera- tions in respiratory structure and function. For example, bleomycin, an anticancer agent, causes pneumonitis and interstitial fibrosis, as a result of direct toxicity of the drug and by stimulating the influx of inflammatory cells into the alveoli. Similarly, amiodarone, an antiarrhythmic agent, also is associated with risk for pneumonitis and fibrosis. Radia- tion pneumonitis is a well-known complication of therapeu- tic irradiation of pulmonary and other thoracic tumors. Acute radiation pneumonitis, which typically occurs 1 to 6 months after therapy in as many as 20% of the patients, is manifested by fever, dyspnea out of proportion to the volume of irradiated lung, pleural effusion, and develop- ment of pulmonary infiltrates corresponding to the area of radiation. These signs and symptoms may resolve with corticosteroid therapy or progress to chronic radiation pneu- monitis, associated with pulmonary fibrosis.


What is sarcoidosis
Name two other diseases that sometimes produce non caseating granulomas? What is the histologic diagnsois of sarcoidosis?
What are yhe major presenting manifestations?
What is the diagnostic histopathological feature of sarcoidosis
What is non caseating epitheliod granuloma? Where are the epitheliod cells derived from what two other microscopic feature are seen jn granulomas ? When foci of central necrosis are present in sarcoid granulomas what does this suggest?
What results in honeycomb lung?
What are the characteristics of enlarged lymph nodes? Whats the difference betwren lymph nodes in tb and lymph nodes in sarcoidosis?
What is the hallmark of acute sarcoidosis


sar- coidosis is a multisystem disease of unknown etiology character- ized by noncaseating granulomas in many tissues and organs. Other diseases, including mycobacterial or fungal infec- tions and berylliosis, sometimes also produce noncaseating granulomas; therefore, the histologic diagnosis of sarcoidosis is one of exclusion. Although the multisystem involvement of sarcoidosis can manifest in many clinical guises, bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy or lung involvement (or both), visible on chest radiographs, is the major presenting mani- festation in most cases. Eye and skin involvement each occurs in about 25% of cases, and either may occasionally be the presenting feature of the disease.

iagnostic histopathologic feature of sarcoidosis is the noncaseating epithelioid granuloma, irrespective of the organ involved (Fig. 12–23). This is a discrete, compact collection of epithelioid cells rimmed by an outer zone of largely CD4+ T cells. The epithelioid cells are derived from macrophages and are characterized by abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and vesicular nuclei. Two other microscopic features are some- times seen in the granulomas: (1) Schaumann bodies, laminated concretions composed of calcium and proteins; and (2) asteroid bodies, stellate inclusions enclosed within giant cells. Their presence is not required for diagnosis of sarcoidosis—they also may occur in granulomas of other origins. Rarely, foci of central necrosis may be present in sarcoid granulomas, suggesting an infectious process. Case- ation necrosis typical of tuberculosis is absent.
The lungs are involved at some stage of the disease in 90% of patients. The granulomas predominantly involve the inter- stitium rather than air spaces,
The bronchoalveolar lavage fluid contains abundant CD4+ T cells. In 5% to 15% of patients, the granulomas eventually are replaced by diffuse interstitial fibrosis, resulting in a so-called honeycomb lung.
Intrathoracic hilar and paratracheal lymph nodes are enlarged in 75% to 90% of patients, while a third present with peripheral lymphadenopathy. The nodes are characteristically painless and have a firm, rubbery texture. Unlike in tubercu- losis, lymph nodes in sarcoidosis are “nonmatted” (nonadher- ent) and do not ulcerate.
Skin lesions are encountered in approximately 25% of patients. Erythema nodosum, the hallmark of acute sar- coidosis, consists of raised, red, tender nodules on the ante- rior aspects of the legs. Sarcoidal granulomas are uncommon in these lesions. By contrast, discrete painless subcutaneous nodules can also occur in sarcoidosis, and these usually reveal abundant noncaseating granulomas.


What is the immunological abnormality in sarcoidosis and state the clinical features
Name two examples of smoking associated interstitial ling disease
Whats the most striking histologic feature of desquamative interstitial pneumonia
What is a common histologic lesion found in smokers and what is it characterized by


Immunologic abnormalities include high levels of CD4+ T cells in the lung that secrete TH1-dependent cytokines such as IFN-γ and IL-2 locally.
• Clinical manifestations include lymph node enlargement, eye involvement (sicca syndrome [dry eyes], iritis, or iri- docyclitis), skin lesions (erythema nodosum, painless sub- cutaneous nodules), and visceral (liver, skin, marrow) involvement. Lung involvement occurs in 90% of cases, with formation of granulomas and interstitial fibrosis.

Smoking-Related Interstitial Diseases
The role of cigarette smoking in causing obstructive pul- monary disease (emphysema and chronic bronchitis) has been discussed. Smoking also is associated with restrictive or interstitial lung diseases. Desquamative interstitial pneu- monia (DIP) and respiratory bronchiolitis are the two related examples of smoking-associated interstitial lung disease.
The most striking histologic feature of DIP is the accumula- tion of large numbers of macrophages with abundant cytoplasm containing dusty-brown pigment (smoker’s mac- rophages) in the air spaces (Fig. 12–25). The alveolar septa are thickened by a sparse inflammatory infiltrate (usually lymphocytes), and interstitial fibrosis, when present, is mild. Pulmonary functions usually show a mild restrictive abnormality, and patients with DIP typically have a good prognosis with excellent response to steroid therapy and smoking cessation. Respiratory bronchiolitis is a common histologic lesion found in smokers, characterized by the presence of pigmented intraluminal macrophages akin to those in DIP, but in a “bronchiolocentric” distribution (first- and second-order respiratory bronchioles). Mild peribronchiolar fibrosis also is seen. As with DIP, affected patients present with gradual onset of dyspnea and dry cough, and the symptoms recede with cessation of smoking.


What are the two important consequences of embolic pulmonary arterial occlusion
Occlusion of a major vessel results in whar three things?
What mechanisms will lead to hypoxemia? When does ischemic necrosis occur?


There are two important consequences of embolic pulmo- nary arterial occlusion: (1) an increase in pulmonary artery pressure from blockage of flow and, possibly, vasospasm caused by neurogenic mechanisms and/or release of medi- ators (e.g., thromboxane A2, serotonin); and (2) ischemia of
the downstream pulmonary parenchyma. Thus, occlusion of a major vessel results in a sudden increase in pulmonary artery pressure, diminished cardiac output, right-sided heart failure (acute cor pulmonale), or even death. Usually hypoxemia also develops, as a result of multiple mechanisms:
• Perfusion of lung zones that have become atelectatic. The alveolar collapse occurs in the ischemic areas because of a reduction in surfactant production and because pain associated with embolism leads to reduced movement of the chest wall; in addition, some of the pulmonary blood flow is redirected through areas of the lung that normally are hypoventilated.
• The decrease in cardiac output causes a widening of the difference in arterial-venous oxygen saturation.
• Right-to-left shunting of blood may occur through a patent foramen ovale, present in 30% of normal persons. • If smaller vessels are occluded, the result is less cata-
strophic, and the event may even be clinically silent.
Recall that the lungs are oxygenated not only by the pul- monary arteries but also by bronchial arteries and directly from air in the alveoli. Thus, ischemic necrosis (infarction) is the exception rather than the rule, occurring in as few as 10% of patients with thromboemboli. It occurs only if there is compromise in cardiac function or bronchial circulation, or if the region of the lung at risk is underventilated as a result of underlying pulmonary disease.


Morphological consequences of PE depend on ehat two things?
What is saddle embolus?
Why arent there morphological alterations in the lung when theres saddle embolus?
Why will alveolar hemorrhage occur?
What hapoens in patients with comrpomised cvs status?
What increases the risk of infarction? Characteristically what do infarcts look like in the lungs or where do they lodge
What do pupmonary infarcts appear as in the early dtages ? On histologic exam the hallmark of fresh infarcts is what?


The morphologic consequences of pulmonary embolism, as noted, depend on the size of the embolic mass and the general state of the circulation. A large embolus may embed in the main pulmonary artery or its major branches or lodge astride the bifurcation as a saddle embolus (Fig. 12–26).
Death usually follows so suddenly from hypoxia or acute failure of the right side of the heart (acute cor pulmonale) that there is no time for morphologic alterations in the lung. Smaller emboli become impacted in medium-sized and small pulmonary arteries. With adequate circulation and bronchial arterial flow, the vitality of the lung parenchyma is maintained, but alveolar hemorrhage may occur as a result of ischemic damage to the endothelial cells.
With compromised cardiovascular status, as may occur with congestive heart failure, infarction results. The more peripheral the embolic occlusion, the higher the risk of infarc- tion. About three fourths of all infarcts affect the lower lobes, and more than half are multiple. Characteristically, they are wedge-shaped, with their base at the pleural surface and the apex pointing toward the hilus of the lung. Pulmonary infarcts typically are hemorrhagic and appear as raised, red-blue areas in the early stages
On histologic examination, the hallmark of fresh infarcts is coagulative necrosis of the lung parenchyma and hemorrhage.


Where do large pulmonary artery theombi arise from?

What are the risk factors of PE?


Almost all large pulmonary artery thrombi are embolic in origin, usually arising from the deep veins of the lower leg.
• Risk factors include prolonged bedrest, leg surgery, severe trauma, CHF, use of oral contraceptives (especially those with high estrogen content), disseminated cancer, and
genetic causes of hypercoagulability.
• The vast majority (60% to 80%) of emboli are clinically
silent, a minority (5%) cause acute cor pulmonale, shock, or death (typically from large “saddle emboli”), and the remaining cause pulmonary infarction.
• Risk of recurrence is high.


The pulmonary circulation normally is one of low resis- tance; pulmonary blood pressures are only about one eighth of systemic pressures. Pulmonary hypertension (when mean pulmonary pressures reach one fourth or more of systemic levels) is most often secondary to a decrease in the cross-sectional area of the pulmonary vascular bed, or to increased pulmonary vascular blood flow. T
True ir false
What are the causes of secndary pulmonary hypertension
What is primary or idiopathic pulmonary hypertension


. The causes of secondary pulmonary hypertension include:
• Chronic obstructive or interstitial lung disease, which is accompanied by destruction of lung parenchyma and consequent reduction in alveolar capillaries. This causes increased pulmonary arterial resistance and secondarily, elevated arterial pressure.
• Recurrent pulmonary emboli. Presence of these emboli leads to a reduction in the functional cross-sectional area of the pulmonary vascular bed, leading in turn to increased vascular resistance.
• Antecedent heart disease, for example, mitral stenosis, which increases left atrial pressure, leading to higher pulmonary venous pressures, and ultimately pulmo- nary arterial hypertension. Congenital left-to-right shunts are another cause of secondary pulmonary hypertension.
Uncommonly, pulmonary hypertension exists even though all known causes of increased pulmonary pressure have been excluded; this is referred to as primary, or idiopathic, pulmonary arterial hypertension.


Vascular alterations in all forms of pulmonary hypertension involve the entire arterial tree and include which three arteries?

Persons with idio- pathic pulmonary arterial hypertension have characteristic what?


Vascular alterations in all forms of pulmonary hypertension (primary and secondary) involve the entire arterial tree (Fig. 12–28) and include (1) in the main elastic arteries, ath- eromas similar to those in systemic atherosclerosis; (2) in medium-sized muscular arteries, proliferation of myo- intimal cells and smooth muscle cells, causing thickening of the intima and media with narrowing of the lumina; and (3) in smaller arteries and arterioles, thickening, medial hypertrophy, and reduplication of the internal and external elastic membranes. In these vessels, the wall thickness may exceed the diameter of the lumen, which is sometimes nar- rowed to the point of near-obliteration. Persons with idio- pathic pulmonary arterial hypertension have characteristic plexiform lesions, in which endothelial proliferation forms multiple lumina within small arteries where they branch from a medium-sized artery.


Non tuberculois mycobacteria most commonly cause what kind of pupmoanry disease? Which organisms usually cause it?
This infection can manifest as what?
What chronic pulmonary disease is often present
In immunosuppressed patients M avium complex infection manifests ad what?


Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Disease
Nontuberculous mycobacteria most commonly cause chronic but clinically localized pulmonary disease in immunocompetent persons. In the United States, strains implicated most frequently include Mycobacterium avium- intracellulare (also called M. avium complex), Mycobacterium kansasii, and Mycobacterium abscessus. It is not uncommon for nontuberculous mycobacterial infection to manifest as upper lobe cavitary disease, mimicking tuberculosis, espe- cially in patients with a long history of smoking or alcohol abuse. Concomitant chronic pulmonary disease (COPD, cystic fibrosis, pneumoconiosis) is often present.
In immunosuppressed persons (primarily HIV-seropositive patients), M. avium complex infection manifests as dis- seminated disease, associated with systemic signs and symptoms (fever, night sweats, weight loss). Hepato- splenomegaly and lymphadenopathy, signifying involve- ment of the mononuclear phagocyte system by the opportunistic pathogen, is common, as are gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and malabsorption.


Tissue exam in disseminated M avium complex infection in patients w AIDs do not reveal granulomas but reveal what instead?


Disseminated M. avium complex infec- tion in patients with AIDS tends to occur late in the clinical course, when CD4+ counts have fallen below 100 cells/μL. Hence, tissue examination usually does not reveal granu- lomas; instead, foamy histiocytes “stuffed” with atypical mycobacteria typically are seen.


Among the major histologic subtypes of lung cancer, which types show the strongest association w tobacco exposure?


squamous and small-cell carcinomas show the strongest association with tobacco exposure.


What are carcinoid tumours?
What are they classified into?
Most carcinoids originate where and grow in one of two patterns name them
Histologically what is seen in carcinoids?

Atypical carcinoid tumors display a higher mitotic rate (but less than small or large cell carcinomas) and focal necrosis. The atypical tumors have a higher incidence of lymph node and distant metastasis than typical carcinoids. Unlike typical carcinoids, the atypical subset demonstrates TP53 mutations in 20% to 40% of cases. Typical carcinoid, atypical carcinoid, and small cell carcinoma can be considered to represent a continuum of increasing histologic aggressiveness and malignant potential within the spectrum of pul- monary neuroendocrine neoplasms.
True or false


Carcinoid tumors are malignant tumors composed of cells that contain dense-core neurosecretory granules in their cytoplasm and, rarely, may secrete hormonally active poly- peptides. They are classified into typical (low-grade) and atypical (intermediate-grade) carcinoids; both are often resectable and curable. They occasionally occur as part of the multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome (Chapter 19). Bronchial carcinoids occur at an early age (mean 40 years) and represent about 5% of all pulmonary neoplasms.

Most carcinoids originate in main bronchi and grow in one of two patterns: (1) an obstructing polypoid, spherical, intraluminal mass (Fig. 12–49, A); or (2) a mucosal plaque penetrating the bronchial wall to fan out in the peribronchial tissue—the so-called collar-button lesion.
Even these pene- trating lesions push into the lung substance along a broad front and are therefore reasonably well demarcated. Periph- eral carcinoids are less common. Although 5% to 15% of carcinoids have metastasized to the hilar nodes at presenta- tion, distant metastases are rare. Histologically, typical car- cinoids, like their counterparts in the intestinal tract, are composed of nests of uniform cells that have regular round nuclei with “salt-and-pepper” chromatin, absent or rare mitoses, and little pleomorphism (Fig. 12–49, B).