Creative Writing Flashcards


Criteria commication and organisation 24 marks


coherent and controlled
plot and characterisation- w developed, highly detailed experience, imagination, originality
clear and imagination - sophyiscated and engage reader interest
structure and grammatical features used ambitiously - gives writing cohension and conherrence
communication ambitious and consistently conveys precise meaning
it makes sense
plot has purpose and direction
clear link to title/task

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critieria vocubaulry, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation
16 marks


varied sentence structures
all sentence construction controlled and accurate
range of punctuation
control of tense and agreement is secure
wide range of ambitious vocabulary that is related, create effect and convey precise meaning

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writing guide
 1) 4 lines. 2) 5 lines. 3) 6 lines. 4) 5 lines. 5) 7 lines. 6)1 line. 7) 2 lines. 8) 3 lines. 9) 4 lines. 10) 3 lines. 11) 2 lines. 12) 4 lines. 13) 3 lines. 14) 4 lines. 15) 1 line 
16 marks for VVSPAG, 24 marks for rest
Every paragraph is a different point of view/ action
The time frame is 20 minutes
15 paragraphs 
Avoid ‘was’/ use active language
1- 3 abstract nouns, cyclical start, verb
2- oxymoron. Foreshadowing. Build up
4- Problem 
5- build up 
6 short 
7 short 
9. Repetition. Short sentences. Hyperbole. Climax.
10. imagery, climax 
11. Climax 
12 (Build down. Symbolism. Ellipsis. 
14 cyclical end. Resolution. Plot twist.
15. Short sentence. (No cliffhanger)
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sentences to use (weather)


Rain- Trickling down, dewy tears of rain blessed every hair of grass as it seeped into the delicate soil. Fresh earthly smells of petrichor permeated the misty air. Peacefully closing my eyes, gleam-drops of silver gently touched my face. The sky darkened. An ominous sign. Immediately, the fragile, light drops transformed into a heartless downpour - like heavy, weaponised missiles. The torrential rain relentlessly pulverised the exhausted terrestrial ground- missiles of mass destruction that didn’t have any compassion to the feeble hairs of grass. Pure destruction. Gradually, odious musky smells invaded my nostrils - the scent of the grass’ blood and rain mixed in sickly and grotesquely. Pounding against my skin, bruising it with every drop, the clouds cruelly commanded for the missiles to continuously descend. I could sense the deep loathing of the clouds; each and every rain drop that fell wounded and battered me hatefully.

Storm- Lightning flashed across the sky. An omen. The wind howled; agitated trees shook. Leaves violently fluttered as they were ripped from the branches. Blowing wind leapt towards me like a beast, biting me with the freezing cold. The rampaging clouds obscured the sun/moon, churning grimly in the black sky. Deafening thunder sounded through, booming and penetrating my ears, as the skies blackened further. Shivers shot up my spine.

Sunny- The sapphire sky had a aura of brightness as the light flickered through. The sun, finding it’s way from the horizon, shone it’s lucid sunlight. Fluffy streaks of white were scattered across the sky. The air was filled with tranquility. Song birds were harmonically humming lullabies, to hush the clouds to sleep as they drifted to dreamland. I basked in the pleasant warmth of the sun.

Cold- The strong scent of chimney smoke pervaded the chilly air. Callous winter was stifling the world with its icy breath, smothering the lands with whalebone-white snow and painting a wintry landscape. Ghost-grey clouds latched to the unending sky. I gazed up. The bleak skies were depressing, illuminating a ghostly glow on my face. Trudging along, crispy sounds of the crunched snow filled the air. Freezing gusts of wind harassed me along the way. Quivering, I rubbed my frozen hands. The trees - although barren - swayed softly, like a mother that tenderly comforts their newborn. Receiving an immense amount of encouragement, I marched enthusiastically with a sense of youthful exuberance, as the trees cheered on sweetly.

Hot- The fiery fires of the sweltering sun could not be controlled. It lashed out, scorching every single creature on earth. Roasting, boiling, and burning. The sun was cruel and vicious, cooking everything living and dead. Thousands of beads of sweat rolled down my forehead, it was the hottest it has ever been in human history. I was akin to a fried egg sizzling in a pan. However, the chef clearly had no idea of what they’re doing as I was being extremely overcooked. I had a loving hate with the summer: “less is more”, is what people say. I loved the calming warmth it brings, but sometimes it gets too hot to the point you can’t tell if you’re standing in a volcano or not. Dying, panting, and suffering, I was incredibly thirsty. Longing for a cool cup of water, I wobbled and staggered around (but even the coldest cup of water from Antarctica would not be enough to combat this scorching heat). It was too overwhelming. However, I was not alone in this torment. There was misery everywhere. The plants were wilting under the intense tyranny of the sun, begging for mercy - but the pleas were to no avail, the tyrant’s torture did not cease as it became vitalised from their pain. I was fed up of this heat. Enormously fed up. Fatigued and feverish from the blazing temperatures, I fanned my face with my hat (in attempts to cool down).

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sentences to use (emotion)


Anger - Rage rapidly thrummed through my veins. Violent raging flames chaotically assaulted my mind - blurring my vision and sense of self. The scissors of my mind cut the last string of sanity. Clenching my trembling fists, scowling with bloodshot eyes, a vortex of fiery anger swirled inside me.

Happy- Joy unfolded like a blossoming flower. Beaming with a bright broad smile, my soul soared to the heavens. Suffused with sparkling delight, I could not help bouncing side to side, gleefully grinning with a silly but blissful smile. My head was high up in the clouds of heaven itself.

Sad- The dam that stopped my mind from the brink of overflowing tears broke. Tears pooled my misty eyes, quiet weak sobs rose in my throat, and a great icy pang gripped my aching heart. Waves of irremediable sorrow flooded my mind and I resisted the urge to bawl my eyes out…I wiped my red-rimmed eyes and let out a miserable, melancholic sigh.

Fear- Paralysed with fear, I struggled as anxiety eclipsed my mind. Fear stabbed my heart, terror pulsed through my blood, dread twisted in my gut. The knife blade of horror plunged ruthlessly into my heart and twisted painfully. Words were strangled in my throat. I was stunned - as if thunder stuck me. My eyes flickered and darted around in a frantic manner. Lightning bolts of panic struck me ruthlessly. Electrocuting my brain and immobilising my body, there was no kindness in its savage assailment.

Disgust- Revolting. Slightly trembling, I felt a deep disgust and repulsion. I adjusted my balance as I squeezed my stomach. My expression soured. Queasy and nauseous, I averted my gaze away, appalled and crinkling my face until it became like crumpled paper.

Confused- Swallowing excessively, lines formed between my eyebrows as I struggled to comprehend this bewildering mystery. Perplexed and puzzled, I tilted my head and inhaled deeply. Nothing. Still blank. Scratching my cheek - and then rubbing my chin - I opened and closed my mouth several times. Still nothing.

Surprise - Amazed, astonished, wordless. Eyes widened. Mouth agape. My eyebrows raised high up to the skies; my jaw dropped completely to the ground, gaping. With a sharp intake of breath, I exclaimed out, “I can’t believe it!”
I was frozen and absolutely flabbergasted.

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sentences to use (actions)


Ran - I filled my lungs with the cool, crisp air as I bolted forward. The wind whipped my hair. Adrenaline coursed through my veins. How long was I running for? Layers of sweat covered the nape of my neck. Wisps of steam in the air formed as I breathed out unsteadily. Pounding my feet across the ground, my body convulsed uncontrollably as the burning pain violently pumped through my legs. I felt faint. My entire body system was in agony- oxygen rapidly depleted. My surroundings spun. I lost my balance. My legs skidded across the coarse ground. A gash formed on my scraped knee. It hurts. The throbbing pain terrorised my mind. It hurts…it hurts so badly. I struggled to get a hold of myself - letting out muffled groans and whimpers, and laying there on the cold ground. Gradually, I slowly got up, adjusting myself. Breathing out huffs of air, everything befuddled my senses: the hotness of my cheeks; the excruciating aching of my limbs; the torturing pain of the gash; the bitter cold air that strained my lungs, and the waterfalls of sweat that’s trickling down.

Hug- I leapt/propelled towards them and embraced them tightly - capturing them firmly in my arms. I didn’t know if it was the warmness, or my hysterical emotions, but I was melted away - like marshmallows in hot chocolate. It was warm and fuzzy. So comforting, and soothing. I didn’t want to let go, squeezing the person protectively. It was a tight, desperate hug - as if I still haven’t grasped the situation - still stuck in the previous moment. The pain and fear of it - but everything was fine now…

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sentences to use (tension)


I held my breath.

I sucked in a sharp intake of breath.

Everything was a blur…(insert)…(insert)…

The atmosphere was full of tension.
Stifled by the uncomfortableness of the situation.
My thoughts went rampant.
Stabilising my thoughts,

I paused.

No! No!

Everything was my fault!

Thoughts raced across my mind.

Apprehensive, agitated and fidgety.

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sentences to use (environment part 1)


City- I stood transfixed at the middle of the pavement, The sun, hidden behind the puffy clouds, radiated its luminescence onto the towering skyscrapers. Dashes of metallic colours darted through the roads. Beeps, screeches and shouts echoed through the metropolis, creating a cacophony of sounds that danced off the hanging opalescent sky. Dazzling, blinding lights could be seen at all angles- neon, vibrant, colourful lights. I was entranced by all the vividly beaming signs of the bars and hotels, tempting people in - like moths lured to a flame. It was a magical sight.

Home- Speckles of white light, perfused with white, illuminated the house through the glossy glass panes. Sitting comfortably by the windowsill, I lethargically rested my head as I indulged in the warmth of the sunlight. It was a humble, modest room - and a very cosy one. Every step made the floorboards creak, paints were peeling off the wall, and the obnoxious next-door neighbour could be heard through the thin walls connecting the houses - yet it was somewhat lovable. Engrossed in my own relaxation, I failed to notice the clacking of the front doors.

Forest- Inhaling the sweet surrounding scent of the moist earthly dew, I was captivated. A forgotten land, a isolated forest that has remained in a capsule - untouched by mankind. Formidable fortresses of the forest guarded the lands- tall, towering trees stood proud and tall as protectors of the tranquility; they possessed a sweet serenity that kept all comforted in the forest. Nature and the fragrance of leaves permeated through the sublime forest. Bewitched by the beautiful sights and scents, I stepped further inside. I was not welcomed. Immediately engulfed by darkness, the leafy dome encapsulated me, seemingly wanting to trap me. The sky vanished almost completely, only a few fragments could be seen - like scattered pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. The branches creaked at me in hostility at my entrance. The soft serenity of the trees turned into a menacing eeriness. The dark shadows of the voluminous trees enveloped me with blackness. Swaying intimidatingly, the trees observed me. Crack. The shriek of the twig beneath me. Birds, alarmed by the sudden noise, cawed at me and flew away. Making my way through the forest, various of cracking noises and cries of help from the twigs could be heard. The rusting foliage, broken twigs and crackling leaves repelled the residents of the forests - various wild rodents of all sizes scurried and scampered away as I strolled through. The further I walked, the more the surroundings twisted sinisterly - seemingly wanting vengeance. I felt a twinge of guilt as I trod, but it could not be helped. Firing up my spirits, I carefully but energetically continued my way through the forest.

Sea- The vast sea, a rippling blanket of navy blue - it was Poseidon’s realm: endless and beautiful, yet ominous. The pelagic smell of saline waves lingered everywhere. Wading out to the sea, the water climbed up from my ankles to my neck, soaking me. Without realising, I went too far. Turbulent waters smashed destructively against the brittle rocks. Huge, mountainous, looming waves dangerously approached. Suddenly, they surged, planning to drown me. I was submerged in the waters- icy, freezing and dark waters. Plunged in darkness, a bone-chilling sensation overtook me, engulfing me in fear. Desperately kicking my legs and frantically flapping my arms, I flailed my limbs in attempt to stay afloat, as the sea suffocated me. I surfaced, coughing and spluttering - spitting out bitter salty seawater. The tides rushed over maliciously, spotting I was still alive. I, once more, was immersed in the cold despair of the sea. It was a fierce battle. I was like a lamb to a wolf; a fish to a shark. I wanted to survive - I must survive - I didn’t want to lose. I kicked and kicked and kicked. Surfacing once more, I drew in oxygen, tasting the sweetness of life. I gasped for air. The strain and lack of oxygen was taking a toll. Dizzy and asphyxiated, the waters swirled powerfully as energy left my body - which sank, deeper and deeper. I lost the fight.

Beach- Silver-blue dots of white floated past in the skies. Played by the sea, the humming of a mermaid’s melody could be heard - like a lullaby calming enough to ease a screaming baby. Gazing out, I stood in a daze - mesmerised. Swish. Swish. The water foamed and cascaded calmly before receding back into the vast, cerulean-blue expanse. The waves rhythmically danced to the tune of the ocean, going up…and then down…and then up again. Wandering through, the softness beneath me relaxed my heart- as my feet seeped into the sandy sugary clouds. The beach was dipped in rose-gold; it beautifully sparkled with the sublime, glimmering oceans.

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sentences to use (people)


Child - Children. Hysterical, wailing, rowdy, and noisy. As the beeping rang out, little scurrying gremlins flew out. Some charging for the cookies, some bolting to the toys. Both the cookies and toys trembled in fear, petrified, as they watched the bloodthirsty army of miniature monsters sprint towards them. Screaming, shrieking, shouting, the children had no mercy on the innocent bystanders. Ghastly screeching - akin to chimpanzees on steroids - penetrated my ears. Dreadfully, some of the children took a curiosity in me: pulling on my hair and attempting to bite me, they were absolutely abdominal pocket-sized demons. I swiftly removed my arm every time they pounced. They mistook it for playful teasing, and were resolutely determined to chomp on me with their tiger-shark teeth. It was a shame for them as I didn’t want any of their slobbery saliva smothered on my arms. I had a strong desire to retreat right there and then, but restrained myself (lest they followed me all the way to my safe paradise, tainting it with their slimy and grimy hands).

Elder- I remembered it vividly: the sweet yet nostalgic aroma of lavender perfume that perfused through the air when she was near; the gentle yet graceful smile she always carried; her wrinkles- the map of her soul; she was more motherly than my own mother. Grandma. Frail and elderly, she always seemed as if a light breeze would blow her away - like an old candle that flickered on the verge of death.

Crowd- A hellish swarm. Thundering, tumultuous noises rang out. Cramped, yelling and squashed, the crowd of people were buzzing wasps attracted to one flower. Everyone squeezed into a seemingly claustrophobic environment- which was purely due to the enormous amount of people around. The air was stuffy and suffocating as buzzes filled the street. The cracked ground, regularly abused by the usual trodding passerby, seemed to shed tears. Every foot-step was like a wasp’s sting, damaging the worn-out pavement.

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Sentences to use (environment part 2)


Beautiful - Silver fingers of light steamed through the leafy canopy of over-hanging trees, catching the pollen and spores that sparkled and danced in the scent-laden air.

Chaotic-It was like a crammed school locker at the end of year. Everything was crazily disordered and out of control. Havoc wrecked and rampaged. Cluttered and jumbled objects were scattered everywhere. A mess.

Night - The ethereal night sky was aglow with flickering city lights. A crescent claw, resting in the black veil of the night, sprinkled silvery moonlight onto the ground. I looked up at the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity, gazing admiringly at the celestial fabric that was splattered with white.

Afternoon- The sky was ablaze with the golden fire of the setting sun. Warmer, richer colours overtook, dying the clouds in red and orange hues. Looking straight ahead, half of the blazing solar star was in my eyes, faintly looking back at me. Everything was bathed in amber light as the sun, worn-out and fatigued, decided to retire for the day - disappearing below the horizon.

Day- Mellow tweeting of the early-risers, the distinct smell of the fresh and crisp air, and the gentle cool breeze. The trees yawned softly as the emerging sun shone its radiating light upon the world. It was the signal of a new start as the day dawned- bringing new hopes and aspirations. The aroma of deliciously-cooked breakfast wafted through the air. Rubbing my bleary eyes, I drowsily dragged my half-awake body downstairs.

Depressing- The street was desolate; and the storefronts were devoid of displays. Abandoned and uninhabited. Nothing but the deadly silence rang out. Sombre skies hovered over dilapidated buildings. Cobwebs collected in the corners of signs and gloomy vines wrapped around houses. The place was as barren as a farmland overtaken by disease, starvation and death. It was bleak, depressing and lifeless - devoid of joy. I glanced at the ruins with a solemn expression as my eyes reflected the dullness of the houses.

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Story (drowning)


The vast sea, a rippling blanket of navy blue - it was Poseidon’s realm: endless and beautiful, yet ominous. The pelagic smell of saline waves lingered everywhere. Wading out to the sea, the water climbed up from my ankles to my neck, soaking me. Engrossed in my own excitement, I failed to notice I had gone out too far.

Lightning flashed across the sky. An omen. The wind howled; agitated trees shook. Leaves violently fluttered as they were ripped from the branches. Blowing gusts of wind leapt towards me like a beast, biting me with the freezing cold. The rampaging clouds obscured the sun, churning grimly in the dark sky. Deafening thunder sounded through, booming and penetrating my ears, as the skies blackened further. Shivers shot up my spine.

Turbulent waters smashed destructively against the brittle rocks. Huge, mountainous and looming waves dangerously approached. Suddenly, they surged, planning to drown me.

I was submerged in the waters - icy, freezing, harsh waters. Plunged in darkness, a bone-chilling sensation overtook me, engulfing me in fear. Anxiety eclipsed my mind. Desperately kicking my legs and frantically flapping my arms, I flailed my limbs in attempt to stay afloat. My thoughts went rampant.

The sea suffocated me.

No! No! Words were strangled in my throat. Lightning bolts of panic ruthlessly struck me- electrocuting my brain and immobilising my body. There was no mercy in its savage assailment. The sea’s piercing coldness choked my lungs; the putrid seawater assaulted my nostrils.

I surfaced, coughing and spluttering - spitting out bitter salty seawater. The raging tides rushed over maliciously, spotting I was still alive. I, once more, was immersed in the deep despair of the sea. It was a fierce battle. I was like a lamb to the wolf; a fish to the shark. I was just a feeble and pitiable prey to the powerful predator, the sea. I wanted to survive - I must survive - I didn’t want to lose. I kicked and kicked and kicked. Surfacing once more, I drew in oxygen, tasting the sweetness of life. I gasped for air. The strain and lack of oxygen was taking a toll. Dizzy and asphyxiated, the waters swirled vigorously as energy left my body - which sank, deeper and deeper…I lost the fight.

In the peripheral vision of my hazy eyes, devoid of hope, I saw a figure. A figure was in the distance - my only and last ladder to life. The fire to live ignited in me again. Adrenaline coursed through my veins. My body convulsed uncontrollably as searing pain violently pumped through my legs. Everything befuddled my mind: the excruciating aching of my limbs; the throbbing pain of my strained lungs and the hot burning sensation in my legs. Mustering up my remaining energy, I filled my lungs with the cool crisp air as I propelled forward. How long was I swimming for? A throbbing pain terrorised my mind. My entire body system was in agony - oxygen was being rapidly depleted. I felt faint…my surroundings spun…my vision darkened.

A hand reached out. A miracle. I grabbed it. Pulling the hand, I embraced the figure tightly, hanging onto them for my life. I captured them firmly in my arms. I didn’t know if it was the warmness of their body heat, or my hysterical emotions, but I was melted away - like marshmallows in hot chocolate.

It was warm and fuzzy. Comforting and soothing.

The dam that stopped my mind from the brink of overflowing tears broke. Tears pooled my misty eyes, quiet weak sobs rose in my throat, and a great icy pang gripped my heart. Waves of irremediable sorrow flowed my mind. I didn’t want to let go - squeezing the person intensely. It was a tight, desperate hug - as if I still haven’t grasped the situation - still stuck in the previous moment. The pain, fear and dread of it - but everything was fine now…

Silver dots of white floated past the skies. Played by the sea, the humming of a siren’s song could be heard. It was a lullaby calming enough to ease a screaming infant, yet so deadly, beckoning sailors to their deaths.

Gazing out, I sat in a daze and a wretched state- still trapped in the nightmarish experience. I rubbed my red-rimmed eyes and let out a melancholic, miserable sigh.

Swish. Swish. The water foamed and cascaded calmly before receding back into the vast, cerulean blue expanse. The waves rhythmically danced to the tune of the ocean, going up…and then going down…and then up again. Everything was calm now.

The sea was Poseidon’s realm. Vast and everlastingly enchanting, but ever so deadly.

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