Leadership and management Flashcards
What are the components of a strategy?
- Where are we now?
- Where do we want to go?
- How do we get there?
What are the stages of team development?
Forming: enthusiasm, anxiety, excitement
Storming: frustration, reality , dissatisfaction
Norming: acceptance, teams forming, cohesions and shared goals
Performing: teamwork, leadership, performance
How would you assess different styles within a team (and criticisms)?
Myers Briggs:
-Introversion vs extroversion
-Sensing vs intuition
-Thinking vs feeling
-Judging vs perceiving
-poor validity
-poor reliability
-categories aren’t independent
-not comprehensive
Describe a change management framework?
Lewin Schein 3 stage model:
- Unfreeze (ensure employees are ready for change, SWOT / PESTLI + stakeholder analysis) - demonstrate need
- Execute change (SMART objectives, GANTT chart, communications strategy)
- Refreeze (ensure changes are sustained) - evaluation
What are the key project management steps (and name some tools)?
Tools include:
-SMART objectives
Describe a stakeholder analysis framwork
Power vs Interest
monitor, keep satisfied, keep informed, manage closely
Describe a framework to understand the culture of an organisation?
Handy - 4 types of organisational culture:
Power - personal power and charisma (small businesses in turbulent environments e.gh. Brewdog)
Person - status based on profession (e.g. law)
Role - hierarchy (big business in stable environments)
Task - task orientated / cooperative teams (service organisations)
What are the 5 functions of management (Fayol)?
- Forecasting and planning (set objectives)
- Control (set targets, measure outcomes, performance manage)
- Organisation (of tasks and resources)
- Command (give instructions and delegate)
- Co-ordination (ensure all staff are working towards common goals)
Describe a conflict model
Assertiveness vs coorperativeness:
Describe 2 leadership theories:
Adair: action centred leadership
1. Task needs (objectives, targets, responsibilities)
2. Group needs (communication, team building, disputes)
3. Individual needs (coaching, counselling, developing)
Blanchard: situational leadership
Describe a theory of motivation?
Maslow hierarchy of needs:
Physiological (e.g. pay)
Safety (e.g. contract)
Love (socials, professional networks)
Self esteem (job title, appraisal)
Self actualisation (promotion)
What is the difference between leadership and management?
Leadership: produces change and movement
1. Establishes direction
2. Aligns people
3. Motivates and inspires
Management: produces order and consistency
1. Planning and budgeting
2. Organisation and staffing
3. Controlling and problem solving
What is the difference between power and authority?
Authority: a legitimized power (voluntary submission to an authority)
-rational-legal (position power)
-charisma (personal power)
-pure rational authority (expertness)
-much broader - possession of controlling influence
-may be non-legitimate
-resource or reward power
-coercive power (fire and reward)
-negative power
In public health, authority comes from expert power
Emergency services, power comes from delegated power
What is the difference between strategy and policy?
Strategy = high level plan - where we want to be and how
Policy = agreed set of measures that contribute to meeting the strategy
describe a framework for evaluating healthcare?
Structure: inputs to the activity (staff, budgets, buildings, beds)
Process: activities (plans, procedures, referral patters, consultations)
Outputs: the products of the activity e.g. number of operations
Outcomes: the changes in health status attributable to the activity