essays Flashcards



Evaluate effectiveness of preparation – developing

  • PAGASA, the Philippines’ meteorological agency - broadcast warnings two
    days before it hit
  • Did evacuate 750 000 people for coastline homes to more protective ones
  • assisted in tracking hurricane with data from Japan
    wide range of areas given warning - public storm warning protocol
  • Emergency supplies were pre-positioned by the Philippines Red Cross before
    the typhoon struck. Supplies such as rice, canned food, cooking oil, salt and
    sugar were ready to be distributed when Typhoon Haiyan made landfall.


  • Only 2 days warning
  • didn’t have access to good forecast systems so limited prep
  • the evacuation buildings couldn’t withstand the storm surges of 4-7m and torrential rain that led to landslides and so failed
  • 7000 deaths and 1.9 million homeless
  • Oil spills ruined mangrove plantations and 71 000 hectares of farmland spoiled
  • Didn’t predict storm surges so Tacloban airport flooded
  • people didn’t understand severity of situation = PAGASA did not convey =
    interviews said they did not understand what storm surge meant but had the
    authorities used the terms tsunami or tidal wave people would have evacuated.
  • people didn’t understand severity of situation = PAGASA did not convey =
    interviews said they did not understand what storm surge meant but had the
    authorities used the terms tsunami or tidal wave people would have evacuated.
  • originally only level 1 warning given
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HURRICANE -Importance of primary and secondary impacts – developing

  • 7000 dead,
  • 30 000 fishing boats destroyed, this has a huge impact on local fishing community as large industry and main source of income for many
  • Storm surges 4-7m , large destruction and caused coastal flooding, infrastructure was already very week so destroyed a lot
  • 600 000 people displaced, a large amount of people effected whos lives will be disrupted and very difficult to find a new place for everyone straight after
  • 40 000 homes destroyed, difficult economically also as LIC many people don’t have good insurance systems and so will find it difficult to recover
  • 400mm of rain , causes stress on slops and so leads to landslides
  • Tacloban city airport flooded, planes couldn’t land, hard to access and so difficult for emergency services and for trade etc, very costly
  • Rice, corn, sugar production destroyed, main source of income, secondary sector is huge so bad


- Shortage of food, water and aid , many people stuck or malnourished leading to deaths later on  - Landslides, blocked roads so hard to access people who are buried etc  - Morgues overwhelmed by deaths, mass burials - 6 million displaced and lost income  - Disruption of education and live hoods, schools and hospitals damaged  - Power supplies cut off for a month, disrupts everything - Lotting and violence, police had trouble controlling,
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Importance of primary and secondary impacts – developed


Primary (developed)

  • $125bn damage, detrimental and took a long time to repair etc
  • Over 800 Houston area flights were cancelled, bad for economy, disrupts life etc
  • 103 people died
  • 500,000 vehicles were damaged, financially bad etc
  • 300,000 structures were destroyed
  • Cotton fields damaged, harvest ruined, less money etc so knock-on effect on people’s lives


  • Gas prices rose - 25% of oil & gas production closed, so oil production decreased by 10%, therefore oil prices rose which put stress on people and negatively impacted economy
  • Long term economic investment was reduced due to the destruction
  • Chemical spill from pipeline, contaminated flood waters, difficult to clean and took a long time
  • Stagnant water carried West Nile virus, many people sick which put more strain on already pressured health services due to hurricane
  • Alligators scary idk
  • Damage to swamp on the coastline,
  • Insurance bill of $10bn, very expensive
  • Lots of unemployment, less disposable income so less spending, economic spiral
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evaluate whether the impacts of tectonic hazards on emerging or developing countries are greater than those in developed countries

  • 100 000 deaths compared to 185 in Christchurch = large difference shows how earthquakes are often more fatal for developing = less deaths even though Christchurch had two earthquakes
  • 138 000 injured > 300 injured
  • Developing rely more on agriculture and so Kashmir was impacted worse = with 90% of livestock killed = bad long-term impacts on economy and farmers as they lose all their income
  • More deaths and social impacts as less capacity to cope due to less funds for earthquake prep = also have less forecasting abilities
  • Long term impacts worse as many people died due to hypothermia in camps as 3.5 million people displaced and Kashmir as a LIC didn’t have facilities to evacuate everyone and then to find housing whereas Christchurch was able to evacuate most citizens and provide shelter for all but also quickly adapted - Could argue that Kashmir had a greater magnitude of 7.6Mw compared to 7.1Mw and 6.3Mw of Christchurch = therefore impacts greater


  • Could argue that location and environment also influence intensity of impacts as Kashmir was in remote steep mountains so harder to access and therefore impacts worse not due to development
  • Christchurch 40 billion dollars economic losses = 3rd most expensive in history due to high valued buildings = Economists suggest it will 50+ years for the economy to completely recover = so maybe worse in developed
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Assess the importance of the primary and secondary impacts of earthquakes in a developed country

  • 7.1Mw Earthquake (2010) followed by 6.3Mw in 2011 – along a previously unknown fault line, two earthquakes made it worse as not prepared for second one
  • Caught out by second earthquake
  • 185 killed – mainly from CTV building collapse, however deaths aren’t as severe as other tectonic events
  • $40bn in economic losses – the 3rd most expensive in history! , detrimental for economy
  • Over 3,000 people injured
  • 100,000 buildings damaged (including Cathedral) and over 10,000 needed to be demolished


- Significant liquefaction lead to infrastructure loss (older building and transport systems) - Large impact on transport networks, very expensive to rebuild also hindered response teams  - Produced 400,000 tonnes of silt - Collapsed CTV building caught fire when pipelines ruptured - Schools had to amalgamate, educations affected for a few months  - Loss of tourism and finance problems for locals, more unemployment, so less spending, whole economy suffers long term, people moved away in response to earthquake  - Economists suggest it will 50+ years for the economy to completely recover, very important and detrimental
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Evaluate the effectiveness of tectonic hazard management strategies in either a named emerging or developing country

  • various aid provided from US marine and Afghanistan, which was further amplified due to Ramadan. The Un also provided 2.4m blankets, 1.2m quilts and 200,00 tarpaulin sheets to provide tents for the displaced individuals.
  • traditional Dhaji Dewari buildings did work (Loss of skilled laborer’s and deforestation mean that this was limited!), strong and sturdy buildings
  • the taurplin tents were successful as protected people from harsh wind and cold and were easy to set up, also weren’t made of metal so didn’t heat u[, good temporary and quick fix , donated by UN


  • Poor tectonic hazard management strategies in Pakistan
  • Limited long-term planning as Pakistan were more focused on economic growth and so didn’t care to focus on seismic buildings and earthquake prep
  • Population also weren’t educated on earthquake responses and drills so after event quite disorganised
  • Pakistani govt encouraged work force to emigrate (attract foreign currency remittances)
  • Economic core location choices (means other areas have less funding)
    • High agricultural dependency means affected areas suffer more
  • Limited and weak building regulations meant most of modern buildings weren’t strengthened and collapsed especially school buildings of very low quality
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Evaluate the effectiveness of tectonic hazard management strategies in a named developed country

  • good geopolitical relationships with other countries in new Zealand = Rescue crews from all over the world came to help within 12 hrs (Japan, USA, UK, Taiwan, Australia and other countries)= Aid money poured in – Australia gave $5 million (Aus $) in aid = helped with immediate impacts
  • Colour coding practice of engineers meant Christchurch was divided into four zones after the earthquake to aid in future mitigation (Green, Orange, White, Red depending on level of damage and usability) = quick and effiecnt and allowed to focus on buildings that actually need help = very effective = trauma technique
  • However chemical toilets quickly places and isolation tents for control of gastroenteritis


- Lots of modern high value buildings didn’t have seismic focus and so resulted in 100 000 buildings damaged and 10 000 demolished  - Outbreak of gastroenteritis that was spread quickly after earthquake  - However forecasting and detection systems didn’t prepare = didn’t know of fault line underneath city
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Asses how far economic growth has had a negative impact on the environment

  • Population density increase in cities such as shanghai which results I high amount of vehicle emissions = fused with emissions from fossil fuel power plants and industry factories = terrible air quality and high amounts of air pollution = Breathing Beijing’s air = smoking almost 40 cigarettes a day = pollution causes 1.6m deaths a year in China, or 17% of the total = negative on environment and contributes to greenhouse effect
  • Industry uses water = 60% of underground water polluted = kills plants and animals
  • land is needed for cities, food and industry, = Consumers want forest-based products, e.g. commercial logging, converting forests to agriculture, urban and industrial expansion, mining, overgrazing, reservoirs, etc = deforestation causes flooding, soil erosion and climate change (removal of CO2 sink) = It also leads to desertification – which makes the ground infertile, which affects farmer livelihood, and national food security


- however, development has allowed funding of national forest conservation program = planting forests on a larger scale than anywhere else on the planet =. Bans logging and compensates citizens who monitor activities = forests are recovering 1.6% - Could be argued population increase is bigger negative impact  - Education increases
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Asses how far rapid economic development has changed the geopolitical influence

  • Increasing political role in south china sea = this is because main sea trade route (development has lead to this) = have become protective over this particularly as they fear Indonesia/ Malaysia will cut off from Malacca strait which is very important route for them = so have tried to control
  • Furthermore, part of UN security council which has allowed it to influence decisions = eg blocked USA from aiding Syria due to Russia = has more significant place now as more developed and powerful
  • Development has allowed it to invest in other countries such as Africa = 3rd largest investor in Africa – in Angola has 650 companies that are helping such as with building of mall = however they differ from the west in their investment as they don’t care about exploitation and instead promote it = they have flooded market with cheap items which has driven local companies out = eg clothes market went down 12% due to china -= whereas west countries want to sort out bigger social problems in Africa china would rather exploit
  • Founding member of SCC which has increased political influence and power

Although major regional economic force, the cultural and political influence have not developed at the same rate
- Still have little political power overall unlike USA etc

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Asses how far economic growth has had a negative impact on its population

  • Increase in economic growth attracts people from periphery to move to urban areas for jobs = RUM = causes demographic changes = and densely populated shanghai = lots of vehicles and air pollution as result of industry = 40 cigarettes a day = 1.6 millions death = heart disease = bronchitis’s = bad
  • Inequality and huge disparity I income and wealth across country with deprived periphery such as Uighur region = very few rich individuals in city and otherwise poorer people
  • RUM = also means young people move to city for jobs and education etc but this leaves behind the older people in the rural areas = all alone and strain on services to maintain
  • Furthermore, better healthcare means longer life expectancy = strain on services and healthcare = plus pensions


- Increasing economic growth means government have more income to spend = so can spend on infrastructure such as Pudong airport, Macau bridge, better metro instead of overcrowded ferry’s = these all help improve quality of life as better connected  - Furthermore, can spend on healthcare = healthier safer and better hospitals = live longer and better quality of life = also mean lower fertility rates and infant mortality rates  - Invest in education = shanghai maths = better educated youth grow to have better jobs etc  - Workers migrate to core = higher more competitive skills base = attracts more FDI = generate more GDP = boost economy - TNC investment brings in valuable technological
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Assess how far chinas development has been influenced by its location

  • Shanghai - worlds busiest container port = access to imports/exports = encouraged trade = attracted FDI = Silicon Valley + mainly pharmaceutical companies located in Shanghai = more jobs = Apple has created over 700,000 jobs in China = more disposable income = strengthens domestic economy = government has more tax to invest in other areas such as education (SHANGHAI MATHS EDUCATION POLICY - three years ahead of UK) or infrastructure
  • yellow + Yangtze rivers = early source of settlements to the ancient Chinese = fertile soils allowed growth of crops grain called millet= villages built around these rivers = according to WWF now over 400 million people ive in the area covered by the Yangtze’s river basin = provides about half of all the fish eaten in China, and two-thirds of the rice = Industries and farming there contribute as much as 40% of China’s whole economy


- china shares borders with 14 contiguous countries especially towards the WEST periphery = lead to regional differences as lack of development = lack of trade = isolated - to trade via pacific ocean have to go through malacca strait, east/south china sea, and disputes with japan = has meant china is very territorial and protective over south china sea and is attempting to take control of islands, leads to political tension and so doesn’t aid development 	-	


govenment policy = created SEZ = attracted FDI = lead to TNC investment = generated wealth = better infrastructure = eg. PUDONG AIRPORT + METRO TUNNELS +  Zhuhai-Macau 55km bridge=  better communication = workers migrate towards the core areas, Shanghai = higher more competitive skills base = attracts more FDI = generate more GDP = boost economy
- arguably FDI has had a significant influence = multiplier effect due to jobs etc

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Evaluate impact of government policy on chinas economy/ development

  • eg. Silicon Valley + mainly pharmaceutical companies located in Shanghai = more jobs = Apple has created over 700,000 jobs in China = = more disposable income = strengthens domestic economy = government has more tax to invest in other areas
  • GOVERNMENT policy invested in education (SHANGHAI MATHS EDUCATION POLICIY - three years ahead of UK) = social development = more skilled workforce
  • better infrastructure = eg. PUDONG AIRPORT + METRO TUNNELS +  Zhuhai-Macau 55km bridge=  better communication = workers migrate towards the core areas, Shanghai = higher more competitive skills base = attracts more FDI = generate more GDP = boost economy


- TNCs take advantage of tax incentives = less money to the host country governments  - only placed SEZs in heartland = easy = creates regional inequalities between core and periphery - SOCIAL better infrastructure in core  = more immigration towards core = periphery left in a spiral of economic decline = periphery left with aging population = increased stress on health services = gender imbalance = 170 men to 100 women in some villages = LACK OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT  - = exploitation of cheap labour - SOCIAL  - = environmental impact   - TNC investment greatly increased AIR pollution = Beijing air caused 1.6 million deaths a year 17% of total = 83% of chines are exposed to air that American environmental protection agency would deem ‘unhealthy’ = half population experiences levels of PM2.5 above americas highest threshold = stress on health services
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Assess how far rapid economic change has contributed to demographic change

  • lead to advances in healthcare = decrease in infant mortality rate + increase in life expectancy = older population = stress on services
  • RUM = lead to advances in infrastructure g. PUDONG AIRPORT + METRO TUNNELS + ‚Zhuhai-Macau 55km bridge= ‚better communication = workers migrate towards the core areas, Shanghai = leads to a higher younger population in cities + LEADS TO AGING POPULATION in periphery
  • lower income in periphery = lead to regional differences
  • lead to more TNC wealth = invested in education = women more educated on birth control AND better career opportunities = lower fertility rates


- demographic change a result of chinas one child policy = introduced between 1978-80 = most parents aborted if child was a girl = lower young population AND heavily male population =  gender imbalance = 170 men to 100 women in some villages without prospect of marriage  - government policy = Shanghai maths policy = more educated population?
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