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To what extent does Levine study of cross cultural altruism change our understanding of responses to people in need when compared to Piliavins study?


To a large extent Levine study changes our understanding of responses to people in need because it shows that cultural factors can influence helping behaviour. Piliavins study was carried out in New York and eventhough there was a large sample size of 4450 participants both men and women from different ethnic origins, since they all lived in America they all lived within the same culture.
Levine conducted a cross cultural research in which 23 different countries were included such as Brazil, Malaysia and Singapore. Countries with a culture of simpatia such as Brazil were found to be the most helpful (93.33%) and countries with no such such culture were found to be the least helpful eg Malaysia (40.33%).
The fact that Levines study was able to gain varying levels of helping behaviour across 23 different countries shows that levines study does change our understanding of responses to people in need

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